junction. Both aggregation connectives, conjunction
and disjunction, raise clear asymmetry under comple-
ment. If elements of one set are classified as having
all criteria good, elements of the complementary set
must have at least one criterion bad instead of ex-
pected the same condition of all criteria bad. Keep-
ing the same condition (either all criteria, or at least
one criterion) in definition of both sets raises troubles
with law of excluded middle mentioned above. Fol-
lowing this way of thinking we need other connec-
tives that will balance aggregation of decisions based
on singular criterion. The above discussion leads to
the conclusion that classical fuzzy set theory is asym-
metrical with regard to processing opposite values of
given attributes.
2.1 Symmetrization of the Scale
A classical fuzzy set A in the universe X can be de-
fined in terms of its membership function µ : X →
[0,1], where the value 0 means exclusion of the el-
ement from the set while the values greater than 0 ex-
press the grade of inclusion of the element into the
set. However, membership function does not define a
grade of exclusion, the grade of negative information.
Therefore, fuzzy sets theory distinguishes grades of
inclusion and reserves only one value - 0 - for exclu-
sion. This raises asymmetry of this interpretation.
Membership function defines fuzzy connectives:
union, intersection and complement. The definitions
are expressed by max, min and complement to 1, i.e.
d(x,y) = max{x,y}, c(x,y) = min{x,y} and n(x) =
1− x. Classical connectives are asymmetrical. Union
gets its value from the greater argument, despite of
the values of both arguments. Similarly, intersection
gets its value from the smallers argument only.
We can split values of a given criterion in the spirit
of good and bad allocating the values of the interval
[0,0.5) as pieces of negative information relevant to
bad values and the values of the interval (0.5.1] as
pieces of positive information relevant to good val-
ues. The value 0.5, the center of the unit interval
[0,1], is a numerical representation of the state of no
negative/positive information. Being compatible with
common meaning of membership function let us as-
sume that the greater the value of positive informa-
tion, the stronger the good value of the criterion. By
symmetry, the smaller the value of negative informa-
tion, the stronger the bad value of the criterion.
This interpretation is well-matched with the com-
mon sense of ordering of the negative/positive values.
The ordering could be seen as monotonicity of nega-
tive/positive information mapping: it starts from the
left end of the unit interval representing strong nega-
tive information, then goes toward middle of the unit
interval diminishing strength of negative information,
then crosses the middle point of the unit interval and
then goes towards the right end of the unit interval
increasing strength of positive information.
This interpretation is also well-matched with the
common sense of symmetry of the negative/positive
values with the symmetry center in the value 0.5. The
linear transformation f(x) = 2x − 1 of the unit inter-
val [0,1] into the symmetrical interval [−1,1] points
out the symmetry. In this transformation negative in-
formation is mapped to the interval [−1,0), positive
information - to the interval (0, 1] and the state of no
information - to the value 0.
2.2 Connectives Asymmetry
The classical fuzzy connectives stay asymmetrical
even with the symmetrical bipolar scale of the inter-
val [−1,1] applied. Both classical fuzzy connectives
get their values from the maximal argument (union,
maximum) and the minimal argument (intersection,
minimum). Classical fuzzy connectives were gen-
eralized to triangular norms: maximum is an exam-
ple of t-conorms, minimum is an example of t-norm,
c.f. (Schweizer and Sklar, 1983). Strong t-norms
and t-conorms, the special cases of triangular norms,
have an interesting property: if both arguments are
greater than 0 and smaller than 1, the result of strong
t-conorm exceeds the greater argument while the re-
sult of strong t-norm is less than smaller argument,
c.f. (Klement et al., 2000). This property might be in-
terpreted that union tends to positive information de-
spite of the values of its arguments while intersection
tends to negative information despite of the values of
its arguments. In other words, symmetrical interpre-
tation of the unipolar scale makes that strong t-norm
increases certainty of negative information and de-
creases certainty of positive information. And vice
versa, strong t-conorm decreases certainty of negative
information and increases certainty of positive infor-
mation. This observation emphasizes the asymmetry
of fuzzy connectives, c.f. Figure 1.
The problem of asymmetry of fuzzy connec-
tives was discussed in number of papers, e.g. (De-
tyniecki and Bouchon-Meunier, 2000b; Homenda and
Pedrycz, 1991; Homenda and Pedrycz, 2002; Silvert,
1979; Yager, 1988; Yager, 1993; Zhang W. R., 1989).
In these papers discussion on asymmetry of fuzzy sets
and uncertain information processing was undertaken
for different reasons, though common conclusions led
to importance of the symmetry problem in fuzziness
and uncertainty.