In this article an original diffusion method, based on
the use of a particular PDE (Eq. (3)) derived from EPI
theory, has been presented. It has been shown that the
integration of the potential vector A within the formu-
lation of this PDE makes it possible the integration
within the diffusion scheme of particular constrains.
This has been assimilated to integration of selective-
ness within classical isotropic diffusion process. Ex-
amples on ad hoc images have been presented to show
the potential of the presented method in the areas of
denoising and extraction of oriented patterns.
Applications presented can be discussed, for fre-
quential filterings or Gabor-filters convolution can
lead to similar results. Considering that, it is neces-
sary to keep in mind that processed image have been
chosen in an ad hoc way to show the potential of the
method. Nevertheless, one major difference must be
noticed. Let consider again Fig. 5. If A is chosen
in order to preserve only one direction of the diago-
nal stripes, implementation of Eq. (3) leads to result
presented Fig. 9.
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Diffusion of ”Image 1” (Fig. 5) for (a) n=20 and
(b) n=50. As one can notice, Eq. (9) makes it possible to
only preserve one gradient direction of the diagonal stripes.
Time step τ is fixed to 0.2.
That kind of results can not be obtained by classi-
cal methods and enlarge the possible applications of
Eq. (3).
As a conlusion, an alternative method for oriented
pattern extraction has been presented in this article.
It has been demonstrated, as a proof a feasibility, on
ad hoc images that the developed approach may find
applicability in robotics and visions as far extraction
of oriented pattern is still an open problem. Indus-
trial control quality check can also be an other area of
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ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics