software that helps this category of users in the
refining phase, again without the exigency of any
particular knowledge.
The second chapter introduces the X3Director
software and its features.
The production of the three-dimensional structure of
an X3D environment can completely be delegated to
the software of authoring 3d and, that concurs to
customers non-expert of X3D to develop, in
immediate and practically free way, virtual
environments compatible with the Web. After such
phase it is necessary, for the effective fruibility of
the virtual representation, a phase of post-production
that proceeds along one series of tried and
modifications. Phase that cannot be delegated to the
software of authoring 3D is because often, being
thought for other, do not support some of the
demanded characteristics (e.g. the Background
node), or, in case they come supported, their
implementation demands specific knowledge of
language X3D.
X3Director helps the “non-expert developer” to
accomplish the post-production phase. The software
provides a series of functions to manage the 3D
aspect of an X3D file. It allows realizing different
actions so as to add localized audio contexts or
sounds that start after having clicked on a particular
area or object, thanks to the use of the TouchSensor
X3Director proposes a linear, intuitive and
provided of continuous assistance interface that
allows the user in few mouse clicks to edit or to add
ex novo the Background node in order to better
characterize a three-dimensional environment, the
NavigationInfo node that describes the view and the
characteristics of the avatar, user’s alter-ego, and the
Sound and AudioClip nodes. Moreover, thanks to
integration of parser DOM with the data structure
JTree provided from the Java Swing package,
X3Director provides, at nodes level, for the loaded
X3D file, an interface characterized from tree
structure that reflects the characteristic hierarchical
structure of XML files. As far as the attributes,
instead, X3Director has integrated an other data
structure, the JTable, in order to organize and to edit
in “expert” way the attributes of the nodes.
Such a software, conceived in order to come
towards requirement of a non-expert user in the
modeling of virtual environment in X3D, allows to
verify the user’s modifications, before the final
saving, thanks to the preview function (it is
necessary to have a player X3D installed in the
operative system). This function can be used in order
to evidence the modifications carried out globally in
the file X3D and therefore to have a preview of the
final complete file X3D or to evidence single
geometries and therefore to have a visual reply on
the single Transform or Group nodes. In order to
complete this global view on the X3Director it is to
be underlined that such a software does not forget
the more expert users that they do not have need of
the driven procedure. In order to edit or to add the
above mentioned nodes, these users can either use
simple functions of “add” or “delete” or can directly
modify the values of the attributes editing them with
a simple double click on the data structure JTable
left on purpose editable for this function.
2.1 Characterizing Features
The absence of the necessity of specific knowledge
differentiates X3Director from the others editor X3D
and it renders it ideal for the phase of post-
production. The below table shows a comparison of
main editors X3D and X3Director. From the
comparison, that refers exclusively to the phase of
post-production, tool of optimization of the code and
the software of authoring 3d have been omitted.
Table 1: Comparison between X3D post-production tools.
Software Knowledge
Potentiality Complexity
X3Director null medium low
SwirlX3D medium medium medium
X3D-Edit high high medium
Everyone of the software shown can be used to
modify file X3D exported from the software of
authoring. It is obvious that, with the exception of
X3Director, is however necessary a sure level of
knowledge of language X3D.
SwirlX3D is a powerful X3D authoring
environment that gives full access to the data
structures in an X3D file and is able to preview the
completed scene. The specific knowledge of X3D
are not excessive but of against it does not offer, as
instead X3Director offers, no visual procedures that
it renders the formulation of the parameters
independent from the knowledge of language X3D.
The graphics file editor X3D-Edit includes the
typical characteristics of this type of editor: context-
sensitive editing prevents creation of incorrect
scene-graph structures and detects invalid numeric
values, context-sensitive tooltips provide concise
ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics