Figure 12: Steering wheels angle during the double over-
Obviously, the use of additional sensors, such as more
cameras and laser range finders, would give the sys-
tem enhanced capabilities. Still, the experiments pre-
sented clearly demonstrate the viability of using low
cost sensors for autonomous highway driving of auto-
mobile vehicles.
The sonar data processing uses crude filtering
techniques, namely the occupancy grid and the vot-
ing system, to filter out data outliers such as those
arising due to reflection of sonar beams. Similarly
with image processing, supported in basic techniques
that nonetheless where shown effective, with the line
search based on the edge detection showing robust-
ness to lighting variations.
The small number of behaviours considered was
shown enough for the most common highway driv-
ing situations and exhibit a performance that seems to
be comparable to human. Nevertheless, the decision
system can cope easily with additional behaviors that
might be found necessary in future developments. For
instance, different sets of A,K parameters in (1) yield
different behaviors for the system.
Future work includes the use of additional low
cost cameras and the testing of alternative control
laws, for instance including information on the veloc-
ity of the vehicles driving ahead.
This work was supported by Fundac¸
ao para a
encia e a Tecnologia (ISR/IST plurianual fund-
ing) through the POS
Conhecimento Program that in-
cludes FEDER funds.
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