Percent of Isolates Classified Correctly
Centered Circles alone: 56.28%
Grid Corrections: 56.68 %
AMIA: 55.35%
The generally low percentages may be due largely to
the poor quality of the images and the very close
similarities between the strands, not necessarily the
image processing techniques. It also may have to do
with the applied statistical methods.
Possible improvements to these results are
discussed in the future work section below.
Because we found a method with at least equal
accuracy and greater automation than the AMIA
toolbox, we consider our work an improvement on
DNA microarray image processing for grayscale
intensity, noise-filled image classification. The only
user input required for our program to run all the
way through is for the user to locate the folder in the
computer that contains the images. It was surprising
to see that the wandering circle method did not
improve upon the centered circle method. One
reason for this inconsistency might be that noise has
too great an effect on circle location.
We will also investigate different statistical
approaches – the literature has shown techniques
that generate almost 90% accuracy on the AMIA
data, and we feel that more advanced statistical
analyses will generate even better results on data
generated by our algorithms.
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