(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7: (a) 12 initial lines for the fitting on the vertical
markings. (b) The fitting yields 11 different lines. (c) 12
second degree polynomials fitted on the horizontal mark-
ings. (d) Results of the horizontal and vertical fitting super-
marking centers, the SMRF algorithm, with noise
model parameters α = 0.1 and s = 4, leads to nice
results, as shown in Figure 7(b) for the vertical lines,
and in Figure 7(c) for the horizontal curves. 11 dif-
ferent lines were obtained for the vertical markings,
and 12 different second degree polynomials were ob-
tained for the horizontal markings. Figure 7(d) shows
the two sets of curves superimposed.
We also use these calibration images to investigate
the issue of initialization. We typically take a num-
ber of curve prototypes higher than the real number
of curves in the image, see e.g. Figure 7(a). We ob-
served that the extra prototypes may be either fitted on
outliers groups or identical to another fitted prototype
(e.g. in Figure 7(b), two resulting curves are identi-
cal). Detecting identical curves is easy, for instance
by performing a Bayesian recognition test on every
pair (A
), i.e. comparing (A
− A
− A
to a small threshold, where C
is the posterior covari-
ance matrix of the curve A
. To detect prototypes fit-
ted to only a few points such as outliers, we exploit
the uncertainty measure provided by the posterior co-
variance matrix and simply threshold −log(det(C
Finally, notice that the SMRF algorithm does not re-
quire to be initialized very close to the expected solu-
tion, as illustrated by Figure 7(a)(b).
In the continuing quest for achieving robustness in
detection and tracking curves in images, this pa-
per makes two contributions. The first one is the
derivation, in a MLE approach and using Kuhn and
Tucker’s classical theorem, of the so-called SMRF al-
gorithm. This algorithm extends mixture model algo-
rithm, such as the one derived using EM, to robust
curve fitting. It is also an extended version of the
IRLS, in which the weights incorporate an extra prob-
ability ratio. The second contribution is the regular-
ization of the SMRF algorithm by introducing Gaus-
sian priors on curve parameters and the handling of
potential numerical issues by banning zero probabil-
ities in the computation of weights. From our exper-
iments, banning zero probabilities seems to have im-
portant positive consequences in pushing the curves
to spread out all the data, and thus in providing im-
proved robustness to the initialization, as shown in
the context of camera calibration. The introduction
of the Gaussian prior is also beneficial in particu-
lar in the context of image sequence processing, as
illustrated with an application of simultaneous lane-
markings tracking on-board a vehicle in adverse con-
ditions. The approach being based on a linear gener-
ative model, it is quite generic and we believe that it
can be used with benefits in many other fields, such
as clustering or appearance modeling.
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