In this paper, we presented a complete Dirac mixture
filter that is based on the approximation of the poste-
rior density. The filter makes use of the properties of
the Dirac mixture approximation wherever they are
required, but does not deny the continuous charac-
ter of the true density. This can especially be seen
after each prediction step, where the full continuous
density representation is used.
The new approach is natural, mathematically rig-
orous, and based on an efficient algorithms (Schrempf
et al., 2006a)(Schrempf et al., 2006b) for the op-
timal approximation of arbitrary densities by Dirac
mixtures with respect to a given distance.
Compared to a particle filter, the proposed method
has several advantages. First, the Dirac components
are systematically placed in order to minimize a given
distance measure, which is selected in such a way that
the future evolution of approximate densities is al-
ways close to the true density while also considering
the actual measurements. As a result, very few sam-
ples are sufficient for achieving an excellent estima-
tion quality. Second, the optimization does not only
include the parameters of the Dirac mixture approxi-
mation, i.e., weights and locations, but also the num-
ber of components. As a result, the number of compo-
nents is automatically adjusted according to the com-
plexity of the underlying true distribution and the sup-
port area of a given likelihood. Third, as the approxi-
mation is fully deterministic, it guarantees repeatable
Compared to the Unscented Kalman Filter, the
Dirac mixture filter has the advantage, that it is not
restricted to first and second order moments. Hence,
multi-modal densities, which cannot be described suf-
ficiently by using only the first two moments, can
be treated very efficiently. Such densties occur quite
often in strongly nonlinear systems. Furthermore,
no assumptions on the joint distribution of state and
measurement have to be made.
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