o Type: Integer, real, string, date, or
o Initial_value: It can be an integer number,
a real number, a string, a date or a
boolean, depending on the type of the
ATTRIBUTE. Null in case the
ATTRIBUTE should not be initialized.
Examples: Brand name, phone number, and
email for the Realtor OBJECT; size, location,
and type for the Property OBJECT.
value of an ATTRIBUTE. It is used for
specifying a list of values that are used in insert
/ update operations. Its main attributes are:
o Value: It can be an integer number, a real
number, a string, a date or a boolean,
depending on the type of the associated
o Order: Specifies the order in which the
values are displayed in the list for
Examples: Central / Individual for the
ATTRIBUTE ‘heating’ of the Business Property
OBJECT; sea / mountain / panoramic for the
ATTRIBUTE ‘view’ of the Residency OBJECT.
OPERATION: Operations define the dynamic
aspect (behaviour) of an OBJECT. Its main
attributes are:
o Name: A short, meaningful title.
o Return_value: It can be an integer, a real
number, a string, a date or a boolean,
depending on the return type. Null in case
the OPERATION returns nothing.
Examples: Reject (OPERATION of an
Assignment Request OBJECT), process
(OPERATION of a Viewing Request OBJECT).
ARGUMENT: A parameter required for the
execution of an operation. Its main attributes
o Name: A short, meaningful title.
o Type: Integer, real, string, date, or
Examples: notes (argument of the submit
OPERATION), rejection reason (argument of the
reject OPERATION).
RELATIONSHIP: Represents structural
relationship between OBJECTS that exist for
some duration (in contrast with transient links
that, for example, exist only for the duration of
an operation). Its main attributes are:
o Name: A short, meaningful title.
o Association_type: Association,
aggregation or generalization.
Examples: Property – Transaction Type, Realtor
– Property, End User – Assignment Request,
Viewing Request – Property.
ROLE: Identifies a specific behaviour in a
particular context at a specific time. Its main
attributes are:
o Name: A short, meaningful title.
o Multiplicity: Specifies how many
instances of the object may be associated
with a single instance of the other object.
o Is_navigable: Indicates in what direction
the role is navigating.
Examples: A Property is available for one or
more Transaction Types; a Viewing request
refers to a specific Property; a Realtor manages
zero to many Propertiesr.
OBJECT_INSTANCE: A realization of an
OBJECT. The main attribute of an
OBJECT_INSTANCE is the Identifier, i.e. a
string or number that uniquely identifies the
Examples: A residency located at Athens,
available for sale; the real estate agent that is
responsible for the specific property; the end-user
that is interested in buying the specific property;
the viewing request that the end-user submitted in
order to arrange a viewing of the property;
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: The value of an
ATTRIBUTE that a specific
OBJECT_INSTANCE holds. Its main attribute
o Value: It can be an integer number, a real
number, a string, a date or a boolean,
depending on the type of the associated
Examples: ‘Athens Properties’ is the brand name
of a real estate agency, ‘Athens, Glyfada’ is the
location of the property, and ‘300.000’ is the
purchase cost of the property in euros.
PRECONDITION: A condition that must hold
before executing an OPERATION. It typically
evaluates one or more ATTRIBUTES. Its main
attributes are:
o Operator: Equal, not equal, less than or
equal, less than, greater than or equal,
greater than.
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies