involved: the overconsciousness, working with the induced visions of perceived
images-excitations and with the packed traces of visions as adjustments-associations
of the neural networks, and also the subconsciousness, operating with sound,
olfactory and sensational images, that induced and packed in parameters of neural-
The important factor in conclusions of human and in the all decision-making
Contour is the visions of action subject, scripts of a concrete situation and expected
result. Such visions should be reflected on the neural-screen during all the time of the
operative processing of the speech and other images, which are formed and
transferred on CBIT. Therefore, obvious is the special role of visual support for the
working of the all subsystems of human intellect – overconsciousness,
consciousnesses and even subconsciousness, so the special Common Bus for visual
subject and sign images (CBSI), which directly connects the processor of spatial
images processing (Video V-processor) by overconsciousness with the basic
processors (neural-stacks) of the brain base subsystems is obviously necessary.
The consciousness is formed only after when the person seizes speech, i.e. the
specific sound signals, which fragments (words) and their various elements
(statement) have the certain conditional messages, accepted in some environment – in
the society and reflected in the dictionaries. Such elements of speech (language of
dialogue) by the messages spectrum should differ essentially from estimations-
understandings of overconsciousness.
The consciousness of the person-expert can scan the all windows of the
neural-screen and to generate the mental speech image, that is marking basing on the
words and statements the specific features of certain image projections of observable
object, that is provided the allocation of the information and its probable further
registration. That is why in some believes, that “the first was a word”. It is true, but
only for the human consciousness formation.
6 Conclusions
In the paper is suggested the base biological model of thinking: “any image – action”,
and also the internal articulation (idea) or the external articulation (speech) are
considered as the actions ways, that naturally depend on the collective actions
synchronization. Although there is the "latent" system organization of cartoids
connections in receptor and effector layers of human brain, we suggest the system-
technical model of the functional-oriented neural processors and of the neural
coprocessors interactions organization for processing of the various type of the
images and of the images traces from the knowledge bases stacks. These elements are
the base for the multilevel associations of the images and their processing methods as
system-psychological software, which realize all the processes of cognitive,
confidential, creative cogitative and creative activities of the person (for more detail
see [1]).
The advantage of the suggested structures is their flexibility and feature to create
the diversified contours for the mental images processing, that provides the various
decisions making depending on certain situation. The thinking and feeling robots will
be highly survivable and adaptive. The specific of the suggested structures is the