to the difference in the systematic error of the under-
lying measurement made by both techniques (see Fig-
ure 5). However, this graph shows a clear difference
in the repeatability of the two methods in the presence
of noise. Whereas the planar homography histogram
is tall and narrow, the cross ratio histogram is short
and wide. This indicates that planar homography is
less sensitive to noise that the cross ratio method.
We have presented a novel reference target method for
the measurement of cuboid (box) dimensions, with a
view to producing a PDA-based system in the near
future. Using corner features on this target, we have
outlined two methods that can be used to measure box
dimensions from a single image: the cross ratio in-
variant and planar homography. Accuracies of around
5.3% show that, although our prototype is not highly
precise, it has sufficient accuracy for logging approx-
imate parcel dimensions in a parcel delivery IT sys-
tem, which can greatly improve resource planning in
the delivery chain. We conclude by answering five
important questions.
1. How accurately can box measurements be made?
For view 2, average errors of 6.7% for the
cross-ratio method and 5.3% for the homography
method were measured. This is a reasonable level
of accuracy to expect considering that it is diffi-
cult to align the reference target on the corner of a
possibly non-cuboid box. Furthermore, accuracy
may be improved by calibrating out systematic er-
rors in each method.
2. Can the required features of a box be detected reli-
ably? We have not fully answered the question of
whether completely automatic measurements can
be made. It is accepted that the feature detection
methods used in this project are basic in compari-
son to others available, which, could for example
involve SIFT features (Lowe, 2004) and pay more
attention to colour modelling (Alexander, 1999).
However, for the cross ratio method it has been
shown that it is possible to detect the required fea-
ture points automatically, although this is only re-
liable on plain boxes (no patterns or text).
3. What are the ideal conditions for measurements?
For the most accurate measuring, the three lines
required for the cross ratio or the two planes re-
quired for the planar homography should occupy
as large an area of the image as possible.
4. How are the measurements altered in the presence
of noise in the input? The measurements made by
both the cross ratio and the planar homography
methods have been investigated when the posi-
tions of the feature points are subject to noise. We
found that the cross ratio method is much more
sensitive to the effects of noise than the planar ho-
mography method.
5. Do the effects of camera distortion affect the ac-
curacy of the measurements and can the effects of
the distortions be corrected or minimised? The
problems of radial distortion have been investi-
gated and it has been shown that this form of dis-
tortion has an effect on the accuracy of the mea-
surements. Radial distortion can be corrected and
performing this operation removes significant in-
accuracy in the measurements (as much as 3% er-
ror). It is therefore imperative that radial distor-
tion is corrected before a measurement is made
from the image.
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