Table 1: Computational results.
First solution Best solution
Reduction technique Total time Total nodes time nodes C
None 58.832 493167 0.032 1875 100 98
2.104 37483 0.048 2157 98 98
0.476 13374 0.120 6492 131 128
1.084 28583 0.040 681 102 98
compute the first feasible solution when different re-
duction techniques were used. The test with nor-
mal sleep set method which compares and removes
only time persistent pairs of transitions in combina-
tion with ordinary non-lazy runs was performed. This
is represented as SSM + NL
in the table 1. The
combination of SSM + NL
found the optimal
solution. This is due to the fact that only time per-
sistent transitions were pruned. No solutions could
be found for the strict non-laziness setting when ap-
plied alone or in combination with the strict sleep-set
method and the normal sleep-set method. It should
be noted that the reduction techniques ordinary non-
lazy runs and the normal sleep-set method are the
only combinations which theoretically guaranty that
the optimal solution is not pruned. The strict sleep set
method in general should only be used as a heuristic.
A new and a straightforward approach to model
scheduling problems in multi-product batch plants
and to derive production schedules based on symbolic
reachability analysis of TA has been introduced. The
experimental results show that the method can solve
scheduling problems in process industries efficiently
within a limited computation time. The main aspect
to be considered is the time required by the TA ap-
proach to specify and formulate the scheduling prob-
lem. It is relatively easy when compared to formulat-
ing it as MILP which are usually cumbersome. The
efficiency of the approach to derive solutions with re-
duced computational effort have been achieved with
different search space reduction techniques.
Future work on the TA based approach will focus
on online scheduling problems in which the arrival
time of jobs is not known in advance and subject to
random perturbations.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial sup-
port by the Graduate School of Production Engineer-
ing and Logistics at the University of Dortmund.
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ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics