4.2 Prototyping Retinex On Ti
C6000-based Dsp
Once the retinex model was simulated by passing of
different images and its performance was checked
then the real-time C code for a specific target was
generated through Real Time Workshop. Before two
channels for RTDX communication were added. In
this process, the executable application was built and
downloaded automatically by CCS IDE in the DSP
target. At last, real-time digital data was send for dig-
ital processing through two programs based on RTDX
instrumentation. Processed images were received for
the other channel in the same way for visualization
with different tools of MATLAB.
This is not an impediment to effective use of tools
provided for Code Composer Studio IDE. Moreover,
these tools may sometimes be necessary to use, fol-
lowing the traditional practice of development of real-
time applications using Code Composer Studio IDE
exclusively. Code Composer Studio provides tools
for configuring, building, debugging, tracing and an-
alyzing programs. Texas Instruments DSP’s provide
on-chip emulation support that enables Code Com-
poser Studio to control program execution and moni-
tor real-time program activity. Finally to point out that
the C code generated by this rapid prototyping plat-
form is not the most efficient. To obtain a better code
and increase the performance, there are techniques
to improve and modify the C code generated. How-
ever, these techniques are not rapid and easy pricessly
because designers must manually optimize the gen-
erated code in the code Composer Studio IDE. Al-
ternatively, the code can be optimized by modifying
the corresponding blocks of Simulink model and us-
ing others blocks from the preoptimized C62x and
C64x libraries. When the code is generated, the Em-
bedded Target for TI C6000 DSP produces function
calls to preoptimized assembler implementations of
the blocks, increasing the efficiency and performance
of critical zones of real-time application.
We have successfully implemented a real-time ver-
sion of simple scale Retinex image enhancement
algorithm using a digital signal processor. This
methodology allows an easy portability a other sim-
ilar processors. We have discussed in this paper a de-
sign methodology of retinex algorithm based on cut-
ting edge like MATLAB/Simulink, Code Composer
studio IDE, and EVM/DSK hardware based on C6000
DSP of Texas Instruments. The paper described and
illustrated the most important point to consider dur-
ing the application of this technology. This technol-
ogy lets develop and validate digital signal process-
ing designs from concept through code, in a typi-
cal professional vision design simulation implemen-
tation. Moreover, the above discussion illustrated the
use of the rapid prototyping system is a fully auto-
mated program building process, where the system is
tested prior to the generation of the executable file.
This saves tremendous amount of time, besides re-
ducing the hardware cost. In the continued effort to
train more DSP engineer, this type of technology in-
corporates an added profit to the formation of new ex-
perts in this knowledge area and can help to speed
up the learning curve and implementation of real-time
DSP applications. Another important benefit is that it
avoids low level hardware work that can be tedious
and very time consuming and therefore designers can
focus their efforts in another important aspects of de-
sign of real-time applications. This work describes
the steps needed to write and RTDX host application
using MATLAB and the Developer’s Kit for Texas
Instruments DSP. Finally we illustrated this process
with some applications presented in this paper and its
feasibility is proved.
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