which corresponds to the measurement accuracy. On
the other hand, further adjusting of the model to the
new experimental data does not give the residual
Hence, the calibration results confirm validity of
the proposed identification technique and its ability
to tune the joint offsets and link lengths from
observations of the leg parallelism. Other conclusion
is related to the modelling assumption: for further
accuracy improvement it is prudent to generalize the
manipulator model by including parameters
describing the orientation of the prismatic joint axes,
i.e. relaxing assumption (iv) (see sub-section 2.2).
This paper proposes further developments for a
novel calibration approach for parallel manipulators,
which is based on observations of manipulator leg
parallelism with respect to some predefined planes.
This technique employs a simple and low-cost
measuring system composed of standard comparator
indicators, which are sequentially used for
measuring the deviation of the relevant leg location
while the manipulator moves the TCP along the
Cartesian axes. From the measured differences, the
calibration algorithm estimates the joint offsets and
the link lengths that are treated as the most essential
parameters to be tuned. The validity of the proposed
approach and efficiency of the developed numerical
algorithm were confirmed by the calibration
experiments with the Orthoglide prototype, which
allowed essential reduction of the residuals and
corresponding improvement of the accuracy.
Future work will focus on the expanding the set of
the identified model parameters, their identifiably
analysis, and compensation of the non-geometric
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