J. Bruijns, F. J. Peters, R. P. M. Berretty and B. Barenbrug
Philips Research, High Tech Campus 36, 5656 AE, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Medical Image Analysis, 3D Rotational Angiography, Computer Assisted Diagnosis, Vessel Analysis.
Volume representations of blood vessels acquired by 3D rotational angiography are very suitable for diagnos-
ing a stenosis or an aneurysm. For optimal treatment, physicians need to know the shape parameters of the
diseased vessel parts. Therefore, we developed a method for semi-automatic extraction of these parameters
from a surface model of the vessel boundaries. To facilitate fully-automatic shape extraction along the ves-
sels, we developed a method to generate a vessel graph. This vessel graph represents the topology faithfully.
However, the nodes and the branches are not always located close to the center lines of the vessels. Nodes and
branches outside the center region decrease the accuracy of the extracted shape parameters. In this paper we
present a method to improve the geometry of a vessel graph.
Volume representations of blood vessels acquired by
3D rotational angiography after injection with a con-
trast agent (Moret et al., 1998) have a clear distinc-
tion in gray values between tissue and vessel vox-
els. Therefore, these volume representations are very
suitable for diagnosing a stenosis, a local narrowing
of a vessel caused for example by cholesterol, or an
aneurysm, a local widening of a vessel caused by a
weak vessel wall.
For optimal treatment of a stenosis or an
aneurysm, physicians need to know the cross-
sectional shape parameters in the neighborhood of the
diseased vessel parts. We developed a method for
semi-automatic extraction of these parameters from
a surface model of the vessel boundaries (Bruijns,
2000). However, if two vessel branches are close to-
gether, it is possible that vertices of the neighbor ves-
sel branch are included in the set of selected vertices
which are used to estimate the local shape parameters
of the vessel branch investigated. To exclude surface
vertices of neighbor vessel branches, we developed a
method for fully-automatic branch labelling (Bruijns,
2001) to give the vessel voxels (and from these the
surface vertices) a unique label per vessel branch.
This method results also in a set of directed graphs
(one for each component of the voxel vessel struc-
tures) with nodes (one for each vessel bifurcation and
one for each vessel extremity) and edges (one for each
vessel branch). An edge (called “skeleton branch”)
consists of a set of face connected vessel voxels,
called “skeleton voxels”, between the begin and end
node of the skeleton branch. The first skeleton voxel
is located at the begin node. The last skeleton voxel at
the end node. Each node and each skeleton voxel has
a radius derived from the local cross-section. Each
skeleton voxel has also a plane. The plane position is
initialized to the position of the skeleton voxel. These
initial plane positions form a staircase curve (one for
each skeleton branch). Since the plane normals are
derived from the plane positions, each curve with
plane positions is smoothed by a constrained relax-
ation algorithm (van Overveld, 1995). The resulting
curve of plane positions is a piecewise cubic curve.
The plane normal is equal to the normalized direction
from the plane position of the lower neighbor to the
plane position of the higher neighbor of the skeleton
The generated graphs facilitate fully-automatic
vessel tracing along the skeleton branches of the same
graph. After the user has selected a begin and end po-
Bruijns J., J. Peters F., P. M. Berretty R. and Barenbrug B. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IFP/IA, pages 243-252
sition, a minimum path between the two correspond-
ing skeleton voxels is generated. Next, for each skele-
ton voxel of this minimum path the shape parameters
of the local cross-section (e.g. an orthogonal plane
with an ellipse) are computed (Bruijns, 2000; Brui-
jns, 2001), using the plane position and the plane nor-
mal of the skeleton voxel as initial estimate for the
ellipse center respectively the normal of the orthogo-
nal plane.
The generated graphs represent the topology of
the vessels faithfully. However, the nodes and the
skeleton voxels are not always located close to the
center lines of the vessels. A very clear example of
an incorrectly located node is shown in Figure 9 in
Section 6, namely the node with the square around the
wire frame sphere. Nodes and skeleton voxels outside
the center region of the vessel not only decrease the
accuracy of the extracted shape parameters but also
hamper the optimal functioning of other algorithms
((Bruijns et al., 2005b; Bruijns et al., 2005a)). In this
paper we present a method to detect such incorrectly
located nodes and skeleton voxels and to move them
to the center lines as close as possible.
We use the Manhattan distance transform (Borge-
fors, 1984) (faster to compute than the Euclidian dis-
tance transform) with regard to the vessel boundaries
to improve the geometry of a vessel graph. We call
this distance transform the primary distance trans-
form, abbreviated to PDT. We use the PDT because
for each orthogonal cross-section the PDT is greater
for vessel voxels closer to the vessel center.
In summary our method is as follows. First, the
location of the nodes is improved (see Section 3).
Next, the location of the skeleton voxels is checked
(see Section 4). After all, only if the skeleton voxels
of a branch are not close enough to the center line,
the location of the skeleton branch can be improved.
Finally, the location of the skeleton branches is im-
proved (see Section 5). The branches are processed
after the nodes because even if the original skeleton
voxels of a branch are perfectly located, new skele-
ton voxels for a branch have to be generated if one or
both nodes of this branch are moved. The results for
53 clinical volume datasets are presented in Section
The displaced skeleton voxels should be closer to
(but do not represent) the center lines of the vessels!
The new plane positions and the new plane normals of
the skeleton voxels, used as initial estimates, should
result in more accurate shape parameters so that the
positions of the estimated ellipses represent the center
lines better but that is not yet investigated.
The graph structure which represents the topology of
the vessels, can be generated by various skeletoniza-
tion algorithms. Skeletonization algorithms based
on topological thinning are presented in (Bertrand
and Malandain, 1994; Dokldal et al., 1999; Dokldal,
2000; Marion-Poty and Miguet, 1994). Skeletoniza-
tion algorithms based on morphological thinning are
presented in (Eiho and Qian, 1997; Maglaveras et al.,
2001). Skeletonization algorithms based on distance
transformations are described in (Chen et al., 2000;
Bitter et al., 2001). Skeletonization algorithms based
on thinning and distance maps are presented in (Selle
et al., 2002; Boskamp et al., 2004). Skeletoniza-
tion algorithms based on propagation are described
in (Langs et al., 2004; Quek and Kirbas, 2001; Yim
et al., 2000; Zahlten et al., 1994; Zahlten et al., 1995a;
Zahlten et al., 1995b). A skeletonization algorithm
based on path tracking is presented in (Kanitsar et al.,
2001; Kanitsar et al., 2002; Kanitsar et al., 2003). A
skeletonization algorithm based on ridge extraction is
described in (Lobregt et al., 1980).
Algorithms for correction of the generated graph
structure are presented in (Yim et al., 2000; Selle
et al., 2002; Boskamp et al., 2004):
Yim et al. described a method for gray-scale
skeletonization of small vessels in MRA. First, an
acyclic connectivity graph is generated with the vox-
els as nodes and some of the pairs of neighbor vox-
els as edges. Starting at one or more seed voxels,
the region and the boundary of the graph grows by
including the neighbor voxels of the boundary voxel
with the highest intensity. By storing also the par-
ent voxel of the included neighbor voxels, the path
from an endpoint voxel back to a seed voxel can be
traced and highlighted. A more clearly visible skele-
ton can be created by removing short side branches.
Erroneous junctions and occlusions are repaired us-
ing local shape properties.
Selle et al. reported a system for the analysis
of the vasculature for liver surgical planning. First,
the vessels are segmented. Next, the skeleton of the
segmented vessels is computed and a graph of the
branching structure augmented with local shape pa-
rameters (e.g. vessel radius) is generated. Using the
shape information the graph is split in sub graphs for
the different vessel systems. Finally, the liver is seg-
mented and the vascular territories are computed.
Boskamp et al. described a interactive tool for
morphometric quantification and visualization of ves-
sels in CT and MR volumes. First, the vessels are
segmented with user controlled thresholds. Next, a
watershed transform of the gray value image is used
to create separate regions for connected bright struc-
tures (for example bones touching vessels). The user
selects the vessel regions by placing markers in these
regions. After that, the vessel skeleton is computed by
thinning based on the distance transform. The skele-
ton is refined (i.e. small side branches removed) using
the gradient of the distance transform. Next, cross-
sectional MPR (mutliplanar reformation) images and
a stretched MPR image of the vessel between two
user selected vessel points are presented. A watershed
transform of the gradient of a cross-sectional MPR
image and the masks compute during vessel segmen-
tation are used for a more accurate vessel segmen-
tation of the 2D image. Finally, the cross-sectional
area and diameters are extracted from each segmented
cross-sectional MPR image.
To prevent that extremity nodes (i.e. a node at the end
of a vessel part) and nodes at the neck of an aneurysm,
which have at most two branches, are moved, only
nodes with more than two skeleton branches (i.e. the
nodes at a bifurcation) are moved.
3.1 First Displacement
The location of the nodes is improved in two steps.
First, the nodes with more than two skeleton branches
are moved closer to the center of the bifurcation along
a growing path of face connected vessel voxels. Two
voxels v
and v
are face connected if and only if
) ix(v
) iy(v
) iz(v
)| = 1
with ix(v
) the first index, iy(v
) the second index
and iz(v
) the third index of voxel v
Given the current last voxel v
of this growing path
of face connected vessel voxels for node n
, a face
neighbor vessel voxel v
of this last voxel is selected
for movement of this node if this face neighbor vessel
voxel fulfills the following conditions:
1. The PDT of the face neighbor vessel voxel v
is greater than the PDT of the current last vessel
voxel v
2. The distance between the original position of node
and the face neighbor vessel voxel v
is less
than or equal to the original radius of node n
This condition prevents that the node moves away
from the original bifurcation (for example in case
of a tapering vessel as shown in Figure 1).
Figure 1: Bifurcation in a tapering vessel.
3. The distance between the face neighbor vessel
voxel v
and the position of all other nodes is
greater than or equal to two times the size of a
This condition prevents that the moved node co-
incides with one of these other nodes (for exam-
ple in case of a number of closely spaced side
If there are more face neighbor vessel voxels of
the current last voxel v
which fulfill these conditions,
we select the face neighbor vessel voxel v
to the original node position:
k p(v
) p(v
) k≤k p(v
) p(v
) k (2)
with v
any other face neighbor vessel voxel of v
fulfilling the three afore mentioned conditions.
If there are still more face neighbor vessel vox-
els which are now equally suitable, we select the first
one discovered during testing (the order of the six face
neighbors is implicitly defined in the software).
3.2 Second Displacement
If the original node is located at the beginning of a
small side branch of a continuous main branch, the
node may be still far away from the center line of the
main branch. A schematic example is shown in Fig-
ure 2.
If in this case the original node is located in the
small side branch below the lowest PDT 2 voxel,
the first displacement algorithm (see Section 3.1) will
move the node to this lowest PDT 2 voxel. A bet-
ter, because closer to the center line of the continuous
main branch, PDT 2 voxel for the node is given by
the center PDT 2 voxel of the horizontal line of the T
shape formed by the PDT 2 voxels. Next we use the
observation that this voxel is also closest to the cen-
ter position of the PDT 2 voxels face connected to the
lowest PDT 2 voxel.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0
0 1 0
0 1 0
0 1 0
Figure 2: Small side branch. Empty squares are tissue vox-
els. Squares with a PDT 0 are boundary vessel voxels.
Squares with a PDT 1 are face neighbor vessel voxels of
the boundary vessel voxels. And so on. The square with
the bold digit 2 is the final voxel of the first displacement
In general, if the bifurcation contains a cluster of
maximum PDT voxels, a better voxel for the node
is given by the maximum PDT voxel closest to the
center of this cluster. So, after all nodes are possi-
bly moved by the first displacement algorithm (as de-
scribed in Section 3.1), the following algorithm is ap-
plied to find a better voxel for the nodes with more
than two skeleton branches:
1. Compute the center position of the cluster of max-
imum PDT voxels:
c =
) (3)
A vessel voxel v
is member of this cluster if and
only if:
(a) The vessel voxel v
has a PDT greater than or
equal to the PDT of the vessel voxel v
of the
moved node n
(b) The distance between the vessel voxel v
the position of the moved node n
is less than
or equal to the original radius of the node.
2. Select the vessel voxel v
closest to this center po-
sition c:
k p(v
) c k≤k p(v
) c k (4)
with v
any other vessel voxel.
If the distance between the selected vessel voxel
and the positions of all other nodes is greater than
or equal to two times the size of a voxel, we move the
node n
to the selected vessel voxel v
3.2.1 Replacement of a Lesser Center Voxel
In case of a local cavity at the bifurcation, the PDT
of the selected center voxel v
may be less than the
PDT of the vessel voxel v
of the moved node n
. An
example is shown in Figure 3 (the bold digit 1 in the
center column of the third row is the selected center
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 1
2 2 2 1 2 2 2
1 1 1 2 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Figure 3: Bifurcation with a local cavity. Empty squares are
tissue voxels. Squares with a PDT 0 are boundary vessel
voxels. Squares with a PDT 1 are face neighbor vessel vox-
els of the boundary vessel voxels. And so on. The square
with the bold digit 1 is the lesser center voxel.
In such a case, we select the vessel voxel v
est to this center voxel v
which fulfills the following
1. The vessel voxel v
has a PDT greater than or
equal to the PDT of the vessel voxel v
of the
moved node n
2. The distance between the vessel voxel v
and the
position of the moved node n
is less than or equal
to the original radius of the node.
If there are more vessel voxels fulfilling these con-
ditions, we select the vessel voxel closest to the posi-
tion of the moved node:
k p(v
) p(n
) k≤k p(v
) p(n
) k (5)
with v
any other vessel voxel fulfilling the two
afore mentioned conditions.
If there are still more vessel voxels which are now
equally suitable, we select the first one discovered
during testing (the order is implicitly defined in the
Nodes are not connected to other nodes. Therefore, if
one of the face neighbor vessel voxels of a node has a
higher PDT, the node can be moved in principle closer
to the center line. So, we have a very simple test to
identify “incorrectly” located nodes.
Such a simple test is not possible for “incorrectly”
located skeleton voxels. First, in case of a vessel with
a changing radius two face connected skeleton voxels
located on the center line can have different PDT val-
ues (for example in case of a tapering vessel as shown
in Figure 1). So, we do not compare skeleton vox-
els with face neighbor skeleton voxels. Secondly, the
skeleton voxels form a face connected set of vessel
voxels in 3D voxel space.
Taking the complexity of the 3D configuration of
the vessel voxels into account, a skeleton voxel is
marked as “incorrectly” located if the following con-
ditions are fulfilled:
1. The skeleton voxel itself has at least one face
neighbor vessel voxel (not a skeleton voxel) with
a higher PDT.
This kind of face neighbor vessel voxels are col-
lected in set S1.
2. The next two skeleton voxels of the skeleton
branch have each at least one face neighbor vessel
voxel (not a skeleton voxel) with a higher PDT.
This kind of face neighbor vessel voxels are col-
lected in set S2 respectively set S3.
3. Three different face neighbor vessel voxels (one
of set S1, one of set S2 and one of set S3) should
form a face connected path.
Note that a face neighbor vessel voxel with a
higher PDT can be member of more than one set!
A simple example of an “incorrectly” located
skeleton voxel is shown in the 2D configuration of
Figure 4 with the skeleton voxels of the skeleton
branch given by the bold digits 1 and the direction
of the skeleton branch going from the bottom row to
the top row. In this case, the skeleton voxel at the bot-
tom row will be counted as an “incorrectly” located
skeleton voxel.
0 1 2 1 0
0 1 2 1 0
0 1 2 1 0
Figure 4: “Incorrectly” located skeleton voxel. Empty
squares are tissue voxels. Squares with a PDT 0 are bound-
ary vessel voxels. Squares with a PDT 1 are face neighbor
vessel voxels of the boundary vessel voxels. And so on. The
squares with the bold digit 1 are the skeleton voxels.
Since the begin node of a self loop branch is also
the end node of this branch, and since our method to
improve the location of a skeleton branch requires that
the begin and end node are separated, the locations of
the skeleton voxels of a self loop branch cannot be
improved. Therefore, a self loop branch is skipped
during this test. The special adjustment of a self loop
branch for the possibly moved node is described in
Section 5.3.
If one or both nodes of a skeleton branch are moved
(see Section 3), or if at least one skeleton voxel of this
branch is “incorrectly” located (see Section 4), the lo-
cation of the skeleton branches must be improved. In-
stead of moving the current skeleton branch (i.e. re-
placing skeleton voxels by neighbor vessel voxels)
and adjusting the begin and/or end of this branch
for a moved begin and/or end node (i.e. removing
and/or adding skeleton voxels at the extremities of the
branch), a new skeleton branch of face connected ves-
sel voxels between the begin and end node is gener-
ated to replace the old skeleton branch.
Starting with a new skeleton voxel at the possibly
moved begin node, a new skeleton branch is gener-
ated by a growing algorithm: given the current last
skeleton voxel, the new skeleton branch is extended
by adding the “best neighbor” vessel voxel (given fur-
ther detail in Section 5.2) of the current last skeleton
voxel. This “best neighbor” vessel voxel should be
“closer” to the possibly moved end node and as close
as possible to the center line (i.e. select a vessel voxel
from the set of the neighbor vessel voxels with the
highest PDT).
If the vessel branch between the begin and end
node is approximately a rectilinear tube, the Eu-
clidean distance can be used to select a vessel voxel
“closer” the end node. But if the vessel branch is
curved, “closer” means that the new skeleton branch
should form an onwards path inside the curving vessel
branch between the begin and end node. To guarantee
that the skeleton voxels of the new skeleton branch
form an onwards path, a guide moving along the old
skeleton branch is used to indicate in which direction
the new skeleton voxel should be selected. A snapshot
of such a growing process is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: A snapshot of a growing process.
5.1 Moving the Guide
The guide can be followed only if the guide remains
in front of the growing new skeleton branch, and if
the guide is not hidden behind a vessel bend. There-
fore, before a new skeleton voxel for the new skele-
ton branch is selected, the guide, starting at the first
skeleton voxel of the old skeleton branch, is moved
from its current position along the skeleton voxels of
the old skeleton branch as long as one of the following
conditions is fulfilled:
1. The old skeleton voxel is also member of the new
growing skeleton branch.
2. The old skeleton voxel is located behind the plane
of the new skeleton voxel.
If a vessel is very small, the new growing skele-
ton branch, possibly following a piece of the old
skeleton branch, may catch up with the moving
guide. Without these first two conditions this sit-
uation may lead to a premature end or an infinite
new skeleton branch generation.
3. The old skeleton voxel is located inside the sphere
of the new skeleton voxel or the new skeleton
voxel is located inside the sphere of the old skele-
ton voxel.
As already mentioned, each skeleton voxel has a
radius derived from the local cross-section (i.e.
from the Manhattan distance to the closest ves-
sel boundary). The radius defines together with
the position of the skeleton voxel a sphere around
each skeleton voxel.
Since the guide stops moving along the skeleton
voxels of the old skeleton branch when this con-
dition is violated, the guide is never too far away
from the new skeleton voxel as illustrated in Fig-
ure 6.
Figure 6: Guide at a vessel bend (right angle for easy
When the guide has reached the last skeleton voxel
of the old skeleton branch, or when the new skele-
ton voxel is located inside the sphere of the possibly
moved end node, the guide is set at the position of this
end node.
5.2 Selecting the “Best Neighbor”
Given the current position of the guide and the current
skeleton voxel of the new skeleton branch, it is tempt-
ing to extend the new skeleton branch by selecting
the “best face neighbor” of the current skeleton voxel
to guarantee that the new skeleton branch consists of
face connected vessel voxels. But, because the “best
face neighbor” should be as close to the guide as the
current skeleton voxel to guarantee an onwards path,
the new skeleton branch is not always located on the
vessel voxels with the highest PDT value. Suppose
we have the 2D configuration shown in Figure 4 with
the skeleton voxels of the old skeleton branch given
by the bold digits 1, the current skeleton voxel of the
new skeleton branch given by the bold digit 1 in the
bottom row and the guide given by the bold digit 1 in
the top row.
In this case, the face neighbor given by the bold
digit 1 in the middle row will be selected as the next
skeleton voxel of the new skeleton branch because the
face neighbor given by the digit 2 in the bottom row is
farther away from the guide than the current skeleton
voxel. So, the new skeleton branch will be located at
the same position as the old skeleton branch instead
of closer to the center line of the vessel.
Therefore the new skeleton branch is extended
by selecting the “best corner neighbor” of the cur-
rent skeleton voxel. Two voxels v
and v
are corner
neighbors (see also Figure 7) if and only if
1 ≤|ix(v
) ix(v
) iy(v
) iz(v
)| 3
Since the new skeleton branch must consist of face
connected vessel voxels, not only the “best corner
neighbor” but also zero, one or two intermediate ves-
sel voxels have to be selected so that the “best corner
neighbor” is connected via a face connected path of
vessel voxels to the current skeleton voxel.
Such an intermediate face path depends on the
type of the “best corner neighbor”: the 26 corner
neighbors of the current skeleton voxel can be subdi-
vided into 6 face neighbors (see Equation 1), 12 edge
neighbors and 8 vertex neighbors. Two voxels v
are edge neighbors if and only if
) ix(v
) iy(v
) iz(v
)| = 2
Two voxels v
and v
are vertex neighbors if and
only if
Figure 7: The corner neighbors. The current skeleton voxel
is the square in the center of the cube. Its face neighbors
are the squares at the centers of the cube faces. Its edge
neighbors are the squares at the centers of the cube edges.
Its vertex neighbors are the squares at the cube corners.
) ix(v
) iy(v
) iz(v
)| = 3
For face neighbors of the current skeleton voxel no
intermediate voxels are needed. So, their intermediate
face paths are empty.
For edge neighbors of the current skeleton voxel
one intermediate voxel is needed. Each edge neighbor
can be face connected via two different intermediate
voxels with the current skeleton voxel. So each edge
neighbor has two different intermediate face paths.
Each intermediate face path consists of one voxel,
face connected both to the edge neighbor and the cur-
rent skeleton voxel.
For vertex neighbors of the current skeleton voxel
two intermediate voxels are needed. Each vertex
neighbor can be face connected to three different edge
neighbors. So each vertex neighbor has six different
intermediate face paths. Each intermediate face path
consists of two face connected voxels. The first voxel
of this intermediate face path is face connected to the
vertex neighbor, the second voxel to the current skele-
ton voxel.
So, the total number of combinations (i.e. a corner
neighbor and a possibly empty intermediate face path)
is 6 + 12 * 2 + 8 * 6 = 78. The best combination of
the set S
of all combinations is selected as follows:
First the valid combinations are selected (and thus
the invalid combinations eliminated):
1. The set S
are those combinations of the set S
which the distance between the guide g and the
corner neighbor c
is less than or equal to the dis-
tance between this guide and the current skeleton
voxel v
k p(g) p(c
) k≤k p(g) p(v
) k (9)
2. The set S
are those combinations of the set S
which the corner neighbor and the intermediate
voxels are inside the volume.
3. The set S
are those combinations of the set S
for which the corner neighbor and the intermedi-
ate voxels are neither a tissue voxel nor already a
member of the new skeleton branch.
Next, the better combinations are selected (and
thus the lesser combinations eliminated):
1. The set S
are those combinations of the set S
which the PDT of the corner neighbor c
is equal
to the maximum PDT of the corner neighbors of
the set S
) =
) | c
2. The set S
are those combinations of the set S
for which the distance between the guide and the
corner neighbor c
is equal to the shortest distance
between the guide and the corner neighbors of the
set S
k p(g) p(c
) k=
min( k p(g) p(c
) k| c
3. The set S
are those combinations of the set S
which the number of intermediate voxels nv(if p
(e.g. 0, 1 or 2) of the intermediate face path if p
is equal to the minimum number of intermediate
voxels of the intermediate face paths in the set S
nv(if p
) =
min(nv(if p
) | i f p
So, we prefer face neighbors. If there are no
face neighbors anymore, we prefer edge neigh-
bors. After this step we have either only face
neighbors or only edge neighbors or only vertex
4. If we have face neighbors, the set S
is a copy
of the set S
. Else, the set S
are those combina-
tions of the set S
for which the sum sp(if p
) of
the PDT values of the intermediate voxels of the
intermediate face path if p
is equal to the maxi-
mum sum of the PDT values of the intermediate
voxels of the intermediate face paths in the set S
sp(if p
) =
max(sp(if p
) | i f p
sp(if p
) =
if p
) (14)
Give the 2D configuration example at the begin-
ning of this section, the “best corner neighbor” is
the vessel voxel with PDT 2 in the middle row
and the best intermediate face path consists of the
face neighbor vessel voxel with PDT 2 in the bot-
tom row, not the face neighbor vessel voxel with
PDT 1 in the middle row.
5. The set S
are those combinations of the set S
for which the corner neighbor c
has a “best face
neighbor”. A best face neighbor f
is a face neigh-
bor (see equation 1) with the greatest PDT:
PDT( f
) PDT( f
) (15)
and in case of equal PDT values the shortest dis-
tance to the guide g:
k p(g) p( f
) k≤k p(g) p( f
) k (16)
with both f
and f
face neighbors of possibly dif-
ferent corner neighbors of the combinations of the
set S
If there are still more corner neighbors which are
now equally suitable, we select the first one discov-
ered during testing (the order of the corner neighbors
is implicitly defined in the software).
If the “best corner neighbor” is an edge neigh-
bor or a vertex neighbor, there may be still more than
one “best intermediate face path” for the “best corner
neighbor”. In that case, we select the first one discov-
ered during testing (the order of the intermediate face
paths is implicitly defined in the software).
After the “best corner neighbor” with the “best
intermediate face path” is selected, the intermediate
voxels and the corner neighbor are used to extend
the new skeleton branch. If one of these new skele-
ton voxels is located at the moved end node, the new
skeleton branch is complete.
Only the distance between the guide and the “best
corner neighbor” needs to be less than or equal to the
distance between the guide and the current skeleton
voxel. The distance between the guide and an inter-
mediate voxel may be greater than the distance be-
tween the guide and the current skeleton voxel!
5.3 A Self Loop
Since the begin node of a self loop branch is also the
end node of this branch, a self loop branch is treated
differently. If the node of the self loop branch is
moved, the new skeleton branch of the self loop (see
Figure 8) consists of a new skeleton branch part from
the moved node to the begin skeleton voxel of the old
skeleton branch, followed by a copy of the old skele-
ton branch, followed by a new skeleton branch part
from the end skeleton voxel of the old skeleton branch
to the moved node. Such a new skeleton branch part
consists of the set of face connected vessel voxels
which form an approximate straight-lined connection
between the begin and end of this branch part.
Figure 8: Moved self loop.
We have applied the method to improve the geome-
try of a vessel graph to 53 clinical volume datasets
(14 of them with a resolution of 256x256x256 voxels,
the rest 128x128x128 voxels), acquired with the 3D
Integris system (Philips-Medical-Systems-Nederland,
2001). The voxel size varies between 0.2 and 1.2 mil-
The effect of the method can be perceived by com-
paring Figure 9 with Figure 10.
The total number of nodes and skeleton voxels are
given in the first column of Table 1. The relative num-
ber of “incorrectly” located nodes and skeleton voxels
(see Section 4) before and after the method is applied,
are given in the second respectively third column of
Table 1.
The remaining “incorrectly” located nodes are due
to nodes which cannot be moved to a better loca-
tion because of nearby nodes. The remaining “in-
Figure 9: An original graph drawn on the vessel surface.
The wire-frame spheres are the nodes. The polylines be-
tween the nodes are the piecewise cubic curves derived from
the skeleton voxels. The square indicates the incorrectly lo-
cated node.
Figure 10: The improved graph drawn on the vessel surface.
The square indicates the “incorrectly located” node at its
new position.
correctly” located skeleton voxels are due to skeleton
branches through very small and very short secondary
vessel parts as shown in Figure 11. The skeleton vox-
els of this branch which are located in the main vessel
part, have face neighbor vessel voxels with a higher
The relative number of face neighbors used as
“best corner neighbor” is 37%. The relative number
of edge neighbors is 47% and the relative number of
vertex neighbors is 16%. So, trying to find the “best
corner neighbor” instead of only the “best face neigh-
bor” is indeed a useful approach.
Table 1: The number of nodes and skeleton voxels.
Total Before After
Nodes 7267 19.2% 6.1%
Skeleton voxels 184318 1.1% 0.1%
Figure 11: A secondary vessel part.
The time to improve the geometry of a ves-
sel graph is a small fraction ( 1 %) of the time
for fully-automatic branch labelling. The average
elapsed time for fully-automatic branch labelling of
an 128x128x128 volume is 1.2 seconds on a Linux
PC (2.8GHz Pentium 4). The average elapsed time
for an 256x256x256 volume is 15.7 seconds on the
Linux PC.
Concluding, our method to improve the geometry
of a vessel graph makes fully-automatic extraction of
the cross-sectional shape parameters in the neighbor-
hood of the diseased vessel parts more reliable and the
extracted shape parameters more accurate but a clini-
cal validation has yet to be done.
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