It is worth emphasizing the OMG SysML
(Systems Modelling Language) standard (OMG,
2006) [9]. This metamodel can be considered a
domain-specific modelling language for systems
engineering applications. Unlike other metamodels,
SysML allows designers to model text-based
requirements, which can be integrated with other
development artefacts. Nevertheless, it is questioned
if the set of inter-requirements relationships
provided is enough (Herzog and Pandikow, 2005).
The work presented in paper has demonstrated how
a MDE approach to RE can be advantageous to both
disciplines. The REMM requirements metamodel
and the graphical modelling tools implemented to
support it, provide requirements engineers with a
new way of describing most of the elements
involved in a RE process.
In the future we plan to extend REM in order to
include different types of non-functional
requirements. We are also interested in the inclusion
of some variability mechanism to enable the
definition of parameterized requirements in order to
promote their reuse.
Currently we are working in the automated
generation of textual requirements specifications
according to predefined templates (e.g. IEEE 830) or
to user defined queries (e.g. retrieve all the
requirements proposed by a certain stakeholder).
This work has been partially funded by the Spanish
CICYT projects DEDALO (TIN2006-15175-C05-
03, University of Murcia) and MEDWSA (TIN2006-
15175-C05-02, Technical University of Cartagena).
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