6 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, a hybrid task scheduling approach has been proposed, which signifi-
cantly reduces communication overhead while improving the overall system perform-
ance through dynamic task allocation. This algorithm avoids unnecessary communi-
cation by broadcasting global information which is in everybody’s interest and mean-
while limits specific information which is in interest of some specific robots only.
Each robot would dynamically allocate a task which is difficult for itself to other
capable and most available robots, and keeps tracking the help requests, which makes
the system robust against communication failures and robot failures. Simulation re-
sults show robot communication overhead can be significantly reduced, which auto-
matically leads to reduction of power consumption and time consumption. In our
future work, more dynamic situations will be considered, such as malicious agents,
dynamically adding to or removing agents from the current team, global update fail-
ures. Furthermore, the method will be implemented to a real-world multi-robot sys-
tem, where robot dynamics, kinematics, robot-robot interaction and sensors would
have to be considered.
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