experiments, we concluded that when the
rectangular template has a side of 40-48 pixels, a
capture radius of 20 pixels is enough to hold failed
records at a minimum. Moreover, we proposed the
enhanced cross-correlation algorithm with the
adaptive search radius which provides the maximum
degree of similarity, more than 0.95, between
tracked region and the template. The matching
procedure was improved and it is implemented in
eight directions based on the reduced spiral search
with the sparse angular sampling and shift of one
pixel. Such an improvement of cross-correlation
algorithm decreased the number of computations by
8.9-2.2 times in a comparison to raster-like matching
when the sample candidate has to be checked
throughout the overall search area with a minimum
consequent displacement. The improved algorithm
has a good performance employing the minimum PC
resources for computation, 8-15% with Intel
Pentium 4 CPU. Finally, the head-mouse application
was tested with processor Pentium II 351.5MHz,
Cache 512Kb, RAM 130Mb running under
Windows 2000. It took of about 40-65% of the PC
resources at the frame rate of 30 fps.
The tests with able-bodied participants showed
the average typing speed of about 6.2 wpm with text
entry technique after two-hour practice of the use of
head-mouse. In the further development, we plan to
increase the number of applications and features
which could be adaptive.
This work was financially supported by the
Academy of Finland (grant 200761 and 107278),
and as a part of the project SKILLS (FP6-035005)
funded by the EU Commission.
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VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications