third picture B, we note the real improvement given
by our method. This picture has a large flat area that
is why our principle of correction is very suitable
(the correction would be better if we apply the
correction in the ideal case as we explain at the end
of the subsection 3.2.2). Then, the last picture C is
highly compressed but on small flat areas.
Consequently, the blocking artefact appears less
perceptible than on A1 or on B. We note that our
method is slightly better compared to traditional
methods, since the artificial structure of corrected
boundaries does not appear.
4.2 Objective Metrics
We analyse the results of our method with two
objective metrics. First, we use the traditional
PSNR. As the PSNR is a reference metric, we
compare the compressed and the two corrected
pictures to the original uncompressed picture.
Table1: PSNR resluts (dB).
Image Compressed
Our Method
A1 19,34 19,58 19,56
A2 19,34 21,11 21,12
B 20,17 20,28 20,28
C 24,09 24,47 24,46
Table 1 shows the benefit of the corrections with the
increase in PSNR values. Nevertheless, the PSNR
does not distinguish the two methods in term of
quality. This limitation is explained by the fact that
the PSNR is an algebraic measure for the quality of
the reconstruction of an image. In our case, a lot of
information has been lost during the compression
step and we try to obtain the reconstruction the more
pleasing for the human perception. In our case, the
PSNR is thus not well adapted.
Then, we confront the methods by using a no-
reference metric only focusing on the block
boundary visibility (Wang, 2002). This metric
ranges from 0 to 10 which are respectively the worst
and the best quality. As for the PSNR, the benefits
of the corrections appear in the results but this
metric does not distinguish the two methods either
(Table 2). We may infer that the Pan metric (Pan,
2004), which may be better adapted to our situation
thanks to its large block consideration, would give
scores for the compressed pictures that are better
correlated with the human perception. But this
metric will not distinguish the two methods either. In
fact, these methods measure the visibility of the
boundary on the initial grid position (every 8*8
pixels in most cases) that is why they are not able to
distinguish the improvement of our method. To give
an objective score of the visual improvement, we
have to use a metric able to localize all artificial
structures included the ghost boundaries.
Table 2: Wang metric results.
Image Original Compressed
A1 9,89
5,11 7,26 7,39
A2 9,89
7,82 8,32 8,38
B 9,67
5,14 7,54 7,59
C 10,13
4,48 8,11 8,21
We propose an algorithm able to improve the
deblocking correction on flat areas. The new
principle of our method is to use the maximum
number of available pixels to correct a perceptible
boundary. Using this method, we improve the
gradation between different grey levels without
introduce ghost boundaries. We focus our study only
on this artefact because it is very annoying for the
eye and experienced as the major principle limitation
of all traditional deblocking corrections. Our
algorithm is a low-cost one, thanks to the facts that
it is a one pass algorithm and that calculations used
to detect and correct the boundaries are very simple.
Visual results show the real improvement of our
algorithm on pictures containing flat areas and the
benefits of a large block correction for high
compression rates. Moreover, this principle can be
very favourable for future implementation where
more than 8 bits would be used for the coding of the
pixel component values. Finally, even if the visual
results show that our method gives results more
pleasing for the eye, we underline the difficulty to
characterize this perceptual improvement with
currently available objective metrics. These metrics
are not very well correlated with the human
perception because they do not take into account
other artificial structure such as ghost boundaries
which are also annoying for the human eye. Further
experiments are currently in progress to include this
new characteristic in an objective metric and to
correlate the results with subjective tests.
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VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications