Pilar Manzanares-Lopez, Juan Pedro Mu
noz-Gea, Josemaria Malgosa-Sanahuja
Juan Carlos Sanchez-Aarnoutse and Joan Garcia-Haro
Department of Information Technologies and Communications
Polytechnic University of Cartagena
Campus Muralla del Mar, 30202, Cartagena, Spain
Peer-to-peer networks, anonymity, distributed systems.
In this paper, a new mechanism to achieve anonymity in peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing systems is proposed.
As usual, the anonymity is obtained by means of connecting the source and destination peers through a set of
intermediate nodes, creating a multiple-hop path. The main paper contribution is a distributed algorithm able
to guarantee the anonymity even when a node in a path fails (voluntarily or not). The algorithm takes into
account the inherent costs associated with multiple-hop communications and tries to reach a well-balanced
solution between the anonymity degree and its associated costs. Some parameters are obtained analytically
but the main network performances are evaluated by simulation.
Peer-to-peer networks are one of the most popular
architectures for file sharing. In some of these sce-
narios, users are also interested in keeping mutual
anonymity; that is, any node in the network should
not be able to know who is the exact origin or des-
tination of a message. Traditionally, due to the con-
nectionless nature of IP datagrams, the anonymity is
obtained by means of connecting the source and desti-
nation peers through a set of intermediate nodes, cre-
ating a multiple-hop path between the pairs of peers.
There are various existing anonymous mecha-
nisms with this operation, but the most important are
the mechanisms based in Onion Routing (Reed et al.,
1998) and the mechanisms based in Crowds (Reiter
and Rubin, 1999). The differences between them are
the following: In Onion, the initiator can determine
an anonymous path in advance to hide some identifi-
cation information. When a user wants to establish an
anonymous communication, he will forward its mes-
sage to a Onion proxy. This Onion proxy will ran-
domly select some nodes in the network and will es-
tablish the complete route (called Onion) between the
initiator an the responder. This Onion, is a recursively
layered data structure that contains the information
about the route to be followed over a network. Every
node can only decrypt its corresponding layer with its
private key, therefore, the first node will decrypt the
first layer to see the information about next hop in the
route, and this process will continue until the message
reaches its destination. Tarzan (Freedman and Mor-
ris, 2002), Tor (Dingledine et al., 2004), SSMP (Han
et al., 2005) and (Xiao et al., 2003) are implemented
based on Onion Routing to provide anonymous ser-
On the other hand, in Crowds let middle nodes se-
lect the next hop on the path. A user who wants to
initiate a communication will first send the message
to its node. This node node upon receiving the re-
quest will flip a biased coin, to decide whether or not
to forward this request to another node. The coin de-
cides about forwarding the request based on probabil-
ity p. If the probability is to forward, then it will for-
ward to another node and the process continues. If the
probability is not to forward, then it will directly for-
ward the request to the final destination. Each node
when forwarding to another node records the prede-
cessors information and in this way a path is built,
which is used for communication between the sender
and the receiver. There are several works (Levine
and Shields, 2002), (Mislove et al., 2004), (Lu et al.,
2004), based in the mechanism used by Crowds to
provide anonymity.
Manzanares-Lopez P., Pedro Muñoz-Gea J., Malgosa-Sanahuja J., Carlos Sanchez-Aarnoutse J. and Garcia-Haro J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE/WsMUSE, pages 88-95
DOI: 10.5220/0001338600880095
The above procedure to reach anonymity has two
main drawbacks. The first one is that the peer-to-
peer nature of the network is partially eliminated
since now, peers are not directly connected but there
is a path between them. Therefore, the cost of us-
ing multiple-hop path to provide anonymity is an ex-
tra bandwidth consumption and a additional terminal
(node) overhead.
In addition, as it is known, the peer-to-peer ele-
ments are prone to unpredictable disconnections. Al-
though this fact always affects negatively the system
performances, in an anonymous network it is a dis-
aster since the connection between a pair of peers
probably would fail although both peers are running.
Therefore, a mechanism to restore a path when an un-
predictable disconnection arises is needed but it also
adds an extra network overhead in terms of control
(Wright et al., 2002) presented a comparative
analysis about the anonymity and overhead of sev-
eral anonymous communication systems. This work
presents several results that show the inability of pro-
tocols to maintain high degrees of anonymity with
low overhead in the face of persistent attackers. In
(Sui et al., 2003), authors calculate the number of ap-
pearances that a host makes on all paths in a network
that uses multiple-hop paths to provide anonymity.
This study demonstrates that participant overhead is
determined by number of paths, probability distribu-
tion of the length of path, and number of hosts in the
anonymous communication system.
In this paper we propose an anonymity mecha-
nism for a hybrid P2P network presented in a previ-
ous work (Mu
noz-Gea et al., 2006) based on Crowds
to create the multiple-hops path. However, our mech-
anism introduce a maximum length limit in the path
creation algorithm used by Crowds, in order to retrict
the partipant overhead.
The main paper contribution is a distributed algo-
rithm to restore a path when a node fails (voluntarily
or not). The algorithm takes into account the three
costs outlined above in order to obtain an equilibrated
solution between the anonymity degree and its asso-
ciated costs. The parameters are obtained analytically
and by simulation.
The remainder of the paper is as follows: Section
2 summarizes the main characteristics of our hybrid
P2P architecture. Section 3 and 4 deeply describes the
mechanism to provide anonymity. Section 5 shows
the simulation results and finally, Section 6 concludes
the paper.
Figure 1: General architecture of the system.
In our proposal (Mu
noz-Gea et al., 2006), peers are
grouped into subgroups in an unstructured way. How-
ever, this topology is maintained by means of an struc-
tured lookup mechanism.
Every subgroup is managed by one of the sub-
group members, that we call “subgroup leader node”.
The subgroup leader is the node that has the best
features in terms of CPU, bandwidth and reliability.
When searching for a content, the user will send the
lookup parameters to its local subgroup leader. The
local subgroup leader will resolve the complex query,
obtaining the results of this query.
To allow the subgroup leaders to locate contents
placed in remote subgroups, all the leaders of the net-
work are going to be members of a multicast group.
The structured P2P network can be used to implement
an Application Level Multicast (ALM) service. CAN-
multicast (Ratnasamy et al., 2001b), Chord-multicast
(Ghodsi et al., 2003) and Scribe (Castro et al., 2002)
are ALM solutions based on the structured P2P net-
works CAN (Ratnasamy et al., 2001a), Chord (Sto-
ica et al., 2003) and Pastry (Rowstron and Druschel,
2001), respectively. Anyone of these methods pro-
vides an efficient mechanism to send messages to all
the members of a multicast group.
To implement the structured-based maintenance
of the unstructured topology, all the nodes (peers)
must be immersed into a structured network. There-
fore, every node has an identifier (NodeID), and they
have to contact with an existing node to join this net-
work. Figure 1 describes the general architecture of
the system.
The previous existing node also gives to the new
node the identifier of the subgroup it belongs (Sub-
groupID), and using the structured lookup mechanism
the new node will find the leader of that subgroup.
This is possible because each time a node becomes a
subgroup leader, it must contact with the node which
NodeID fits with the SubgroupID and sends it its own
IP address.
Initially, the new node will try to connect the same
subgroup than the existing node. To do that, the
new node must contact with the leader of this sub-
group, that will accept its union if the subgroup is not
full. However, if there is no room, the new node will
be asked to create a new (randomly generated) sub-
group or it will be asked to join the subgroup that the
resquested leader urged to create previously. The use
of different existing nodes allows the system to fill
up incomplete subgroups. In addition, to avoid the
existence of very small subgroups, the nodes will be
requested by their leader to join another subgroup if
the subgroup size is less than a threshold value.
When a new node finds its subgroup leader, it no-
tifies its resources of bandwidth and CPU. Thus, the
leader forms an ordered list of future leader candi-
dates: the longer a node remains connected (and the
better resources it has), the better candidate it be-
comes. This list is transmitted to all the members of
the subgroup.
In this section we propose a file sharing P2P appli-
cation built over the previous network architecture
which provides mutual anonymity. As it is defined
in (Pfitzmann and Hansen, 2001), a P2P system pro-
vides mutual anonymity when any node in the net-
work, neither the requester node nor any participant
node, should not be able to know with complete cer-
tainty who is the exact origin and destination of a mes-
Our solution defines three different stages. On one
hand, all peers publish their contents within their local
subgroups (publishing). To maintain the anonymity
during this phase, a random walk proceduce will be
used. On the other hand, when a peer initiates a com-
plex query, a searching phase will be carried out firstly
(searching). Finally, once the requester peer knows
all the matching results, the downloading phase will
allow the download of the selected contents (down-
loading). In the following section these three stages
are described in detail.
3.1 Publishing the Contents
To maintain the anonymity, our solution defines a
routing table at each peer and makes use of a ran-
ALM Service
Publication Path
Figure 2: Publishing phase.
dom walk (RW) technique to establish a random path
from the content source to the subgroup leader. When
a node wants to publish its contents, first of all it
must choose randomly a connection identifier (great
enough to avoid collisions). This value will be used
each time this peer re-publishes a content or publishes
a new one.
Figure 2 describes the random path creation pro-
ces. The content owner (C) randomly chooses an-
other active peer (a peer knows all the subgroup mem-
bers, which are listed in the future leader candidate
list, see Section 2) and executes the RW algorithm to
determine the next peer in the RW path as follows.
The peer will send the publish message directly to
the subgroup leader with probability 1 p, or to the
randomly chosen peer with probability p. This mes-
sage contains the connection identifier associated to
the content owner and the published content metadata.
The content owner table entry associates the connec-
tion identifier and the next peer in the RW path. Each
peer receiving a publish message follows the same
procedure. It stores an entry in its table, that asso-
ciates the connection identifier, the last peer in the RW
path and the next node in the RW path (which will be
determined by the peer using the RW algorithm as it
is described before).
To prevent a message forwarding loop within the
subgroup, each initial publish message (that is gen-
erated by the content owner) is attached with a TTL
(Time To Live) value. A peer receiving a publish mes-
sage decrements the TTL by one. Then, if the re-
sulting TTL value is greater than 1, the peer executes
the RW algorithm. Otherwise, the message is sent di-
rectly to the subgroup leader. When the publish mes-
sage is received by the subgroup leader, it just stores
the adequate table entry that associates the connection
identifier, the published content metadata and the last
peer in the RW path.
The probability that the RW has n hops is
P(n) =
(1 p) n < TTL,
n = TTL.
Therefore the mean length of a RW is
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
RW =
1 p
1 p
TTL. (2)
Thanks to the publishing procedure, each sub-
group leader knows the metadata of the contents that
have been published into its subgroup. However, this
publishing procedure offers sender anonymity. Any
peer receiving a publish message knows who is the
previous node. However, it does not know if this pre-
vious peer is the content owner or just a simple mes-
sage forwarder.
The RW path distributely generated in the publish-
ing phase will be used during the searching and down-
loading phases, as it will be described later. There-
fore, it is necessary to keep updated the RW paths ac-
cording to the non-voluntary peer departures. From
this joint to the anonymous system, each peer main-
tains a timeout timer. When its timeout timer expires,
each peer will check the RW path information stored
in its table. For each entry, it will send a ping mes-
sage to the previous and the following peer. If a peer
detects a connection failure, it generates a RW failure
notification that is issued peer by peer to the subgroup
leader (or to the content owner) using the RW path.
Each peer receiving a RW failure notification deletes
the associate table entries (only one entry in interme-
diate peers and one entry for each published content
in the subgroup leader peer). In addition, the content
owner re-publishes all its contents. On the other hand,
if an intermmediate peer wants to leave the system in
a voluntary way, it will get in touch with the previous
and the following peer associated to each table entry
in order to updated their entries.
An additional verification is carried out each time
a new content is going to be published. Before send-
ing the publish messages, the content owner peer
makes a totalPing (a ping sent to the subgroup leader
through the RW path). If the totalPing fails (any inter-
mediate peer is disconnected), the content owner peer
re-publishes all its contents initiating the creation of a
new distributed RW path. The intermediate peers be-
longing to the failed RW path will update their table
entries when their timeout expires.
3.2 Searching the Contents
The searching procedure to obtain requester
anonymity is described in this section. Figure 3
describes this procedure. When a requester (R) wants
to make a complex search, first of all it must select
its connection identifier. If the peer already chose
a connection identifier during a publish phase, this
value is used. Otherwise, a connection identifier is
last non−leader
ALM Service
Publication Path
Lookup Path
Figure 3: Searching phase.
Then, the peer generates a new type of message
called lookup message. A lookup message, that en-
capsulates the metadata of the searched content and
the connection identifier associated to the requester
peer (R), is forwarded towards the local subgroup
leader using the RW path associated to this connec-
tion identifier (RW1). If the connection identifier is
new, the RW1 path from the requester peer towards
the subgroup leader is generated, distributely stored,
and maintained as it was explained in the section be-
Once the lookup message has been received, the
local subgroup leader is able to locate the match-
ing results within its subgroup. On the other hand,
our system uses an ALM technique to distribute the
lookup messages to all the subgroup leader nodes.
Each subgroup leader with a positive matching re-
sult must answer the requester’s subgroup leader with
a lookup-response message. This message contains
the connection identifier established by the requester
peer, the matching content metadata, the connection
identifier established by the content owner peer and
the identity of the last non-leader peer in the RW path
(RW2) towards the content owner (C).
In fact, before sending the lookup-response mes-
sage, the subgroup leader will check the complete
RW2 path towards the content owner by means of a
totalPing. If the RW2 path fails, the subgroup leader
will send to all the peers in the subgroup a broadcast
message containing the associate connection identi-
fier. The peer that established this connection will re-
publish all its contents (that is, it initiates the creation
of a new RW for the connection identifier). Peers that
maintain a table entry associated to this connection
identifier will delete it. The rest of peers will take no
notice of the message. Consequently, the subgroup
leader only sends a lookup-response message to the
requester subgroup leader after checking that the as-
sociate RW2 path is active.
Finally, the lookup-response message will be for-
warded through the requester subgroup towards the
requester peer using the adequate and distributed
Each peer is associated to only a connection identifier.
RW1 path stored in the tables.
3.3 Downloading the Contents
Once the requester peer receives the lookup-response
messages, it is able to select which contents it wants
to download. The anonymity is also important during
this third phase: both the requester peer and the con-
tent owner peer should keep anonymous to the rest of
peers in the system.
In the download phase (see Figure 4), the re-
quester peer (R) generates a download-request mes-
sage which initially encapsulates the required content
metadata, the connection identifier established by it-
self, the connection identifier established by the con-
tent owner (C) and the identity of the last non-leader
peer in the RW2 (in the content subgroup).
This message will be forwarded towards the sub-
group leader using the distributely stored RW1 path.
However, this message will not reach the subgroup
leader. The last non-leader peer in the RW1 path
(the previous to the leader) will be the responsible
for sending the download-request message to the last
non-leader peer in the RW2 (in the content subgroup).
Before sending the message to the content owner sub-
group, this peer (the last non-leader peer in RW1)
must encapsulate an additional value: its own identity.
The message will be forwarded through the content
owner subgroup using the distributely stored RW2
path until it reaches the content owner.
Finally, the content owner peer will start the con-
tent delivery. The download messages encapsulate
the requited content, the connection identifier estab-
lished by the requester peer, the connection identifier
established by itself and the identity of the last non-
leader peer in the RW1 (in the requester subgroup).
These messages will be forwarded towards the sub-
group leader using the adequate RW2 path. However,
they will not reach the subgroup leader. The last non-
leader peer in the RW2 path will be the responsible
for sending them to the node indicated in the message.
Once in the requester subgroup, the messages will be
forwarded using the RW1 path until they reach the
requester peer. Therefore, the mean length of a down-
load path (DP) is
DP = 2(RW 1) + 1 = 2
1 p
1 p
1 (3)
last non−leader
last non−leader
ALM Service
Publication Path
Download Path
Figure 4: Download phase.
The peer dynamism or churn is an inherent feature
of the P2P networks. Our solution exploits this prop-
erty to improve the anonymity behavior of the sys-
tem. As it has been described in the previous sec-
tion, each peer establishes a RW path towards its sub-
group leader during the publishing or the searching
phases. If there was no churn, these RW paths (which
are randomly established) would not change as the
time passes. However, due to the peer departures
and failures, the RW paths must be continously up-
dated. Consequently, the RW path information that
could be obtained by attackers will be obsolete as the
time passes.
The random election of each RW path is an-
other interesting feature of our proposal. The main
objective of this procedure is to reach the mutual
anonymity. However, there is another important con-
sequence. The first non-leader peer (closest to the
leader) in each RW path changes from a RW to an-
other. Consequently, the remote peers involved in
the download process change depending on the con-
tent owner peer and the requester peer. As a conse-
quence, the downloading load is distributed among all
the peers. And something more important, the sub-
group leaders don’t participate during the download
process making lighter their processing load.
As it has been described in the previous sections,
the subgroup leaders have a key role during the pub-
lishing and the searching phases. Each subgroup
leader maintains a list of the published contents in its
subgroup that is used to solve the complex lookups.
The subgroup leader management is defined by the
network architecture. However, there is no doubt that
the subgroup leader changes also affect the anony-
mous system. Each time a subgroup leader changes,
all the RW paths would be obtained again. To opti-
mize the system behaviour when a subgroup leader
changes we propose some actions. If a subgroup
leader changes voluntarily (another peer in the sub-
group has become a most suitable leader or the leader
decides to leave the system), it will send to the new
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
leader a copy of its table. On the other hand, to
solve the non-voluntary leader leaving, we propose to
replicate the table of the subgroup leader to the next
two peers in the future leader candidate list. Conse-
quently, when the subgroup leader fails, the new sub-
group leader will be able to update its table taking into
account the published contents.
We have developed a discrete event simulator in C
language to evaluate our system. At the beginning,
the available contents are distributed in a random way
among all the nodes of the network. As it has been
mentioned before, the subgroup leaders share infor-
mation using an ALM procedure. The node life and
death times follow a Pareto distribution using α =
0.83 and β = 1560 sec. These paremeters have been
extracted from (Li et al., 2005). The time between
queries follows an exponential distribution with mean
3600 sec. (1 hour), and if a query fails the user makes
the same request for three times, with an empty inter-
val of 300 sec. among them. The timeout timer has a
value of 300 sec. Finally, the simulation results cor-
responds to a network with 12,800 different contents
and 6,400 nodes, with 128 subgroups.
We have proposed a mechanism to provide
anonymity to a hybrid P2P architecture. However,
this service has a cost in terms of bandwith con-
sumption and nodes overload. On the other hand,
our anonymity mechanism also works fine under a
join/leave or failure scenario. This service is required
to maintain available paths along the time, but it in-
volves an extra control packet interchange. It is nec-
essary to quantify both costs.
Figure 5 represents the average number of hops in
a complete download path, from the content owner to
the requester node (download path length). This mea-
surement helps us in order to estimate the bandwith
consumption, since every hop in a path implies an ex-
tra bandwith consumption to carry out the download.
This figure represents the results in function of p and
TTL. We represent the results for 3 different TTL
values (10, 15 and 20). When p is less than 0.8 the
mean path length never exceeds 7, so the extra band-
with consumption is very limited. In addition, in this
case the TTL guarantees that in any case the number
of hops will be limited. If p is greater than 0.8 the
extra bandwith consumption tends to infinity, but the
TTL limits it to a reasonable value.
This simulation result corresponds with the ana-
lytical expresssion presented in Equation 3. Addition-
naly, we represent the number of hops in a compelte
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Number of Hops
TTL = 10
TTL = 15
TTL = 20
Without TTL
Figure 5: Average number of hops in a complete download
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Number of Connections
TTL = 10
TTL = 15
TTL = 20
Without TTL
Figure 6: Average numer of connections that a node routes.
download path without using a TTL limit. We ob-
serve than if p is greater than 0.9 the extra bandwith
goes up quickly.
Figure 6 represents the average number of con-
nections that a node routes in function of p and TTL.
With p = 0 the number of paths is 0, because the con-
nection is established directly between the owner and
the requester node. If the value of p increases, the
number of connections also increases. The influence
of TTL doesn’t appear until p = 0.8, as we observed
in Figure 5. When p > 0.8 the number of connections
a node routes does not tend to infinity thanks to the
This simulation result corresponds with the ana-
lytical expresssion presented in (Sui et al., 2003). Ad-
ditionnaly, we represent the the average number of
connections that a node routes without using a TTL
limit. We observe than if p is greater than 0.9 the
number of connections goes up quickly. As a con-
clusion, a value of p = 0.8 is a trade off solution
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (h)
Number of Errors by Hour
Figure 7: Number of request that cannot be carry out in an
hour because at least one node in the download path is out.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
x 10
Time (h)
Number of Messages by Hour
Figure 8: Average number of control messages in function
of time.
between anonymity efficience, extra bandwith con-
sumption and nodes overload.
In the results represented in Figure 7 our system
doesn’t implement the reliability mechanism. The
parameters used in the simulatons corresponds to a
typical scenario: TTL = 10 and p = 0.7. It shows
the number of requests that cannot be carry out in an
hour because, at least one node in the download path
is down when the download is performed. This re-
sult is represented in funcion of time (in hours). This
number fluctuates around 11,000.
Therefore, it is clear than in a real anonymous P2P
network (with unpredictable node failures) it is nec-
essary to suply a mechanism to reconstruct efficiently
the paths, although it entails an extra network over-
head in terms of control packets.
In our network, a download process never fails
since it is a reliable anonymous P2P network, but this
feature involves an extra control traffic. Figure 8 rep-
resents the average number of control messages in
function of time, in the previous scenario. Initially,
due to simulation constraints, the timeout timer ex-
pires simultaneously in a lot of nodes, but in steady
state the average number of control messages is under
Usually, control messages have a small payload
(about 10 bytes) and a IP/TCP header (40 bytes). If
we suppose each control message has a length of 50
bytes, control traffic supposes only a 4.4 kbps traffic
In this paper, we have proposed anonymity mecha-
nisms for a hybrid P2P network presented in a pre-
vious work. Unfortunately, the mechanisms to pro-
vide anonymity entails extra bandwidth conssump-
tion, extra nodes overload and extra network overhead
in terms of control traffic. The simulations tries to
evaluate the costs to provide anonymity in a real P2P
scenario (with unpredictable node failures). As a con-
clusion, our proposal achieves mutual anonymity only
with an extra bandwith consumption corresponding to
5 hops, 3 connections by node and a 4.4 kbps con-
trol traffic rate (in a typical scenario TTL = 10 and
p = 0.7).
This work has been supported by the Spanish Researh
Council under project ARPaq (TEC2004-05622-C04-
02/TCM). Juan Pedro Mu
noz-Gea thanks the Spanish
MEC for a FPU (AP2006-01567) pre-doctoral fellow-
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