Sanaa El Fkihi
, Mohamed Daoudi
GET/TELECOM Lille1, LIFL (UMR USTL-CNRS 8022), Cit´e Scientifique - Rue Guglielmo Marconi , Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Driss Aboutajdine
LRIT Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
Optimal spanning tree, dependency tree, mixture of trees, skin detection, classification, probability graphical
models, tree distributions.
In this paper we develop a new skin detection algorithm for learning in color images. Our contribution is based
on the Optimal Spanning Tree distributions that are widely used in many optimization areas. Thus, by making
some assumptions we propose the mixture of the Optimal Spanning Trees to approximate the true Skin (or
Non-Skin) class probability in a supervised algorithm.
The theoretical proof of the Optimal Spanning Trees’ mixture is drawn. Furthermore, the performance of our
method is assessed on the Compaq database by measuring the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve and its
under area. These measures have proved better results of the proposed model compared with the results of a
random Optimal Spanning Tree model and the baseline one.
Tree distributions are well-known machine learning
solutions to deal with probability estimation problem.
(Chow and Liu, 1968) supplied an heuristic to find
maximum likelihood Markov Trees called Optimal
Dependency Trees or Optimal Spanning Trees. The
heuristic problem aimed to provide an efficient al-
gorithm to find a maximum-weight spanning tree
(MWST) proved to be the optimal one in the sense
of Maximum Likelihood criterion. Since then, many
methods based on that work have been extended: the
polytrees (Pearl, 1988); the mixtures of trees with ob-
served structure variable (Geiger, 1992); the mixture
of Tree-Union (Torsello and Hancock, 2006).
In addition, the authors of (Meila and Jordan, 2000)
proposeda mixture of trees with hidden structurevari-
able. When the variable is a class label, the mixture
model is the bayesian network. Otherwise, the class
variable is considered as the training data in an unsu-
pervised algorithm used to learn the mixed trees.
The MWST has applications in many optimiza-
tion areas. However, this tree is not usually unique.
Indeed, considering a graph with identically weighted
edges, all spanning trees are MWSTs. Consequently,
different tree probability distributions can approxi-
mate on the best way the true probability distribution.
In many domains what is required is not necessarily
the best spanning tree, but rather a ’perfect’ one with
some other properties that may be difficult to quan-
tify. So, what could be the ’perfect’ spanning tree in
the skin detection application?
Research has been performed on the detection of
human skin pixels in color images by the use of var-
ious statistical color models (Jedynak et al., 2005),
such Gaussian mixture and histograms (Jones and
Rehg, 1999). The comparison results of these lat-
ters, estimated with EM algorithm, found that the
histogram model is slightly superior in terms of skin
classification for the standard 24-bit RGB color space.
Moreover, in addition to the semi-supervised ap-
proach for learning the structure of Bayesian network
classifiers based on an Optimal Spanning Tree (Sebe
et al., 2004), the Best-Tree distribution algorithm ap-
proximating the skin and non skin probability distrib-
utions has been also proposed (ElFkihi et al., 2006).
Since quantifying other ’perfect’ Skin (or Non-
Skin) tree properties is unobvious, our aim is to pro-
vide a learning algorithm for skin/non-skin classi-
fication, seeking a spanning tree which emphasizes