Figure 9: Solving an ambiguous case.
Figure 10 presents some matching and pose
estimation results using the proposed algorithm.
Figure 10: Some examples of 3D recognition without
This paper has presented a new active recognition
system. The system turns a 3D object recognition
problem into a multiple silhouette recognition
problem where images of the same object from
multiple viewpoints are considered. Fourier
descriptors properties have been used to carry out
the clustering, matching and pose processes.
Our method implies the use of databases with a
very large number of stored silhouettes, but an
efficient version of the matching process with
Fourier descriptors make it possible to solve the
object recognition and pose estimation problems in a
greatly reduced computation time.
On the other hand, the next best view (NBV)
method efficiently solves the frequent ambiguity
problem in recognition systems. This method is very
robust and fast, and is able to discriminate among
very close silhouettes.
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