there is always a dependency tree where one of the
nodes will be the ancestor of the other. So, the idea
now is to use a large number of trees (ideally all, but
they are too numerous), so that we increase the
chance of long-distance dependency between non-
neighbor nodes.
For each dependency tree, we can compute the
best state alignment, then use a majority vote to
select the most probable state for each block. This is
an approximation for the probability of being in this
state for this block during the generation of the
observation with an unknown random tree (a better
estimate could be obtained using the extended
Baum-Welch algorithm, but we have not
implemented this algorithm yet, so we just use the
Viterbi algorithm here). Figure 10 shows the video
obtained with this multiple tree labeling, using a set
of 50 randomly generated trees. As can be seen from
these results, the objects are much clearly defined in
this experiment, and most of the noise in the labeling
has disappeared.
Figure 10: Object tracking with smoothing over 50
random trees.
In this paper, we have proposed a new
approximation of multi-dimensional Hidden Markov
Model based on the idea of Dependency Tree. We
have focused on the definition and use of 3D
HMMs, a domain which has been very weakly
studied up to now, because of the exponential
growth of the required computations.
Our approximation leads to reasonable
computation complexity (linear with every
dimension). We have illustrated our approach on the
problem of video segmentation and tracking. We
have detailed the application of our model on a
concrete example. We have also shown that some
artifacts due to our simplifications can be greatly
reduced by the use of a larger number of dependency
In the future, we plan to explore other
possibilities of 3D HMMs, such as classification,
modeling, etc… on various types of video. Because
of the learning capabilities of HMMs, we believe
that this type of model may find a great range of
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