Figure 6: The trajectory of the mobile robot around a
circular obstacle.
Figure 7: The trajectory of the mobile robot around a
irregular obstacle.
In the simulations can be seen the mobile robot
trajectory around an obstacle (object) with circular
boundaries (Figure 6) and around an obstacle
(object) with irregular boundaries (Figure 7). One
program is changed when are reached the proximity
levels PL1 or PL5. If PL5 is reached the order of
changing becomes as follows: P1ÆP2ÆP3ÆP4Æ...
If PL1 is reached the order of changing is becomes
follows: P4ÆP3ÆP2ÆP1Æ P4Æ ……
This paper presents a fuzzy control algorithm for
mobile robots which are moving next to the obstacle
boundaries, avoiding the collisions with them. Four
motion cycles (programs) depending on the
proximity levels and followed by the mobile robot
on the trajectory (P1, P2, P3, and P4) are shown.
The directions of the movements corresponding to
every cycle, for every reached proximity level are
presented. The sequence of the programs depending
on the reached proximity levels is indicated. The
motion control algorithm is presented by a flowchart
showing the evolution of the functional cycles
(programs). The fuzzy rules for evolution
(transition) of the programs and for the motion on X-
axis and Y-axis respectively are described. The
fuzzy controller for the mobile robots based on the
algorithm presented above is simple. Finally, some
simulations are presented. If the object is like a
circle, every program is proper for a quarter of the
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