than the original RRT-Connect algorithm. As the
space obstruction grows linearly, the resolving time of
RRT-Connect grows exponentially while RSRT algo-
rithm grows linearly. Figure 3 shows that the standard
deviation follows the same profile. It shows that RSRT
algorithm is more robust than RRT-Connect. Figure 4
shows that midpoints’ distributions follow the aver-
age resolving time behavior. This is a reinforcement
of the success of the RSRT algorithm. This assumes
that half part of time distribution are 10 to 4 times
faster than RRT-Connect.
We have described a new RRT algorithm, the RSRT al-
gorithm, to solve motion planning problems in static
environments. RSRT algorithm accelerates conse-
quently the resulting resolving time. The experiments
show the practical performances of the RSRT algo-
rithm, and the results reflect its classical behavior.
The results given above( have been evaluated on a
cluster which provide a massive experiment analysis.
The challenging goal is now to extend the benchmark
that is proposed to every motion planning methods.
The proposed benchmark will be enhanced to specific
situations that allow RRT to deal with motion plan-
ning strategies based on statistical analysis.
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