Equation (5) within the neighborhood {α(x, y) −
δ, α(x, y), α(x, y) + δ} ; if a solution with no improv-
ing neighbor has been reached, the above heuristic
stops, and otherwise it is iterated.
Although the objective function in Equation (5)
appears to be easier to minimize than the objective
function in Equation (1), Equation (5) also still has
high multimodality and high dimensionality, and thus
the above local search often leads to local minima in
the search space. Examples of the results obtained
using this approach are shown in Figure 3 on a very
simple synthetic image. Figure 3(a) and Figure 3(b)
show the input superimposed image and the ground
truth layers, respectively. Figure 3(c) shows the re-
sult obtained using the local search described in this
section. Figure 3(d) shows another result where the
edge classification described in Section 2.1 was not
utilized. These results show that even though the edge
classification can improve the performance, this com-
plex nonlinear optimization problem in Equation (5)
cannot be solved in any way directly using the sim-
ple heuristic described above. To solve Equation (5),
we can apply powerful deterministic annealing tech-
niques as we will see in the next section.
The output of the SUSAN edge detector ranges from
0 (non-edge) to 1 (edge). In Figure 4, each horizon-
tal bar in the graph represents the values of the SU-
SAN edge detector, n(x, y; I, t), for a fixed t, with re-
spect to variation of the gradient magnitude of pixel
at position (x, y). One can see that large t makes the
SUSAN edge detector less sensitive and thus makes
n(x, y; α∗ I, t) and n(x, y; (E − α) ∗ I, t ) in Equation
(5) more uniform over the xy-plane. Also, the lower
the space frequency of the input image I is, the more
uniform n(x, y; α∗ I, t) and n(x, y; (E − α) ∗ I, t ) will
become. In this way, the number of local minima
of the objective function (5) decreases monotonically
with increasing t and smoothed image I.
Based on the above observation, in our frame-
work, we solve Equation (5) using a pyramid struc-
ture and deterministic annealing (Geiger and Girosi,
1991; Urahama and Nagao, 1995; Ueda and Nakano,
1998). After building a multiresolution image pyra-
mid from the input image, we start decomposing the
low resolution image into two images. Until the high-
est resolution (original image), the solution is prop-
agated to the next higher resolution where it is used
as the initial estimate. At each resolution level, the
deterministic annealing is performed by initially set-
ting t to a sufficient large value and then gradually de-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 3: Importance of edge classification and annealing.
(a) Input image. (b) Ground truth images. (c) Without edge
classification and without annealing. (d) With edge classi-
fication and without annealing. (e) Without edge classifi-
cation and with annealing. (f) With edge classification and
with annealing.
creasing it after each iteration, as shown in Figure 5.
The whole procedure of our algorithm is described in
detail below.
1. Extract edges from the input image (I) and clas-
sify each edge to which layer it belongs (Sec-
tion 2.1).
2. Build a pyramid representation of the input image.
In this case, the multiresolution image pyramid
has multiple layers with the original image at the
bottom and compressed (lower spatial resolution)
images at the upper layers. A layer pixel has the
value averaged over the corresponding next lower
(higher spatial resolution) layer four pixels. In this
paper, we choose the number of pyramid layers as
3. Set the current layer to the top most layer and
initialize the separation coefficients (α) such that
α(x, y) = 0.5 for all (x, y) ∈ D.
4. Decompose the current layer image into two im-
ages. In this case, if the current layer is the top
most layer, the initial values of α are set as spec-
ified above, otherwise are set such that the esti-
mated value of α(x, y) of the next upper layer is
mapped to the corresponding four pixels of the
current layer, for all (x, y). Then, decompose the
current layer image according to the following an-
nealing procedure (steps (a) to (c)).