Table 1: Data Sets used for the test.
Data set Classes DIM Per Class
XOR 2 5 {400,400}
2 2 {970,970}
2 8 {268,500}
2 9 {218,68}
Table 2: Comparison between IFPM, FPM, KNN and
FKNN, using leave-one-out technique, according to
Rejection Rate (RR) and to Misclassification Rate (MR).
Method FPM
MR (%) RR (%)
MR (%) RR (%)
XOR 44.12 0 0 0
Spiral 18.24 0 0 1.5
Pima 30.73 0.78 19.53 20.7
LBC 25.87 1.05 10.14 30.42
XOR 0 0 0 0
Spiral 0 0 0 0
Pima 25.26 0 26.43 0
LBC 23.78 0 23.43 0
In this paper, we have proposed a solution to adapt
the classification method Fuzzy Pattern Matching
(FPM) to be operant in the case of classes with
correlated attributes as well as the class importance
and its shape if this shape is not convex. The
integration of this solution in FPM is called
Improved FPM (IFPM). The performances of IFPM
are compared with the ones of FPM, K Nearest
Neighbours (KNN) and Fuzzy KNN (FKNN) using
the misclassification rate as evaluation criterion.
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sets. We have also used XOR problem and Spiral
data which are widely used to study the correlation
between attributes. In addition, we have used Pima
Indians diabetes and Ljubljana Breast Cancer data
sets which are known to be strongly non Gaussian
with different a priori probabilities. The
misclassification rate obtained by IFPM is better
than the one of FPM, KNN and FKNN. However,
IFPM rejects more points than the previous methods.
Anyway, it is better to reject a point than to
misclassify it.
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ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics