Juan Pablo Soto
, Aurora Vizcaíno
, Javier Portillo
, Oscar M. Rodríguez-Elias
and Mario Piattini
Alarcos Research Group, Information Systems and Technologies Department, UCLM-Soluziona Research and
Development Institute, University of Castilla – La Mancha, Spain
UABC, Facultad de Ciencias, Ensenada México
Keywords: Reputation, multi-agent architecture, communities of practice, knowledge management.
Abstract: Advances in technology have led to the development of knowledge management systems with the intention
of improving organizational performance. Nevertheless, implementation of this kind of mechanisms is not
an easy task due to the necessity of taking into account social aspects (such as reputation) that improve the
exchange of information between groups of people. Considering, the advantages of working with groups
with similar interests we have modelled communities of agents which represent communities of people
interested in similar topics. In order to implement this model we propose a multi-agent architecture in
charge of evaluating the relevance of the knowledge in a knowledge base and the degree of reputation that a
person has as the contributor of information. We pay particular attention to showing how the use of the
agents works by using a prototype system to search for knowledge related to a particular domain of a
community of practice. Several communities of agents integrated into an organization have the capacity to
follow the interaction process of employees when carrying out their daily activities.
For several decades human behaviour has been
studied with the objective of imitating certain
aspects of it in computational systems (Schaeffer et
al, 1996). Based on this idea we have studied how
the people obtain and increase their knowledge in
their daily work. From this study we realise that
frequently, employees exchange knowledge with
people who work on similar topics as them and
consequently, either formally or informally,
communities are created which can be called
“communities of practice”, by which we mean
groups of people with a common interest where each
member contributes knowledge about a common
domain (Wenger, 1998).
Communities of practice enable their members to
benefit from each other’s knowledge. This
knowledge resides not only in people’s minds but
also in the interaction between people and
documents. An interesting fact is that individuals are
frequently more likely to use knowledge built by
their community team members than those created
by members outside their group (Desouza et al,
2006). This factor occurs because people trust more
in the information offered by a member of their
community than in that supplied by a person who
does not belongs to that community. Thus, a new
concept takes place in the process of obtaining
information. This concept is “trust” and can be
defined as “confidence in the ability and intention of
an information source to deliver correct
information” (Barber & Kim, 2004). Therefore,
people, in real life in general and in companies in
particular, prefer to exchange knowledge with
“trustworthy people” by which we mean people they
trust. Of course, the fact of belonging to the same
community of practice already implies that they
have similar interests and perhaps the same level of
knowledge about a topic. Consequently, the level of
trust within a community is often higher that which
exists out of the community. Because of this, as is
claimed in (Desouza et al, 2006), knowledge reuse
tends to be restricted within groups.
Bearing in mind that people exchange
information with “trustworthy knowledge sources”
we have designed a multi-agent architecture in
which agents try to emulate humans evaluating
Pablo Soto J., Vizca
ıno A., Portillo J., M. Rodr
ıguez-Elias O. and Piattini M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 173-178
knowledge sources with the goal of fostering the use
of knowledge bases in companies where agents
provide “trustworthy knowledge” to the employees.
Thus, in section 2 the multi-agent architecture is
described. Then, in section 3 we illustrate how the
architecture has been used to implement a prototype
which detects and suggests trustworthy documents
for members in a community of practice. In section
4 related works are outlined. Finally in section 5
conclusions are described.
Many organizations worried about their competitive
advantage use knowledge bases to store their
knowledge. However, sometimes the knowledge
which is put into a system is not very valuable. This
decreases the trust that employees have in their
organizational knowledge and reduces the
probability that people will use it. In order to avoid
this situation we have developed a multi-agent
architecture in charge of monitoring and evaluating
the knowledge that is stored in a knowledge base.
To design this architecture we have taken into
account how people obtain information in their daily
lives. Bearing in mind the advantages of working
with groups of similar interests we have organized
the agents into communities of people who are
interested in similar topics. Thus, Figure 1 shows
different communities where there are two types of
agents: the User Agent and the Manager Agent. The
former is used to represent each person that may
consult or introduce knowledge in a knowledge
base. The User Agent can assume three types of
behaviour or roles similar to the tasks that a person
can carry out in a knowledge base. Therefore, the
User Agent plays one role or another depending
upon whether the person that it represents carries out
one of the following actions:
The person contributes new knowledge to
the communities in which s/he is registered.
In this case the User Agent plays the role of
Provider (Pr).
The person uses knowledge previously
stored in the community. Then, the User
Agent will be considered as a Consumer
The person helps other users to achieve their
goals, for instance by giving an evaluation
of certain knowledge. In this case the role is
of a Partner (Pa). So, Figure 1 shows that
in community 1 there are two User Agents
playing the role of Partner, one User Agent
playing the role of Consumer and another
being a Provider.
Figure 1: Multi-agent architecture.
The fact that this agent can act both as
consumers and also as providers of knowledge may
lead to better results because they aim to motivate
the active participation of the individual in the
learning process, which often results in the
development of creativity and critical thinking (Kan,
The conceptual model of this agent, whose goals
are to detect trustworthy agents and sources, is based
on two closely related concepts: trust and reputation.
The former can be defined as confidence in the
ability and intention of an information source to
deliver correct information (Barber & Kim, 2004)
and the latter as the amount of trust an agent has in
an information source, created through interactions
with information sources. This definition is the most
appropriate for our research since the level of
confidence in a source is based on previous
experience of this. It is for this reason that the
remainder of the paper deals solely with reputation.
However, if we attempt to imitate the behaviour of
the employees in a company when they are
exchanging and obtaining information we observe
that apart from the concept of reputation other
factors also influence. These are:
Position: employees often consider
information that comes from a boss as being
more reliable than that which comes from
another employee in the same (or a lower)
position as him/her (Wasserman &
Glaskiewics, 1994). However, this is not a
universal truth and depends on the situation.
For instance in a collaborative learning
setting collaboration is more likely to occur
between people of a similar status than
between a boss and his/her employee or
between a teacher and pupils (Dillenbourg,
1999). Because of this, as will be explained
ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
later, in our research this factor will be
calculated by taking into account a weight
that can strengthen this factor to a greater or
to a lesser degree.
Expertise: this term can be briefly defined as
the skill or knowledge of a person who
knows a great deal about a specific thing.
This is an important factor since people
often trust in experts more than in novice
employees. Moreover, tools such as
expertise location (Crowder et al, 2002) are
being developed with the goal of promoting
the sharing of expertise knowledge
(Rodríguez-Elias et al, 2004).
Previous experience: People have greater
trust in those sources from which they have
previously obtained more “valuable
information”. Therefore, a factor that
influences the increasing or decreasing
reputation of a source is “previous
experience” and this factor can help us to
detect invaluable sources or knowledge. One
problem occurring in organizations is that
some employees introduce information
which is not particularly useful in a
knowledge base with the only objective of
trying to simulate that they are contributing
information in order to generate points or
benefits such as incentives or rewards
(Huysman & Wit, 2000). When this
happens, the information stored is generally
not very valuable and it will probably never
be used.
Taking all these factors into account we have
defined an own “concept of reputation” (see Figure
Figure 2: Reputation module.
That is, the reputation of agent
about agent
is a
collective measure defined by the previously
describe factors and computed as follows:
= w
+ w
( QC
where R
denotes the reputation value that
has in agent
(each agent in the community
has an opinion about each one of the agent members
of the community) .
and w
are weights with which the Reputation
value can be adjusted to the needs of the
is the value of expertise which is calculated
according to the degree of experience that a person
has in a domain.
is the value assigned to the position of a
person. This position is defined by the
organizational diagram of the enterprise. Therefore,
a value that determines the hierarchic level within
the organization can be assigned to each level of the
In addition, previous experience should also be
calculated. To accomplish this it is supposed that
when an agent A consults information from another
agent B, the agent A should evaluate how useful this
information was. This value is called QC
(Quality of
i’s Contribution). To attain the average value of an
agent’s contribution, we calculate the sum of all the
values assigned to their contributions and we divide
it between their total. In the formula n represents the
total number of evaluated contributions.
In this way, an agent can obtain a value related to
the reputation of another agent and decide to what
degree it is going to consider the information
obtained from this agent.
The second type of agent within a community is
called the Manager Agent (represented in black in
Figure 1) which is in charge of managing and
controlling its community. In order to approach this
type of agent the following tasks are carried out:
Registering an agent in its community. It
thus controls how many agents there are
and how long the stay of each agent in that
community is.
Registering the frequency of contribution of
each agent. This value is updated every
time an agent makes a contribution to the
Registering the number of times that an
agent gives feedback about other agents’
knowledge. For instance, when an agent
“A” uses information from another agent
“B”, the agent A should evaluate this
information. Monitoring how often an
agent gives feedback about other agents’
information helps to detect whether agents
contribute to the creation of knowledge
flows in the community since it is as
important that an agent contributes with
new information as it is that another agent
contributes by evaluating the relevance or
importance of this information.
Registering the interactions between agents.
Every time an agent evaluates the
contributions of another agent the Manager
agent will register this interaction. But this
interaction is only in one direction, which
means, if the agent A consults information
from agent B and evaluates it, the Manager
records that A knows B but that does not
means that B knows A because B does not
obtain any information about A.
Besides these agents there is another in charge of
initiating new agents and creating new communities.
This agent has two main roles: the “creator” role is
assumed when there is a petition (made by a User
Agent) to create a new Community and the
“initiator” role is assumed when the system is
initially launched. This agent, which is not included
in any of the communities, is located in the centre of
Figure 1, and is called the Creator Agent.
In order to evaluate the architecture and to gradually
improve it we have developed a prototype system
into which people can introduce documents and
where these documents can also be consulted by
other people. The goal of this prototype is that
agents software help employees to discover the
information that may be useful to them thus
decreasing the overload of information that
employees often have and strengthening the use of
knowledge bases in companies. In addition, we try
to avoid the situation of employees storing valueless
information in the knowledge base.
The main feature of this system is that when a
person searches for knowledge in a community, and
after having used the knowledge obtained, that
person then has to evaluate the knowledge in order
to indicate whether:
The knowledge was useful
How it was related to the topic of the search
(for instance a lot, not too much, not at all).
User Agents will use this information to
construct a “trust net”. Thus, these agents can know
how reliable the contributions of each person are and
also what each contribution was. This information is
very important to companies since by consulting it,
it is possible to know which employees are the best
contributors. From this information other
information can be obtained. For instance, who
should be consulted when there is a problem in a
concrete domain, since we agree with (Ackoff,
1989) who claim that knowledge management
systems should encourage dialogue between
individuals rather than simply directing them to
In the next sub-sections, we describe different
situations or scenarios to show how the agents work
in this prototype. These situations will represent
some general community rules and will show the
main interactions between agents in a community.
3.1 A New User Arrives in a
This situation happens when, for instance, a user
wants to join to a new community. To do this, the
person will choose a community from all the
available communities. In this case the Manager
Agent will ask whether there is any agent that knows
the new user in order to set a trust value on this
person (this process is similar to the socialization
stage of the SECI model (Nonaka & Takeuchi,
1995), where each one indicates its experience about
a topic, in this case about another person).
When a user wants to join to a community in
which no member knows anything about him/her,
the reputation value assigned to the user in the new
community is calculated on the basis of the
reputation assigned from others communities where
the user is or was a member. In order to do this, the
User Agent called, for instance, j, will ask each
community manager where he/she was previously a
member to consult each agent which knows him/her
with the goal of calculating the average value of
his/her reputation (R
). This is calculated as:
( R
where n is the number agents who know j and R
is the value of j’s reputation in the eyes of i. In the
case of being known in several communities the
average of the values R
will be calculated. Then,
the User Agent presents this reputation value
(similar to when a person presents his/her
curriculum vitae when s/he wishes to join in a
company) to the community manager to which it is
“applying”. In the case of the user being new in the
system (s/he has never been in a community) then
this user is assigned a “new” label in order for the
situation to be identified.
Once the Community Manager has obtained a
Reputation value for j it is added to the community
member list.
3.2 Using Community Documents and
Updating Reputation Values
People can search for documents in every
community in which they are registered. When a
ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
person searches for a document relating to a topic
his/her User Agent consults the Manager Agent
about which documents are related to their search.
Then, the Manager agent answers with a list of
documents. The User Agent sorts this list according
to the reputation value of the authors, which is to say
that the contributions with the best reputations for
this Agent are listed first. On the other hand, when
the user doesn’t know the contributor then the User
Agent consults the Manager Agent about which
members of the community know the contributors.
Thus, the User Agent can consult the opinions that
other agents have about these contributors, thus
taking advantage of other agents’ experience. To do
this the Manager consults its interaction table and
responds with a list of the members who know the
User Agent Then, this User Agent contacts each of
them. If nobody knows the contributors then the
information is listed, taking their expertise and
positions into account. In this way the User Agent
can detect how worthy a document is, thus saving
employees’ time, since they do not need to review
all documents related to a topic but only those
considered most relevant by the members of the
community or by the person him/herself according
to previous experience with the document or its
Once the person has chosen a document, his/her
User Agent adds this document to its own document
list (list of consulted documents), and if the author
of the document is not known by the person because
it is the first time that s/he has worked with him/her,
then the Community Manager adds this relation to
the interaction table explained in section 2. This step
is very important since when the person evaluates
the document consulted, his/her User Agent will be
able to assign a QC for this document.
This research can be compared with other proposals
that use agents and trust communities in knowledge
exchange. In literature we found several trust and
reputation mechanisms that have been proposed for
large open environments, for instance: e-commerce
(Zachaira et al, 1999), peer-to-peer computing
(Wang & Vassileva, 2003), etc.
There are others works on trust and reputation
(Griffiths, 2005; Yu & Singh, 2000). We shall only
mention those works that are most related to our
In (Schulz et al, 2003), the authors propose a
framework for exchanging knowledge in a mobile
environment. They use delegate agents to be spread
out into the network of a mobile community and use
trust information to serve as a virtual presence of a
mobile user. Another interesting work is (Wang &
Vassileva, 2003). In this work the authors describe a
trust and reputation mechanism that allows peers to
discover partners who meet their individual
requirements through individual experience and
sharing experiences with other peers with similar
preferences. This work is focused on peer-to-peer
Barber and Kim present a multi-agent belief
revision algorithm based on belief networks (Barber
& Kim, 2004). In their model the agent is able to
evaluate incoming information, to generate a
consistent knowledge base, and to avoid fraudulent
information from unreliable or deceptive
information source or agents. This work has a goal
similar to ours. However, the means of attaining it
are different. In Barber and Kim’s case they define
reputation as a probability measure, since the
information source is assigned a reputation value of
between 0 and 1. Moreover, every time a source
sends knowledge the source should indicate the
certainty factor that the source has of that
knowledge. In our case, the focus is very different
since it is the receiver who evaluates the relevance
of a piece of knowledge rather than the provider as
in Barber and Kim’s proposal.
Therefore, the main difference between our work
and previous works is that we take into account
factors that might influence the level of trust that a
person has in a piece of knowledge and in a
knowledge source. Moreover, we present a general
formula to define the reputation concept. This
formula can be adapted, by modifying the value of
the weights, to different settings. This is an
important difference from other works which are
focused on particular domains.
Communities of practice have the potential to
improve organizational performance and facilitate
community work. Because of this we consider it
important to model people’s behaviour within
communities with the purpose of imitating the
exchange of information in companies that are
produced in those communities. Therefore, we
attempt to encourage the sharing or information in
organizations by using knowledge bases. To do this
we have designed a multi-agent architecture where
the artificial agents use similar parameters to those
of humans in order to evaluate knowledge and
knowledge sources. These factors are: Reputation,
expertise and of course, previous experience.
This approach implies several advantages for
organizations as it permits them to identify the
expertise of their employees and to measure the
quality of their contributions. Therefore, it is
expected that a greater flow of communication will
exist between them which will consequently produce
an increase in their knowledge.
In addition, this work has illustrated how the
architecture can be used to implement a prototype.
The main functionalities of the prototype are:
Controlling whether employees try to
introduce valueless knowledge with the
goal of obtaining some profit such as
points, incentives, rewards,, etc
Providing the most suitable knowledge for
the employee’s queries, by using the
reputation and relevance values that the
agents have obtained from previous
Detecting the expertise of the employees
within an organization.
All these advantages provide organizations with
a better control of their knowledge base which will
have more trustworthy knowledge and it is
consequently expected that employees will feel more
willing to use it.
This work is partially supported by the ENIGMAS
(PIB-05-058), and MECENAS (PBI06-0024)
project, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La
Mancha, Consejería de Educación y Ciencia, both in
Spain. It is also supported by the ESFINGE project
(TIN2006-15175-C05-05) Ministerio de Educación
y Ciencia (Dirección General de Investigación)/
Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)
in Spain.
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ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics