significant because of the subjectivity of the ground
truth. Nevertheless, in the case of a pronounced
color, the “jellyfish” video for instance, a real
improvement is stated.
We have presented our work in developing a generic
object tracker for fast video annotation based on
keypoint detection. The video annotation
environment imposes specific constraints on the
characteristics of the object tracking, and this lead us
to propose three contributions the tracking: an
ambient color adaptation mechanism, a matching
algorithm with a temporal use of the keypoints, and
a bounding box repositioning algorithm based on a
motion model. All these enhancements were
validated through an evaluation testbed composed
with video sequences including various difficulties.
But some flaws still remain, notably the fact that
errors propagate through the sequence. To overcome
this problem, we would like to label each points
“object” or “background”. These labels will further
be used, to enhance the bounding box repositioning
algorithm by maximising the number of “object”
points inside the bounding box and minimizing the
“background” ones. A probabilistic matching
algorithm using the point’s neighbourhood relations
is also being studied.
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