Figure 3: Experimental results. Local upstream control.
Water level (mm), reference (mm), gate position (mm), time
where η is a white dither noise of small amplitude,
such that and F is the vector of controller gains, com-
puted from the estimates of the corresponding pre-
dictive models by the optimization of a cost function
across a predefined horizon T.
An integral effect has been also considered in par-
allel with MUSMAR. This algorithm has been im-
plemented in C and linked with the software package
presented above. A detailed description of MUSMAR
is presented in (Mosca et al., 1989).
The following results were obtained at the experimen-
tal canal with MUSMAR controller in January 2007.
In the experiment the control structure is a local
upstream one. The sampling time was set to 5 s, the
controlled variable is the level upstream of gate 2, the
manipulated variable is the position of gate 2. The
inlet flow of the canal was locally controlled to 35 l/s,
off-take valves were closed and gate 1, 3, and 4 were
Experimental results are shown in Fig.3. After the
startup the gains converge and the algorithm follows
the reference, although with a significant static error.
At instant 17,2 the integral gain was set to 0.05 elim-
inating the static error.
An adaptive predictive control algorithm and an API
software package were implemented, and tested in an
experimental process plant. The results show the ap-
plicability of advanced control algorithms in the con-
text of water canal systems. Instrumented canal plants
with centralised control and supervision are essen-
tial to the application of complex control algorithms,
which are impractical to implement on local PLCs.
As future work the inclusion of a priori information
(loading initial gains and initial covariance matrix) is
a promising step as it has been observed in other ap-
plications to be an important issue in order to apply
the MUSMAR algorithm in production environment.
This work has been supported under project FLOW -
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ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics