Ferran Espuny
Departament d’
Algebra i Geometria, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Self-calibration, generic camera, non-parametric sensor, optical flow.
In this paper we address the problem of self-calibrating a differentiable generic camera from two rotational
flows defined on an open set of the image. Such a camera model can be used for any central smooth imaging
system, and thus any given method for the generic model can be applied to many different vision systems.
We give a theoretical closed-form solution to the problem, proving that the ambiguity in the obtained solution
is metric (up to an orthogonal linear transformation). Based in the theoretical results, we contribute with an
algorithm to achieve metric self-calibration of any central generic camera using two optical flows observed in
(part of) the image, which correspond to two infinitesimal rotations of the camera.
The first proposed generic camera model consisted of
a finite set of pixels and imaging rays in a one-to-
one correspondence; its calibration-from-pattern was
already solved in a quite pleasant way (Sturm and
Ramalingam, 2004; Grossberg and Nayar, 2001), al-
though some questions remain open. This model can
be used for any vision system with little assumption,
in contrast with the classical approaches that impose
a parametric restriction to estimate a model (Hartley
and Zisserman, 2000).
In (Ramalingan et al., 2005) a first metric
self-calibration (calibration without scene o motion
knowledge) algorithm was presented from at least two
rotations and one translation of a generic central cam-
era, i.e. with a single effective viewpoint. The authors
explicitly admitted that the model should be changed
to a continuous one with infinitely many rays.
We consider the continuous (resp. differentiable)
generic central camera model to be described by a
continuous (resp. differentiable) bijective map ϕ be-
tween an sphere and the image plane. An image is
obtained by composing the central projection on the
sphere (the ideal central camera) with this warping
map from the sphere onto the image plane. Note that
ϕ gives us a one-to-one correspondence between im-
age points and projection rays, and thus our definition
is consistent with the discrete generic camera model.
The differentiable model was introduced in
er et al., 2005), where a closed-form formula
was given for the projective self-calibration (i.e. re-
covering ϕ up to projective ambiguity) from at least
three observed optical flows corresponding to three
infinitesimal rotations. In (Grossmann et al., 2006), a
first method for metric self-calibration from only two
rotational flows was given. The method gave a ex-
perimentally unique solution, which was shown to be
extremely sensitive to noise and even to fail with cer-
tain exact simulated flows.
We give a theoretical closed-form solution to the
problem of self-calibrating a differentiable generic
camera from two rotational flows defined on an open
set of the image. We also proof that the solution is
unique up to an orthogonal linear transformation. Our
main contribution is an algorithm to achieve metric
self-calibration of any central smooth imaging sys-
tem using two optical flows observed in (part of) the
image, which correspond to two linearly independent
rotations. We use simulated data to show that the
proposed method performs well with both exact and
noisy optical flows.