Acquiring High-quality Textured 3D-models Using a Consumer Digital-camera
Matthias Elter, Andreas Ernst and Christian K
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS), Am Wolfsmantel 33, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
3D scanner, passive 3D reconstruction, shape from stereo, structure from motion, texture mapping, volumetric
fusion, dense stereo.
We present a low-cost, passive 3d scanning system using an off-the-shelf consumer digital camera for image
acquisition. We have developed a state of the art structure from motion algorithm for camera pose estimation
and a fast shape from stereo approach for shape reconstruction. We use a volumetric approach to fuse partial
shape reconstructions and a texture mapping technique for appearance recovery. We extend the state of the
art by applying modifications of standard computer vision techniques to images of very high resolution to
generate high quality textured 3d models. Our reconstruction results are robust and visually convincing.
Acquiring geometric models of physical objects us-
ing active scanning techniques is a solved problem. A
great variety of mature 3d scanning techniques (based
on laser triangulation or structured light) is available
today. However, all of these techniques have the ma-
jor drawback that they acquire an object using active
sensors. Furthermore the required hardware is usu-
ally expensive. A less intrusive and cheaper approach
is to reconstruct both the shape and appearance (color
and texture) of an object from images acquired us-
ing a standard digital camera. A passive sensor like
a standard digital camera is both cheap and does not
change the object which is to be acquired (for exam-
ple by illuminating it). In this paper we present a pas-
sive 3d scanning technique which reconstructs both
3d shape and appearance of arbitrary objects from 2d
images acquired by a consumer digital camera. To
achieve this we have developed a reconstruction ap-
proach based on standard computer vision concepts
like structure from motion and shape from stereo. We
extend the state of the art by applying modifications
of these techniques to images of very high resolution
to generate high quality models and textures.
Many approaches to passive 3D shape reconstruc-
tion can be found in literature. The most important
basic techniques that are employed are shape from
stereo, shape from silhouette, shape from shading,
and shape from focus. Shape from stereo techniques
reconstruct 3d shape from point correspondences in
two or more images. A taxonomy and evaluation of
shape from stereo algorithms can be found in a re-
cent survey (Scharstein and Szeliski, 2002). Shape
from silhouette algorithms reconstruct the 3d shape of
an object from a sequence of 2d silhouette (contour)
images of the object. Laurentini (Laurentini, 1994)
and Kutulakos (Kutulakos and Seitz, 1998) provide
a theoretical foundation of the concepts exploited by
shape from silhouette algorithms. Implementations
include (Tarini et al., 2002) and (Andrew W. Fitzgib-
bon, 1998). Shape from shading approaches try to es-
timate shape from the shading pattern (light and shad-
ows) of in a single image of an object. Here shape
is estimated in the sense of a field of normals from
which a surface can be recovered up to scale. Zhang
and Tsai evaluate six well-known shape from shad-
ing algorithms in a recent survey paper (Zhang et al.,
1999). A technique that tries to estimate object shape
by changing the camera intrinsics is shape from fo-
Elter M., Ernst A. and Küblbeck C. (2007).
A PASSIVE 3D SCANNER - Acquiring High-quality Textured 3D-models Using a Consumer Digital-camera.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IU/MTSV, pages 311-316
cus. Image pixels corresponding to different depths,
obviously, will be optimal in focus for different set-
tings of the camera intrinsics like the focal length.
Examples of shape from focus approaches are (Ziou,
1998), (Schechner and Kiryati, 2000) and (Favaro and
Soatto, 2002).
Much less publications on approaches that de-
scribe complete passive 3d scanning systems, includ-
ing shape and appearance recovery, can be found in
literature. Examples are (Wolfgang Niem, 1997),
(Weik, 2000) and (Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, 1998).
3.1 Image Acquisition and Camera
Images are acquired using a cheap (300$) Panasonic
DMC-FZ3 consumer digital camera. We make use of
its continuous drive mode, which allows to continu-
ously take three frames per second at full resolution
of 2015× 1512 pixels. With the camera in continuous
drive mode mounted on a tripod, an image sequence,
showing the object that is to be scanned from multi-
ple viewpoints, is acquired by rotating it in front of
the camera. The intrinsic camera parameters are ob-
tained by our robust extension (Rupp et al., 2006) of
Zhangs classic camera calibration technique (Zhang,
1998). We furthermore use the lens distortion coef-
ficients obtained by the camera calibration to remove
lens distortion effects from the images.
3.2 Structure from Motion
For camera pose estimation we have implemented a
state of the art structure from motion algorithm. Fea-
ture points are detected and tracked from view to view
using the approaches introduced by Kanade, Shi and
Tomasi (Tomasi and Kanade, 1991; Shi and Tomasi,
1994). Due to occlusion and because of features leav-
ing the field of view of the camera, points usually
can not be tracked throughout all views of the image
sequence. Therefore lost features are constantly re-
placed by newly detected points while processing the
image sequence. We have implemented a sequential
structure from motion algorithm: first an initial pair
of views and initial structure is reconstructed. Then
additional views and additional structure are sequen-
tially added to the initial reconstruction. Figures 1, 2
and 3 illustrate the sequential approach of our algo-
Figure 1: Initial views (gray) and structure (blue) of a hu-
man head scene. View positions and orientations are illus-
trated using pyramid glyphs.
3.2.1 Initial Structure and Motion
The fundamental matrix F for the initial pair of views
and v
is estimated using a robust estimator. We
have developed a genetic algorithm approach similar
to the one described by Rodehorst (Rodehorst, 2004)
instead of using the classic RANSAC algorithm. We
are using a calibrated camera and hence can obtain the
essential matrix E directly from F. We then obtain the
metric camera projection matrices P
and P
sponding to the two initial views from the E by means
of factorization (Hartley and Zisserman, 2003). Using
and P
, initial structure is then obtained from the
corresponding feature points of the initial view pair
by means of triangulation.
3.2.2 Adding Views
Pose and structure of the remaining views of the im-
age sequence are now sequentially added to the re-
construction. Based on 3D/2D point correspondences
between the already reconstructed structure and fea-
ture points in a new view v
, its camera projection
matrix P
can be estimated. Again, we are using a
genetic algorithm as a robust estimator. Already re-
constructed structure is then refined and new points
are added by means of triangulation. For robust tri-
angulation of feature points that are visible in more
than the minimal two views, we use a robust least-
median-of-squares based estimator. Once all views of
the image sequence are added to the reconstruction, it
is refined by a global optimization step using bundle
adjustment (Brown, 1976).
3.3 Shape from Stereo
Structure from motion as described above results in
a sparse reconstruction (point cloud) of an object.
We however are interested in a dense reconstruction.
Hence we use shape from stereo concepts to obtain
Figure 2: The human head scene after adding seven addi-
tional views.
Figure 3: The full structure from motion reconstruction of
the human head scene. The structure (blue) is discarded
and the views (gray) are used for the following shape from
stereo step.
dense reconstructions from pairs of close views of the
image sequence. We then merge these 2-view recon-
structions using a volumetric fusion approach to ob-
tain the desired full reconstruction of an object.
3.3.1 Obtaining 2-View Reconstructions
We reconstruct partial reconstructions from two views
each using a fast template matching algorithm. We
apply two preprocessing steps to reduce the complex-
ity of the matching problem and to improve the ro-
bustness of the dense stereo matcher. We reduce the
correspondence search space by one dimension us-
ing nonlinear image rectification (Oram, 2001). The
rectified images are then transfered from color space
to census space using the census transform (Zabih
and Woodfill, 1994). The census transform is a non-
parametric local transformation that relies on the rel-
ative ordering of local intensity values instead of the
intensity values them self. Our own experiments and
a recent survey (Brown et al., 2003) indicate that
matching in census space increases the robustness
Figure 4: Source images (top left) are rectified (top middle)
and the census transform is applied (top right). The green
line illustrates an epipolar line which is equivalent with a
scanline after rectification. Using template matching a dis-
parity map (bottom left) and a confidence map (bottom mid-
dle) are obtained. Finally a triangle mesh is created (bottom
against lighting differences and occlusions. We have
developed a template matching based dense stereo
matcher. We match in census space where the stan-
dard difference metrics like normalized cross correla-
tion can not be used. Instead we use the Hamming
distance. Given the very high resolution of our in-
put images and the fact that we work on three color
channels, acceptable CPU complexity for the dense
matcher can only be achieved by avoiding redundant
computations. Hence we have implemented a very
fast computation scheme that avoids redundant com-
putations (Stefano and Mattoccia, 2000). The result-
ing disparity map contains errors, which are due to
texture-less areas, repetitive patterns and occlusions.
We enforce the uniqueness and the left-right stereo
constraints to identify and remove most of the erro-
neous areas in the disparity maps. As the integer ac-
curacy of the block matcher would lead to step effects
in the reconstruction and hence is not good enough for
a smooth reconstruction we use a postprocessing step
to achieve subpixel accuracy (Frischholz, 1997). For
the volumetric fusion, we are also interested in the
confidence of the disparity values. Hence we define
the difference of the minimal matching difference and
the mean matching difference as a confidence metric.
Finally we obtain a triangle mesh from the disparity
map by means of triangulation. Figure 4 illustrates
the individual steps of our 2-view reconstruction al-
3.3.2 Volumetric Fusion
The 2-view reconstructions are now fused using a vol-
umetric approach. The triangle meshes are transfered
Figure 5: The two red line segments are the 2D equivalents
to a patch of two triangles in 3D. Casting rays from the cam-
era center C through the limiting points of one line segment,
voxels in the area between these two rays need to be tested.
Because the signed distance function is defined to fall of at
a certain distance in front and behind the surface, the area
can be further constrained to the light green area for the first
line segment and the yellow area for the second.
to volumetric functions, which can be more easily and
robustly fused. From the fused volume function a fi-
nal triangle mesh is then retrieved by means of iso-
surface extraction. Our approach is based on an exist-
ing approach (Curless and Levoy, 1996) but improves
the way partial reconstructions are converted to the
volumetric function representation.
The volumetric function represents a surface by
mapping points in R
to a vector in R
, representing
the signed distance of the point to the surface along
the line of sight of the camera. Like Curless and
Levoy we use a discrete representation of this vol-
umetric function called a weighted signed distance
(WSD) grid, which is a regular volume of samples
of the continuous function. In theory the volumetric
function should extend indefinitely from the surface
in both directions. To avoid surfaces on opposite sides
of an object to interfere with each other, it is forced
to fall-off in a certain distance of the surface. To con-
vert a triangle mesh to a WSD representation, for each
WSD grid voxel a sampling value of the WSD func-
tion needs to be found. Curless and Levox propose a
scan-conversion process for the conversion. We have,
however, developed a both simple and efficient alter-
native to their approach: The WSD value for a voxel
can be found by casting a ray from the camera cen-
ter through the voxel and then intersecting it with the
triangle mesh. Our approach exploits the fact that the
WSD functions are only defined in a certain distance
of the surface. Hence we obtain the WSD values only
for voxels that are close enough to the surface. Fig-
ure 5 explains this concept.
Partial reconstruction in WSD representation can
be merged easily and robustly using a additive scheme
proposed by Curless and Levoy. The cumulative func-
tions D(x, y, z) and W(x, y, z) of the merged WSD vol-
ume of n partial volumes are defined as
D(x, y, z) =
(x, y, z)d
(x, y, z)
(x, y, z)
W(x, y, z) =
(x, y, z).
Rewritten as an incremental calculation, the cu-
mulative signed distance and weight functions after
merging the ith partial reconstruction read
(x, y, z) =
(x, y, z)W
(x, y, z)
(x, y, z) +w
(x, y, z)
(x, y, z)d
(x, y, z)
(x, y, z) +w
(x, y, z)
(x, y, z) = W
(x, y, z) +w
(x, y, z).
Merging auxiliary WSD volumes into the global
WSD volume therefore is simply a matter of applying
the rules defined above to each voxel.
A triangle mesh representation of the merged
WSD volume can be obtained at any time during
the sequential fusion of partial reconstructions from
the WSD volume using the marching cubes isosur-
face extraction algorithm (Lorensen and Cline, 1987).
The isosurface is defined as D(x, y, z) = 0. Therefore,
voxel configurations can directly be found by testing
the signs of the signed distance function D(x, y, z) at
the eight corners of a voxel. To skip empty space,
only voxels which have nonzero weights W(x, y, z) for
all eight corners are processed.
3.4 Appearance Recovery
Recovering the shape of an object is not enough for
a visually convincing reconstruction. Besides the
shape, appearance information, like color and texture,
is very important. We recover appearance by means
of a simple texture mapping approach. We generate
both texture coordinates and the texture map triangle
by triangle: for each triangle all views in which its
projection is front facing and not occluded are found.
The triangle is then assigned to the view which en-
sures the highest possible texture resolution. Once
all triangles are assigned to views, rectangular tex-
ture snippets corresponding to the bounding boxes of
the projections of the triangles are obtained from the
views and added to a list sorted by the width of the
snippets. A texture map can now be populated with
the texture snippets for each triangle, by traversing
Figure 6: Cutout of a texture image populated column by
column with rectangular texture snippets for each shape tri-
angle. The full texture has a resolution of 2048× 2048 pix-
Figure 7: Sample images of a 90 view image sequence of a
human head (top) and textured as well as untextured images
of the reconstruction results (bottom).
the sorted list and filling the image with rectangular
texture snippets column by column. Figure 3.4 shows
a cutout of a generated texture image. Finally, the po-
sitions of the texture snippets are normalized to [0, 1]
to match texture mapping standards and stored as tex-
ture coordinates, defining the mapping.
We have acquired and reconstructed more than 30 im-
age sequences. The full reconstruction of a 90 view
image sequence takes about two hours on a Pentium
IV machine. A selection of typical results is shown
in Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9. While the recon-
struction results are visually convincing we are also
interested in an objective metric for the reconstruction
accuracy. This however requires ground truth refer-
ence data (for example acquired using a laser scanner)
which was not available to us. Hence we have at least
tried to determine the robustness of our approach. For
this purpose. we have acquired and reconstructed
three different image sequences of the same person.
The reconstruction results should be and as Figure 10
shows are very similar.
Figure 8: Sample images of a 85 view image sequence of
a piece of wood (top) and textured as well as untextured
images of the reconstruction results (bottom).
Figure 9: Sample images of a 92 view image sequence of
a plastic dinosaur (top) and textured as well as untextured
images of the reconstruction results (bottom).
We have developed a passive 3d reconstruction ap-
proach based on structure from motion and shape
from stereo concepts. While the results are visually
convincing we have not yet verified the reconstruc-
Figure 10: Reconstructions of three different image se-
quences of the same object show the robustness of our ap-
tion accuracy using ground truth data and an objec-
tive metric. Furthermore our reconstruction approach
suffers from several principle shape from stereo prob-
lems like untextured areas, occlusions and repetitive
patterns. Hence it can not be used for the reconstruc-
tion of untextured or specular objects. To solve these
problems we are working on acquiring ground truth
data using artificial image sequences generated from
textured 3d models and we try to combine our shape
from stereo based approach with shape from silhou-
ette concepts to improve the reconstruction quality of
sparsely-textured objects.
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