Emil Garipov, Teodor Stoilkov
Technical University of Sofia, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Ivan Kalaykov
Orebro University, 70182
Orebro, Sweden
Dead-beat controller, multiple-model control, single-input single-output systems.
The task of achieving a dead-beat control by a linear DB controller under control constraints is presented in
this paper. Two algorithms using the concept of multiple-model systems are proposed and demonstrated - a
multiple-model dead-beat (MMDB) controller with varying order using one sampling period and a MMDB
controller with fixed order using several sampling periods. The advantages and disadvantages of these con-
trollers are summarized.
The Dead-Beat (DB) control problem in discrete time
control theory consists of finding an input signal,
which provides a transient response in a minimum
number of sampling time steps. It has been studied by
many researchers, e.g. (Jury, 1958), (Kucera, 1980),
(Kaczorek, 1980), (Isermann, 1981), etc. If an n
der linear system is null controllable, this minimum
number of steps is n, as the applied feedback provides
all poles of the closed-loop transfer function at the
z-plane origin. The linear case is easy to solve, but
DB control for non-linear systems is an open research
problem (Nesic et al., 1998).
The DB controller of normal order (Isermann,
1981), denoted as DB(n,d), provides a constant con-
trol action after n
= (n+ d) sampling steps, where d
is the plant delay. For small sampling period the lin-
ear DB(n,d) controller forms extremely high control
values at the first and second sampling steps after a
step change of the system reference signal. In gen-
eral, the control valve constrains the control signal, so
these high amplitudes cannot be passed to the plant,
thus making the system to be non-linear.
One way to solve the problem of constrained con-
trol signal, and still keeping the system as linear, is to
prolong the transient response by increasing the con-
troller order n
. Isermann (1981) suggested increased
by one order DB(n,d,1) controller, so the transient re-
sponse takes n
= (n+ d+1) sampling steps with de-
creased control value compared to the DB(n,d). This
approach did not have essential practical application,
but suggested two ideas:
- a higher controller order reduces the maximal
amplitude of the control action;
- linear dead-beat control can be achieved by flex-
ible tuning of the controller numerator coefficients.
In (Garipov and Kalaykov, 1991) an approach for
design of adaptive DB(n,d,m) controller is presented,
where the order increment m is sequentially changed
until the control signal fits the control constraints. The
reduction of the control magnitude pays off the pro-
longation of the transient response, as the signal en-
ergy distributes in more sampling time steps. Another
approach is to increase the system sampling period
without losing information. A control system with
two sampling periods is proposed in (Garipov and
Stoilkov, 2004) as a compromise solution.
These last two above mentioned approaches are
useful for generalizing them by merging and involv-
ing various aspects of the multiple-model concept, as
presented in (Murray-Smith and Johansen, 1997). In
the present paper the task is solved by multiple-model
dead-beat controller (MMDB) for one fixed and sev-
eral sampling periods of the control system.
In Section 2 we present the theoretical base for
design of DB controller of increased order. In Sec-
tion 3 we describe the operation principle of DB con-
trol based on two sampling periods. In Section 4 the
MMDB controller concept is developed in two vari-
ants. The first is based on a set of DB controllers of
increased order in a system with one sampling period.
Garipov E., Stoilkov T. and Kalaykov I. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 171-177
DOI: 10.5220/0001633901710177