which abnormal cases were classified correctly. Finally, “Average” shows the average
classification rate obtained from each data group, “Ave.” shows the entire average
classification rate. That is, the paragraph of G
shows the identification rate when G
and G
are learned as learning data, and the result of obtaining is applied to G
. As a
result, on the total average, classification rate of 85.2%, 85.3%, 71.8%, and 85.6%
were achieved in the ANN, SVM, SOM, and AdaBoost, respectively.
6 Discussion and Conclusions
In this paper, we proposed a new automatic classification method for the spinal de-
formity detection by using ANN, SVM, SOM, and AdaBoost method which is ex-
tracted asymmetry degree. The middle line of the subject’s back is extracted on moire
image employing the approximate symmetry analysis, and ROIs are automatically
selected, then the asymmetry degree is calculated. Four asymmetry degrees from the
right-hand and left-hand side rectangle areas which is selected as ROIs apply to train
the ANN, SVM, SOM, and AdaBoost. The total average shows the classification rate
of 85.2%, 85.3%, 71.8%, and 85.6% in the ANN, SVM, SOM, and AdaBoost respec-
tively in the experiment employing 1200 moire image. In the experimental results, the
average classification rate of spinal deformity by ANN and AdaBoost was slightly
higher than the other classifier.
Fig.3 illustrates examples of misclassification result. In Fig.3, a normal case is
classified into abnormal in (a), whereas an abnormal case is classified into normal in
(b). In figure 3, sunburn trace appears on the waist part in (a). In Fig. 3 (b), gray val-
ues subtly differ in the vicinity of an edge particularly on the shoulder part. All of the
misclassified normal cases are found asymmetry of moiré patterns. This is because
gray values distribution in the rectangle regions unfortunately affected symmetrically
when the features were calculated. To escape from this difficulty, some other asym-
metry features such as asymmetric of shoulders line or asymmetric of angle on a waist
line might be taken into account in conjunction with it. These issues remain for fur-
ther study.
In the experimental results, the classification rates which normal cases were classi-
fied correctly are higher than the classification rates which abnormal cases were clas-
sified correctly. Generally, medical doctor checks the symmetric shape of right-hand
and left-hand side such as waist line and shoulder line of human back. In the normal
case, waist line shows almost symmetric shapes. On the other hand, in the abnormal
case, asymmetric moire patterns are appeared on the waist line. To improve the classi-
fication rate in the future, we introduce a new feature such as waist line and shoulder
line for the new features. That still remained as a future works.
This work was supported by a Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas
(18560414) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technol-
ogy, Japan.