targeted towards verification of domain-specific secu-
rity constraints, and have demonstrated it through the
application on an e-health case study.
At the highest level, we started from a
quence Diagram
representation of software require-
ments, used these to obtain, through automatic trans-
formation, an initial design of the system in
, transformed this model into a kiltera model,
then extended and modified it to consider the system
environment. Then, we further transformed the ex-
kiltera model into a CSP description and, fi-
nally, refined it with a
CSP specification of the se-
curity requirements. The refinement checking tool
FDR2 was used to verify that security was respected
in the system implementation. A negative response
by the checker indicated that the original
model neglected to address all security-related re-
quirements. Note that after the above analysis (and
possible modification of the design), the Statecharts
model can be used for code synthesis of the final ap-
We have shown how a multi-formalism approach
can be useful for designing secure systems. The ver-
ification results gave us increased confidence that se-
curity requirements were effectively addressed. Pro-
ductivity is increased as many of the steps in the pro-
cess can be automated.
We are working on a toolchain which imple-
ments the modelling and transformation steps de-
scribed above. Using the toolchain will allow us to in-
vestigate how well our approach scales to a full-blown
application using the Belgian e-ID card. This work is
done using our meta-modelling and model transfor-
mation tool AToM
(de Lara and Vangheluwe, 2002).
This work was made possible thanks to the support of
the Flemish government (IWT-Vlaanderen) through
the adapID project. Hans Vangheluwe greatfully ac-
knowledges partial support for this work through his
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant. We thank the
anonymous reviewers for their pertinent and construc-
tive comments.
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