Pasquale Ardimento, Teresa Baldassarre, Marta Cimitile and Giuseppe Visaggio
Department of Informatics, University of Bari, Via Orabona 4, Bari, Italy
RCost Bari
Keywords: Knowledge Base, Knowledge Packaging, Open In
Abstract: Transfer of research results, as well as technological innovation
, within an enterprise is a key success factor.
The introduction of research results aims to improve efficacy and effectiveness of the production processes
with respect to business goals, and also to better adapt the products to the market needs. Nevertheless, it is
often difficult to transfer research results in production systems because it is necessary, among others, that
knowledge be explicit and understandable by stakeholders. Such transfer is demanding, as so many
researchers have been studying alternative ways to classic approaches such as books and papers that favour
knowledge acquisition on behalf of users. In this context, we propose the concept of Knowledge Package
(KP) with a specific structure as alternative. We have carried out an experiment which compared the
efficacy of the proposed approach with the classic ones, along with the comprehensibility of the information
enclosed in a KP rather than in a set of Papers. The experiment has pointed out that knowledge packages are
more effective than traditional ones, for knowledge transfer.
In the Software Processes, knowledge is a critical
factor, both because software development
(production and maintenance) is man-centred and
because the products of the development process are
destined to be used by humans to improve their
abilities in all applicative domains. For this reason,
the necessary knowledge involves two types of
transferability and reu
sability. Knowledge
hidden in processes and products is not even
readable by its authors in that it is spread out
and confused in many of the process or
product components (Foray, 2006) (Myers,
1996). So, until knowledge is transferable or
reusable, it cannot be considered as part of an
organization’s assets (Foray, 2006);
knowledge exploitation. Research produces
owledge that should be transferred to
production processes as innovation in order to
be valuable. Consequently, domain knowledge
must be enriched by technical and economical
knowledge that allows to identify the best
approach for introducing new knowledge in
processes together with the resources, risks
and mitigation actions (Reifer, 2003).
The first problem requires formalizing knowledge so
at it is co
mprehensible and reusable by others that
are not the author of the knowledge. The second
problem requires experience packaging able to guide
the user in applying the knowledge in a context.
Given these premises, this paper describes an
approach for Knowledge Packa
ging and
Representation and reports preliminary results of a
first experimentation of the approach.
In our proposed approach we have formalized a KP
and we ha
ve defined some packages that are stored
in a Knowledge Base (Schneider, 2001) (Malone,
2003) (Basili, 1992) (Schneider, 2003). The KPs are
obtained by using paper and other resources
available on the Web and by giving them a
predefined structure in order to facilitate
stakeholders in the comprehension and the
acquisition of the knowledge that they contain.
We have conducted a preliminary validation through
a contr
olled experiment with the aim to answer to
the following Research Questions (RQ):
RQ1. Is proposed knowledge description approach
re efficacious than traditional ones?
Ardimento P., Baldassarre T., Cimitile M. and Visaggio G. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE/WsMUSE, pages 212-218
RQ2. Is the proposed knowledge description
approach more comprehensible than traditional
In the first question we introduce the concept of
Knowledge Description Efficacy considered as the
rapidity in which a usable knowledge chunk can be
selected without support of the knowledge author.
In the second question we introduce the concept of
Knowledge Description Comprehensibility as the
capability of the adopted Knowledge Description
criteria to transfer the selected knowledge in a
complete and correct way.
In this work we named “traditional approach” the
approach based on the use of papers, book or, in
general, not structured text for knowledge transfer
and acquisition.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
related works are described in section 2; section 3
illustrates the proposed approach for knowledge
representation, section 4 illustrates the measurement
model used; results of the study and lessons learned
are presented in section 5; finally in section 6
conclusions are drawn.
The problems related to knowledge transfer and
valorization are investigated in industrial and
academic contexts and sometimes it’s not possible to
distinguish the two because there is a convergence
between industry and academia. Some companies
have established internal organizations whose task is
to acquire new knowledge (Halvorsen, 2004)
(Hastbacka, 2004) to face knowledge transfer needs.
For example, Shell Chemical has organized some
groups with the aim at finding knowledge from
outside sources, Hewlett Packard is commercializing
not only its own ideas, but also innovations from
other entities (Halvorsen, 2004), Philips Research is
participating to consortiums that direct one to one
collaboration with innovative organizations
(Hastbacka, 2004).
There are also many studies that are focused on the
use of Internet together with its Search Engines for
knowledge diffusion and transfer. But in this
direction our analysis shows that INTERNET, does
not offer appropriate technologies for searching
knowledge that is produced and published by a
research organization nor by an enterprise, which is
reusable in innovation projects by other research
organizations or enterprises (Scoville, 1996)
(Leighton, 1997) (Ding, 1996) (Leighton, 1996)
(Chu, 1996) (Clarke, 1997). A validation of this
statement is proposed in (Ardimento, 2007). The
most accredited reason for this limitation is that
usually general queries produce a large amount of
documents and that there is not a natural language
interface of the search engine. The latter technology
improves the search precision although it does not
overcome the problems described above.
There are also many approaches based on the use
of specialized search engines in the way to find
search results related to a specific application
domain (Kitchenham, 2004).
Another approach to knowledge search and
transfer is based on the use of ontology (Zhang,
2004) (Mingxia, 2005). This approach is actually
object of many studies which currently lack tools for
creation and management. Much attention is being
focused on these issues but the available
experimental evidence is not yet sufficient for large-
scale use.
In this work we proposed an alternative approach to
knowledge transfer based on concepts of knowledge
packaging and knowledge base. The problem of
knowledge packaging for better use is being studied
by many research centres and companies. The
current knowledge bases in literature, sometimes
have a semantically limited scope. This is the case
of the IESE base (
Althoff, 2001), that collects lessons
learned or mathematical prediction models or results
of controlled experiments. In other cases the scope
is wider but the knowledge is too general and
therefore not very usable. This applies to the MIT
knowledge base (Malone, 2003), that describes
business processes but only at one or two levels of
abstraction. There are probably other knowledge
bases that cover wider fields with greater operational
detail but we do not know much about them because
they are private knowledge bases, for example the
Daimler-Benz Base (Schneider, 2001).
Our approach focuses on a knowledge base, named
Prometheus (Serlab, 2006), whose contents make it
easier to achieve knowledge transfer among research
centres; between research centres and production
processes; among production processes. The
knowledge base must be public to allow one or more
interested communities to develop around it and
exchange knowledge (Ardimento, 2006). The
knowledge that is stored in the knowledge base must
be formalized as KP. A KP is any cluster of
knowledge, sufficiently familiar that it can be
remembered rather than derived.
3.1 Knowledge Package Structure
The proposed KP includes all the elements shown in
Figure 1. A user can access one of the package
components and then navigate along all the
components of the same package according to
her/his training or education needs. Search inside the
package starting from any of its components is
facilitated by the component’s Metadata.
Figure 1: Diagram of a Knowledge/Experience package.
It can be seen in the figure that the Knowledge
Content component (KC) is the central one. It
contains the knowledge package expressed in text
form, with figures, graphs, formulas and whatever
else may help to understand the content. The content
is organized as a tree. Starting from the root (level
0) navigation to the lower levels (level 1, level 2, …)
is possible through links. The higher the level of a
node the lower the abstraction of the content which
focuses more and more on operative elements. The
root and each intermediate node contain the
reasoned index of the underlying components. The
content consists of the following: research results for
reference, analysis of how far the results on which
the innovation should be built can be integrated into
the system; analysis of the methods for transferring
them into the business processes; details on the
indicators listed in the metadata of the KC inherent
to the specific package, analyzing and generalizing
the experimental data evinced from the evidence and
associated projects; analysis of the results of any
applications of the package in one or more projects,
demonstrating the success of the application or any
improvements required, made or in course; details
on how to acquire the package.
When knowledge of some concepts is a
prerequisite for understanding the content of a node,
the package points to an Educational E-learning
course (EE). Instead, if use of a demonstrational
prototype is required to become operative, the same
package will point to a Training E-learning course
To integrate the knowledge package with the
skills, KC refers to a list of resources possessing the
necessary knowledge, collected in the CoMpetence
component (CM).
When a package also has support tools, rather
than merely demonstration prototypes, KC links the
user to the available tool. For the sake of clarity, we
point out that this is the case when the knowledge
package has become an industrial practice, so that
the demonstration prototypes included in the
archetype they derived from have become industrial
tools. The tools are collected in the Tool component
(TO). Each tool available is associated to an
educational course, again of a flexible nature, in the
use of the correlated TE course.
A knowledge package is generally based on
conjectures, hypotheses and principles. As they
mature, their contents must all become principle-
based. The transformation of a statement from
conjecture through hypothesis to principle must be
based on experimentation showing evidence of its
validity. The experimentation, details of its
execution and relative results, are collected in the
Evidence component (EV), pointed to by the
knowledge package.
Finally, a mature knowledge package is used in
one or more projects, by one or more firms. At this
stage the details describing the project and all the
measurements made during its execution that
express the efficacy of use of the package are
collected in the Projects component (PR) associated
with the package.
3.1.1 Metadata
As shown in Figure 1, each component in the
knowledge package has its own metadata structure.
For all the components, these allow rapid selection
of the relative elements in the knowledge base
Ardimento, 2006), Figure 2.
Figure 2: Diagram of a Knowledge package.
To facilitate the research a set of selection
classifiers and a set of descriptors summarizing the
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
contents are used. The classifiers include: the key
words and the problems the package is intended to
solve. The summary descriptors include: a brief
summary of the content and a history of the essential
events occurring during the life cycle of the package,
giving the reader an idea of how it has been applied,
improved, and how mature it is. The history may
also include information telling the reader that the
content of all or some parts of the package are
currently undergoing improvements.
The package also provides the following
indicators: skills required to acquire it, prerequisite
conditions for correct working of the package,
acquisition plans describing how to acquire the
package and estimating the resources required for
each activity. To assess the benefits of acquisition,
they contain a list of: the economic impact generated
by application of the package; the impact on the
value chain, describing the impact acquisition would
have on the value of all the processes in the
production cycle; the value for the stakeholders in
the firm that might be interested in acquiring the
innovation. There are also indicators estimating the
costs and risks. Thus, all these indicators allow a
firm to answer the following questions: what
specific changes need to be made? What would the
benefits of these changes be? What costs and risks
would be involved? How can successful acquisition
be measured?
3.2 Experiment Planning
3.2.1 Research Goals
The following Research Goals (RG) have been
Analyze knowledge extraction using an Knowledge
Package (KP)
With the aim of evaluating it
With respect to efficacy (compared to knowledge
extracted from papers)
From the view point of the knowledge user
In the context of a controlled experiment on a
knowledge package tool called Prometheus.
Analyze knowledge extraction using an Knowledge
Package (KP)
With the aim of evaluating it
With respect to comprehensibility (compared to
knowledge extracted from papers)
From the view point of the knowledge user
In the context of a controlled experiment on a
knowledge package tool called Prometheus.
3.2.2 Variable Selection
The dependent variables of the study are Efficacy
and Comprehensibility. Efficacy indicates to what
point the Knowledge Representation criteria is
effective (in terms of effort spent) for extracting
knowledge and answering a specific set of questions.
Comprehensibility indicates to what point the
resources described in Prometheus or in Papers are
easy to understand and to abstract in order to answer
a set of questions.
The independent variables are the two treatments:
the problems examined with KP and with Papers in
literature. Two different types of problems were
investigated: Balanced Scorecard and Reengineering
For each problem a set of 4 questions have been
defined. This has been considered an appropriate
number that balances the need for a sufficient
amount of data without having to count on an
excessive amount of effort and risk to bore a tire
experimental subjects.
3.2.3 Selection of Experimental Subjects
The experimental subjects involved in the
experimentation are first year students of a graduate
course in Informatics with background experience
on collaborations with industrial case studies as
result of project work carried out during their
A total of 82 students have been divided in two
groups (GROUP A and GROUP B) with random
assignment to each one. Each group was asked to
answer questions assigned using, alternatively KP or
Papers extracted from literature.
All of the students have previous knowledge on the
topic concerning Balanced Scorecard because it is
part of their course curricula. While, they have no
previous knowledge on the Reengineering Process
It is important to note that the selected set of
experimental subjects, even if variegate, is not
completely representative of the population of all
software stakeholders such as managers, end users
and so on. As consequence, at this first stage, it is
not possible to generalize the results of the empirical
investigation. Rather, results represent a first
important step towards this direction.
3.2.4 Experiment Operation
The experiment was organized in two experimental
runs, RUN1 and RUN2, one per day in two
consecutive days. During each run we changed the
content of the KP/papers and the content of the
questions used to extract information from the
source. Moreover, in RUN1, the KP/papers content,
along with the questions for extracting information,
related to Balanced Scorecard (Becker, 1999)
(Grembergen, 2000) (Abran, 2000) (Mair, 2002);
and in RUN2 they referred to Reengineering
(Bianchi, 2000) (Bianchi, 2001) (Bianchi 2003).
Within a RUN, each group was assigned to either
one of KP or Paper.
At the beginning of each run, each experimental
subject received a complete set of instrumentation. It
contained the papers in digital version or KP
according to the treatment and group. The KP is
accessible through Prometheus. The students
examined the material and answered the questions
reporting them on the data form. The start and end
time were recorded by the researchers when handing
in and collecting the forms.
Comprehensibility was evaluated according to the
number of errors made, while the effort is reported
on the data form.
The introduced metrics are collected as Prometheus
and Paper metrics. The metrics described have been
collected on both types of knowledge extraction
According to the Efficacy Factor the introduced
metric is:
Effort (EF): The amount of effort, measured in
person/hrs, spent by each subject for carrying out
their task and answer the questions:
t: Time when packages/papers and forms are
given to an experimental subject.
t’: Time when an experimental subject hands in
the data form complete with answers.
Another factor is Comprehensibility. It is measured
as the average of points Pij attributed for answering
the i-th question of the j-th experimental subject. All
answers were evaluated according to the interval
scale reported in table 1.
Table 1: Details of comprehensibility quality factor.
Evaluation of Question P
Wrong Answer: the j-th subject gave a
wrong answer to the i-th question.
Lacking Answer: the question was not
answered by the j-th subject
Incomplete Answer: the j-th subject gave
a partially correct answer to the i-th
Complete Answer: the i-th question has
received a correct answer by the j-th
The researchers, as domain experts involved in the
investigation, corrected all the answers to the
questions given by the experimental subjects.
5.1 Efficacy
In RUN1, the subject performances, as shown in
figure 3 are closer. The mean values are respectively
0.0643 for PROMETHEUS and 0.0657 for
PAPERS. Also, the dispersion of the results is very
high for both knowledge representation methods. It
seems as if the performances are independent from
the technique used. Our explanation is that the
experimental subjects were familiar with the topic
(Balanced Scorecard) and so they used their
previous experience and knowledge to answer the
questions rather than strictly relate on the technique
assigned (KP or Papers).
Figure 3: Effort in Prometheus and Papers during RUN 1.
Figure 4 illustrates the average effort in person/hrs
spent by the experimental subjects in RUN2. It can
be seen that there is less dispersion in the results for
both knowledge representation techniques. Also, it
can be seen how subjects using Papers spent, on
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
average, a larger amount of time for answering the
questions. This suggests that the structure of the
packages promotes a more appropriate search of the
knowledge contents for answering a question.
Figure 4: Effort in Prometheus and Papers during RUN 2.
5.2 Comprehensibility
In RUN1, figure 5 shows the trend of
comprehensibility with respect to the questions,
which appears to be analogous in both representation
methods. This confirms our assumption that subjects
have most likely used their previous knowledge on
the topic to answer the questions within RUN1. In
each case, comprehensibility with Prometheus is
always better than with Papers.
Figure 5: Comprehensibility in Prometheus and Papers for
problem during RUN1.
Figure 6 shows the interaction effect between the
factors Problems*Knowledge Representation with
respect to comprehensibility in RUN2. The graph
points out that overall comprehensibility is better
when Prometheus is used.
PROBLEMS*Knowledge Representation; LS Means
Current effect: F(3, 240)=5,2419, p=,00160
Effective hypothesis decomposition
Vertical bars denote 0,95 confidence intervals
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Figure 6: Comprehensibility in Prometheus and Papers for
problem during RUN2.
This paper proposes an approach based on the
concept of Knowledge Package for knowledge
transferring as alternative way to the traditional
The proposed approach was implemented through a
knowledge base called PROMETHEUS.
To validate the approach an empirical investigation
was conducted. The experiment was carried out with
university students attending first year and consisted
of a comparison between proposed approach and
traditional approach in terms of Efficacy and
The collected results provide some lessons learned
about structure of an Knowledge Package in
Prometheus. In fact the proposed approach with
respect to the traditional ones:
requires less effort for extracting information
represents explicit knowledge in a more
comprehensible form.
According to our opinion and the feedback
provided by students the discovered differences
could be related to the use of metadata and to the
multi-level structure of package.
It is clear that, in order to generalize the validity of
the lessons learned proposed in this work, many
replications, statistical validation and further studies,
extended to other contexts, are needed. Finally it is
necessary to replicate the study on a set of
experimental subjects that may be even more
representative of the population than the ones
involved in this first empirical investigation.
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ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies