19 33 44 55 Inf
SNR in dB of signal to reverse
Comparison of the training efforts for differents SNR values
Black−box neural network
Semi−physical neural network
Figure 10: Curves of learning effort on the test set.
that, it is the black-box which is slightly more effec-
tive. On figure 10, the tendencies are the same for the
black-box model. The gray-box model is penalized
by the constraint imposed by the neural framework
and the more reduced number of connections. Within
the framework of a traditional second order ODE, the
semi-physical model seems to require a greater effort
with the test set than the black-box model. Indeed,
within the framework of this example, the number of
coefficients remaining free for the gray-box model be-
ing relatively low, it leads to a loss of the generaliza-
tion capacity compared to the black-box model. How-
ever, this supremacy is quite relative since only 76%
of the tests carried out have been conclusive for the
black-box model and 100% for the gray-box model.
We have examined the performances of an inverse dy-
namic model by fusion of statistical learning and de-
terministic modeling. For the study, our choices have
gone toward the design of an inverse semi-physical
model using a looped neural network. We have com-
pared the latter with an inverse fully connected neu-
ral network. Experimental results on a second order
system have shown that the inverse gray-box neural
model is more parsimonious and presents better per-
formances in term of learning effort than the inverse
black-box neural model, because of knowledge in-
duced by the deterministic model. The performances
in term of inverse modeling precisions are visible
since the input restoration errors are weak. The neu-
ral training plays the part of statistical regressor and of
regularization operator. Finally, a higher order model
increases the number of neurons and then improves
the robust effect to the noise of the gay-box model.
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