object is seen at an oblique angle. In the second
sequence the feature-based algorithm performs bet-
ter than the extended ESM algorithm (see figure 4).
However neither algorithm can track the whole se-
quence. Our tracking approach on the other hand
successfully tracks both sequences entirely, because it
changes the tracking algorithm used at the right mo-
ment. We obtained similar results on all synthetic
sequences we simulated. Since there are no blur-
ring, illumination changes or noise in the synthetic
sequences it is not possible to show how our system
deals with these conditions. Therefore we also per-
formed many real-world experiments using different
Figure 5 shows some experiments on real sequences
made with a tea box and a candy box under vary-
ing tracking conditions. The images show how our
system deals with partial occlusions (b,d,f,g,j), illu-
mination changes (c), changes in scale (b,g,i,h) and
severely oblique viewing angles (k,l). This shows that
the proposed algorithm is able to deal with dynamic
scenarios and solve the major limitations of classical
tracking algorithms such as partial occlusions, illu-
mination changes and fast object movement. We can
also see that it is possible to robustly overlay virtual
objects in order to perform Augmented Reality.
We presented a tracking system which intelligently
combines template-based and feature-based tracking.
The contributions are the extension of the ESM al-
gorithm, the formulation of the feature-based track-
ing and the FSM for deciding which algorithm to use
for the current frame. The system has been tested on
real-world sequences as well as on simulations and
performs at high frame rates on a standard PC.
Compared to other algorithms proposed in the litera-
ture we achieve a higher frame rate and more robust-
ness to fast object motions. Our approach also gives
good results in the face of partial occlusions and illu-
mination changes.
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VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications