Sinan Kalkan
Bernstein Centre for Computational Neuroscience, Univ. of G
ottingen, Germany
Shi Yan, Florian Pilz
Medialogy Lab, Aalborg Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark
Norbert Kr
Cognitive Vision Group, Univ. of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Junction Detection, Junction Positioning, Junction Representation.
Every junction detector has a set of thresholds to make decisions about the junctionness of image points.
Low-contrast junctions may pass such thresholds and may not be detected. Lowering the thresholds to find
such junctions will lead to spurious junction detections at other image points. In this paper, we implement a
junction-regularity measure to improve localization of junctions, and we develop a method to create semantic
interpretations of arbitrary junction configurations at improved junction positions. We propose to utilize such
a semantic interpretation as a feedback mechanism to filter false-positive junctions. We show results of our
proposals on natural images using Harris and SUSAN operators as well as a continuous concept of intrinsic
Junctions are utilized in computer vision and image
processing for tasks that especially require finding
correspondences between different views of the same
scene, mainly due to their distinctiveness, seldomness
and stability.
Correct localization of junctions
is crucial be-
cause even small errors in localization lead to wrong
interpretations of the scene (Rohr, 1992). Neverthe-
less, it is shown in (Deriche and Giraudon, 1993;
Rohr, 1992) that energy-based junction detection
methods smooth out junctions and face the problem
of wrong localization.
Junctions also have the property of being inter-
pretable: i.e., you can construct a meaningful inter-
pretation about how the junction is formed, as pro-
posed in (Parida et al., 1998; Rohr, 1992). Such a se-
mantic interpretation (SI) can be utilized in rigid body
motion estimation, depth estimation, feature match-
ing etc. and should be more robust than a single junc-
In this paper, corners are considered to be a special case
of junctions, and the term ’corner’ is avoided.
tionness measure in identification of junctions and in
correspondence finding.
Junction detectors, no matter what the underlying
methods are, have to make a decision about the junc-
tionness of image points. The decision is made by a
set of automatically or manually set thresholds (on a
set of measures) that determine the sensitivity of the
algorithm to contrast (in most of the cases, a high
threshold means low sensitivity and vice versa). On
the other hand, a method that utilizes a junction de-
tector requires the detector to be complete: i.e., the
detector should be able to detect all the junctions that
represent the image.
The relation between sensitivity and completeness
presumably looks like as plotted in figure 1(a). In-
creasing the sensitivity increases not only the com-
pleteness of a detector
but also increases the amount
of false-positives, or ’spuriousness’, of the detector as
illustrated in figure 1(b). These observations suggest
that spuriousness and completeness are two compet-
Exact shape of this relation might be different in real
world; however, the authors claim that completeness should
be still an increasing function of sensitivity in any case.
Kalkan S., Yan S., Pilz F. and Krüger N. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IFP/IA, pages 264-271