3. Image expansion to double the original resolution
of 1920 × 1080 was performed using our algo-
rithm, bilinear and bspline interpolations.
4. Original and expanded DPX video frames were
compared subjectively based on perceived detail
in image patches. The quality of reproduction
was also evaluated objectively using several im-
age quality metrics described below.
First, a traditional measure based on Peak Signal-
to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) (Pratt, 1978) was calculated.
In this paper, the PSNR was calculated on the 10-
bit logarithmic representation of pixel values. This
metric is very practical and easy to compute, how-
ever it does not always correlate well with the quality
perceived by human users (Girod, 1993). An alterna-
tive using a modified version of the PSNR based on
perceived visibility of error, namely Weighted Peak
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (WPSNR) (Voloshynovskiy
et al., 1999), was also computed. In this metric, error
on textured area would be given less weighting factor
than that on flat surface.
Since image expansion algorithms usually intro-
duce blur artifacts, another quality metric (Gunawan
and Ghanbari, 2005) which is able to detect and
measure the degree of blurriness on image was also
used. This metric uses features extracted from the
frequency domain through two-dimensional Discrete
Fourier Transfrom (DFT) computation over a lo-
calised area on the gradient image. In an image
contaminated by blurring distortion, some frequency
components appear attenuated when compared to the
same set of components on the original image. Blur-
riness detection can be done by analysing the decay
in the strength of these frequency components. One
quality parameter produced by this metric called har-
monic loss, is a relative comparison of certain fre-
quency components from different images. This pa-
rameter can be used to measure blurring on image.
It is subjectively apparent that our algorithm has
regenerated plausible image detail that was irretriev-
able when using the B-Spline and Bilinear interpola-
tion approaches (Figure 3). The down-sampling sup-
pressed visual information which only our algorithm
could recover based on its knowledge of statistical co-
occurrence of low and high frequency image content.
Objective comparison of our algorithm with Bi-
linear and B-Spline interpolation (Table 1) for image
expansion shows a marked improvement in the PSNR
and WPSNR metrics for our algorithm. Bilinear in-
terpolation performs marginally better than B-Spline
interpolation and our algorithm has almost twice the
objective image quality score as the second best ap-
Figure 2: Reduced scale colour image from original DPX
digital cine frame from studio sequence ‘face’. Relatively
soft focus is used with a moving subject. Box indicates
where detail is shown in Figure 3. Note that this and all
following images are uncorrected log colour space.
It was observed that VQ-based enhancement
method was better than conventional method (e.g
bspline) since the latter introduces more blurriness to
the images. As an illustration, Figure 4 compares the
degree of the blurriness (expressed as blur index) of
several images from ‘outdoor’ sequence which have
been enhanced by three different methods (our pro-
posed VQ-based, bilinear, and b-spline). Note that
higher value of the blur indexon an image implies that
the image contains more blurring artifacts. It shows
that the blurriness indices of the bspline and bilinear
enhanced images are generally higher than those of
VQ-based. Figures 6 and 7 show the relative blurri-
ness of the expanded images compared to the original.
This paper presented a novel approach to image en-
hancement using a technique which would avoid the
known shortcomings of fractal enhancement. We
learnt the statistical properties of the co-occurrence
of low and high frequency image content and used
these probability distributions to predict image con-
Table 1: Peak-signal-to-noise ratio and weighted-peak-
signal-to-noise ratio image quality metrics for the image
expansions shewn in Figure 3. (1) Our algorithm, (2) Bi-
linear Interpolation, (3)B-Spline interpolation. Note that all
calculations are done on the 10 bit logarithmic representa-
tion used in DPX which compresses the upper part of the
dynamic range and tends to give lower PSNR values than
will be familiar from for 8 bit linear representations.
(1) (2). (3)
PSNR 16.8 dB 8.4dB 6.4 dB
WPSNR 22.9 dB 14.4dB 12.4 dB