latter coordinates the experts’ needs and demands
for operation planning purposes.
This paper deals more particularly with the MC
evaluation process by the expert of an operating
domain, i.e. the affectation of an emergency degree
to an operation. There exist several methods to
identify and perform aggregation process with a
WAM. The Analytic Hierarchical Process, AHP, is
probably the most famous one in industry (Saaty,
1980). However, because it explicitly guarantees the
consistency between the commensurable scales it
aggregates and the WAM operator it identifies, the
Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based
Evaluation TecHnique method, MACBETH, has got
recent successes (Bana e Costa, 1994)(Clivillé,
2004). In our application, MACBETH is first used to
build the valuation scale associated to each
emergency criterion of a domain. It is then applied
to determine the WAM parameters.
Furthermore, the way experts give their
assessment in natural language raises another
problem (Jullien, 2006). These labels are commonly
converted into numerical values to perform the
aggregation process. No particular attention is
generally paid to this “translation”. However the
consequences over the aggregation results are
damageable. In civil engineering, the culture of
numbers is strongly developed. People commonly
manipulate symbolic labels but may convert them
into more or less arbitrary numerical values when
necessary without further care. This cultural
viewpoint explains why an aggregation operator is
generally preferred to a rule base whereas appraisals
are expressed in terms of symbolic labels (Jullien,
2006). A completely symbolic evaluation over finite
scales could be envisaged (Grabisch, 2006).
Let us illustrate the scales problem with the
following example. Let us suppose that the semantic
universe of an expert w.r.t. the seriousness of a
symptom is: {insignificant, serious, alarming}. We
can imagine that a corresponding possible set of
discrete numerical values (in [0; 1]) could be: {0;
0.5; 1}. There are several assumptions behind this
translation concerning the nature of the scale. This
point will be discussed later. Let us just note here
that the numerical values are commonly chosen
equidistant. Now let us consider another semantic
universe: {insignificant, minor, alarming}. This
time, the associated set of numerical values {0; 0.5;
1} intuitively appears more questionable. The expert
should prefer {0; 0.25; 1}. When seriousness
degrees of several symptoms are to be aggregated,
the result of the WAM aggregation strongly depends
on the choice of the set of numerical values.
Furthermore, in any case, the numerical WAM value
does not necessary belong to {0; 0.5; 1} or {0; 0.25;
1}. It must then be converted into the convenient
label in return.
The way labels are converted into numerical
values (and back) coupled to the commensurability
of the scales of the dimensions to be aggregated can
entail serious problems when aggregating without
any care. In this paper, we propose a methodology to
build finite partial valuation scales consistently with
WAM aggregation.
The paper is organized as follows. Some
considerations are given about the way continuous
cardinal scales are constructed with the Escota
operating domain experts. Then, it is explained how
to build a WAM aggregation operator w.r.t. each
operating domain, in order to be consistent with the
identified scales. The MACBETH method is the
support of these first two steps. The problem related
to the finite scales, that the experts use when
assigning partial scores to an operation, is then
considered. A method is proposed to ensure a
logically sound interface between symbolic
assessments and numerical computations in the
framework of WAM aggregation. Then, a robustness
analysis is proposed to determine the potential
causes of overestimation or underestimation in the
evaluation process of an operation.
2.1 Nature of Scales
The purpose of this section is to explain how we
have worked with Escota experts of the different
operating domains in order to properly identify their
emergency scales. There are one emergency scale
for each criterion of the domain and one scale for the
aggregated emergency value. In the following we
will consider the case of the operating domain
“carriageway”. Eight criteria (n=8) are related to it:
security, durability, regulation, comfort, public
image, environment protection, sanitary and social
It has been checked a priori that Escota
emergency scales are of cardinal nature: the
emergency scale relative to any of the criteria is an
interval scale.
Let us consider a finite set X. When the elements of
X can be ranked w.r.t. to their attractiveness, this is
ordinal information. It means that a number n(x) can
be associated to any element x of X such that: