Figure 1: Omni-directional wheelchair (OMW).
more, the sensor position to measure the force added
by human for power assist is different from the posi-
tion of the gravity center of the OMW, and therefore
the force generated by its difference must be compen-
It was impossible to find general rules to solve the
both problems stated in the above, but the relation-
ship was found by authors between lateral and ro-
tational movements. These relationships were used
as the base for constructing a fuzzy reasoning system
that helped to improve the operability of the OMW.
Nevertheless, when the system was tested by dif-
ferent attendants, it was found that a complete satis-
factory result was not obtained by every attendant. It
is because each person has its own tendencies and the
fuzzy inference system must be tuned to respond to
them. Tuning of the fuzzy inference system by trial
and error thus has been tried by authors’ group. How-
ever it is a time consuming and needs a lot of trials of
the attendants, then these can become tired and bored.
Thus, a better tuning method, a method that allows
tuning of the fuzzy inference system, is needed. It
can be obtained by adding Neural Networks (NN) to
the fuzzy inference system, obtaining what is known
as a neuro-fuzzy system. There is a lot of research
in this topic (Jang, 1993)-(Lin and Lee, 1991), being
the basic difference the kind of NN that is used in
combination with the fuzzy inference system.
Jang (Jang, 1993) developed ANFIS: Adaptive-
Network-based Fuzzy Inference Systems, a neuro-
fuzzy system in which the fuzzy inference system is
tuned by using the input data of the system.
The desired direction of motion of the attendant as
the teaching reference for the learning could be input
by just using the keyboard of the computer. However
keyboard input is not user-freindly. Furthermore, this
method does not provide feedback information to the
attendant in order to know how well he is accomplish-
ing the desired motion. Then, a human interface that
provides information to the attendant is desired. This
can be achieved by using a touch panel system with
monitor, which is a device that can be used as an input
and at the same time can show the resultant motion of
the OMW. The desired motion and the real motion
of the OMW are compared in order to obtain the dif-
ference, or error, that will be used for the training of
ANFIS, as explained in a previous paper (Terashima
et al., 2006).
In a previous paper (Terashima et al., 2006) by
the authors, the forwards-bacwards velocity was not
included in the ANFIS system of the OMW and
then a Reduction Multiplicative Factor (RMF) was
used for the improvement of the rotational motion
of the OMW when there was some interference of
the forwards-backwards velocity. By using the RMF
it was possible to achieve good operability in the
forwards-backwards motion, lateral motion and rota-
tional motion. However the results were not satisfac-
tory in the case of slanting motion. By including the
forwards-backwards velocity in the ANFIS system as
shown in Fig. 6, and with the use of the touch panel
for providing teaching reference for the learning, it
was possible to acomplish a general omni-directional
motion. Simulation and experimental results in the
case of diagonal motion are shown in Fig. 13 and Fig.
Hence, in this paper, an innovative method for
improving the operability of a power assist omni-
directional wheelchair by using a touch panel with
neuro-fuzzy controller as a human interface is pro-
A holonomic omni-directional wheelchair (OMW)
using omni-wheels has been built by authors’ gropup,
as is described in (Kitagawa et al., 2002)-(Kitagawa
et al., 2001). Figure 1 shows an overview of the
OMW developein by authors’ group.
The OMW is able to move in any arbitrary direc-
tion without changing the direction of the wheels.
In this system, four omni-directional wheels are in-
dividually and simply driven by four motors. Each
wheel has passively driven free rollers at their circum-
ference. The wheel that rolls perpendicularly to the
direction of movement does not stop its movement
because of the passively driven free rollers. These
wheels thus allow movement that is holonomic and
The OMW is also equipped with a handle and a six-
axis force sensor, as shown in Fig. 1, that allows the
OMW’s use in power-assist mode. The force that the
ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics