encoder could be attached to the wheel to measure
the tether length, as it eliminates the time lag error.
From the above three analyses, it is evident that
the static model analysis is more promising than the
other two methods in terms of providing an accurate
model of freely hanging tether. Such a model can be
used to predict the force curve for freely hanging
scenario and the predicted curve can be compared
with the experimental curve. Based on the error
between the two curves, it could be identified
whether the tether is freely hanging or snagged with
obstacles. The static model can also be used to
identify different types of snags if dynamic effects
are introduced into it. One such approach could be
friction modeling.
Currently friction modeling is being investigated to
understand the dynamic effects of the system. Also a
robust and low-cost 3D localization strategy for a
swarm of tethered robots is being developed. This
technique does not require an environment map for
localization. It includes a tether length measurement
unit (TLMU) and a tether orientation measurement
unit (TOMU) to localize the robot in 3D space.
TLMU comprises of an optical encoder attached to
the passive wheel of the TWU to measure the length
of the tether. TOMU consists of a joystick attached
to the end of the TWU to measure pitch and roll of
the tether.
In this paper a novel, low-cost and robust system,
which does not require localization or environment
map to detect tether entanglement has been
proposed. A static model has been derived for the
proposed system. Experiments have been conducted
to verify the validity of the approach. The results are
analyzed using three different methods. From the
analyses it is clear that the static model analysis is a
promising way of detecting entanglement because it
clearly identifies the scenario in which the tether is
freely hanging.
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ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics