installed on the wrist, nevertheless this is quite simi-
lar to a virtual compliance control. In fact, the motors
that equip the manipulator do not present an intrinsi-
cal compliance, normally if the power is switch off the
robot assumes its maximum rigidity. This behavior is
not acceptable for a robot that is thought to operate in
strict contact with a human being.
With this work we want to propose a different
methodology in developing such a systems, not only
we tried to emulate the human arm morphology, but
we implemented also a neural controller that repli-
cates the functionalities of primary motor circuits lo-
cated in the human spinal cord. We are convinced that
combining classical control methodologies with bio-
inspired one may brings a new class of machines that
will perform better.
There are many projects that attempted to design
an arm with human like features and capabilities. At
the Center for Intelligent Systems (Vanderbilt Univer-
sity) Prof. Kawamura and its group are working on
the ISAC humanoid robot. This robot consists of a
human-like trunk equipped with two six-DOF arms
moved by McKibben artificial muscles (Kawamura
et al., 2000). Each joint is actuated by two antago-
nistic actuators that are controlled by a system able to
emulate the electromyogram patterns (EMG) of a hu-
man muscle. The arm, during a fast reaching move-
ment, can avoid an obstacle performing a reflex be-
havior (Gamal et al., 1992), furthermore the phasic
pattern is autonomously adjusted when a reach trajec-
tory doesn’t closely match a desired response. The
main advantage of this bio-mimetic control architec-
ture is the possibility to reduce the joint stiffness dur-
ing a movement execution.
Another project in the same direction is that one at
the Biorobotics Laboratory in Washington University.
Here Prof. Hannaford and his team have worked in-
tensely on the emulation of the human arm (Han-
naford and Chou, 1997) (Hannaford et al., 1995).
The goal of this research is to transfer knowledge
from human neuro-musculo-skeletal motion control
to robotics in order to design an ”anthroform” robotic
arm system.
Following the bio-mimetic approach they devel-
oped and tested new kind of actuators (Klute and Han-
naford, 2000) and sensors (Hannaford et al., 2001)
(Jaax, 2001), whose purpose is to replicate a mam-
malian muscle spindle cell, that measures the contrac-
tion and the muscle velocity.
Another very interesting arm project is that one
developed by Department of Precision Machinery
Engineering in University of Tokyo. The sys-
tem(Toshiki Niino and Higuchi, 1994) is equipped
with a new types of compact, high-power, electrostat-
ically driven actuators.
The actuators have 40 or 50 pairs of sheets inter-
leaved together and enclosed in ready-to-use pack-
ages filled with a dielectric liquid. An electrostatic
artificial muscle consists of two groups of sheets
stacked and interleaved together. Sliding forces are
generated on the surface of each film and are com-
bined into a net force at the bundled edges of the
A first type of pulse-drive induction artificial mus-
cle, which utilizes induced charges on highly resistive
films, generated 8N propulsive force and 0.5W me-
chanical power with 110g its own mass. At the Dept.
of Mechanical Engineering (Vrije Universiteit Brus-
sel) Prof. Frank Daerden et al designed a new type
of Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PMA), namely the
Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PPAM) (Daer-
den and Lefeber, 2001). It was developed as an im-
provement with regard to existing types of PAM, e.g.
the McKibben muscle (Klute and Hannaford, 2000).
Its principal characteristic is its pleated mem-
brane. It can inflate without material stretching and
friction and has practically no stress in the direction
perpendicular to its axis of symmetry. Besides these
it is extremely strong and yet very lightweight and it
has a large stroke compared to other designs.
In 2003 we developed a first prototype of artificial
Arm (MaximumOne Figure 1) with the main aim to
experience the actuation architecture and the control
strategies we theorized.
From the kinematic point of view, if we exclude
the hand, the system presents overall four degrees of
freedom. Three are located in the shoulder that re-
sembles a spherical joint, and one in the elbow that is
a normal revolution joint.
Each joint is actuated by tendons connected with
McKibben artificial muscles. In order to detect the
arm posture and allow to close the control loop, each
actuator is equipped with a position and force sensor.
These devices were developed specifically for this ap-
plication, this because there are not commercial sys-
tem that meet our needs. Furthermore the elbow joint
is furnished of an angular sensor (Figure 1) that mea-
sures the joint position.
The signals coming from the sensors are condi-
tioned and gathered by dedicated boards that per-
form an analog multiplexing and send the informa-
tion to a Target-PC equipped with a real-time ker-
nel. The control system, implemented via software