with a generalized physical velocity. This relationship
is specially important for the angular velocity of a free
moving object due to the fact that time derivative of
angular representations (such a roll-pitch-yaw) do not
stand for the angular velocity. However, there is al-
ways a correspondence between these vectors. For
external forces this mapping is indeed important. It
relates a physical force/torque wrench to the general-
ized coordinates q = (x
) whose last
3 components does not represent a unique physical
space. In this work, such mapping is given by J
appears in the contact force mapping by the normal-
ized operator J
. The operator J
can be seen as the
difference of a Analytical Jacobian and the Geometric
Jacobian of a robot manipulator.
5.2 The Controller
Notice that the controller exhibits a PD structure
plus a nonlinear I-tame control action, with nonlin-
ear time-varying feedback gains for each orthogonal
subspace. It is in fact a decentralized PID-like, coined
as ”Sliding PD” controller. It is indeed surprising that
similar control structures can be implemented seem-
ingly for a robot in the surface or below water, with
similar stability properties, simultaneous tracking of
contact force and posture. Of course, this is possible
under a proper mapping of jacobians, key to imple-
ment this controller.
5.3 Friction at the Contact Point
When friction at the contact point arises, which is ex-
pected for submarine tasks wherein the contact object
is expected to exhibits a rough surface, with high fric-
tion coefficients, a tangential friction model should
be added in the right hand side. Particular care must
be employed to map the velocities. Complex friction
compensators can be designed, similar to the case of
force control for robot manipulators, therefore details
are omitted.
Although a PD controller, recently validated by
(Smallwood, 2004) has a much simpler structure and
very good performance for underwater vehicles in po-
sition control schemes, it does not deal with the task
of contact force control.
The desired contact force can be calculated via
equation (19) directly in the generalized frame in
which it occurs.
Structural properties of the open-loop dynamics of
submarine robots are key to design passivity-based
controllers. In this paper, an advanced, yet sim-
ple, controller is proposed to achieve simultaneously
tracking of time-varying contact force and posture,
without any knowledge of his dynamic parameters.
This is a significant feature of this controller, since in
particular for submarine robots the dynamics are very
difficult to compute, let alone its parameters.
A simulation study provides additional insight
into the closed-loop dynamic properties for set-point
control and tracking case.
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ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics