seventh is SVM on combined feature from MHI and
its histogram. The last one is the results SVM based
on Haar wavelet transform of MHI and histogram of
MHI. This last result achieves the best overall perfor-
mance of approximately 71% correct classification.
In this paper, we proposed a system for fast human ac-
tion recognition. Potential applications include secu-
rity systems, man-machine communication, and ubiq-
uitous vision systems. The proposed method does
not rely on accurate tracking as many other works
do, since many tracking algorithms incur a prohibitive
computational cost for the system. Our system is
based on simple features in order to achieve high-
speed recognition, particularly in real-time embedded
vision applications.
In comparison with local SVM methods by
Schuldt (Schuldt et al., 2004), our feature vector is
much easier to obtain because we don’t need to find
interest points in each frame. We also don’t need a
validation dataset for parameter tuning.
In comparison with Meng’s (Meng et al., 2006b)
(Meng et al., 2006a) methods, we use a Haar wavelet
transform and histogram methods to build a new fea-
ture vector from the MHI representation. This new
feature vector contains the important information of
the MHI and also has a lower dimension. Experimen-
tal results demonstrate that these techniques made a
significant improvement on the human action recog-
nition performance compared to other methods.
If the learning part of the system is conducted off-
line, this system has great potential for implementa-
tion in small, embedded computing devices, typically
FPGA or DSP based systems, which can be embedded
in the application and give real-time performance.
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