Stylianos Asteriadis, Nikolaos Nikolaidis, Ioannis Pitas
Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Box 451 Thessaloniki, GR-54124, Greece
Montse Pardas
Dept. Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Universitat Polit´ecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Facial features detection, distance map, ellipse fitting.
In this paper, a novel method for eye and mouth detection and eye center and mouth corner localization, based
on geometrical information is presented. First, a face detector is applied to detect the facial region, and the
edge map of this region is extracted. A vector pointing to the closest edge pixel is then assigned to every
pixel. x and y components of these vectors are used to detect the eyes and mouth. For eye center localization,
intensity information is used, after removing unwanted effects, such as light reflections. For the detection
of the mouth corners, the hue channel of the lip area is used. The proposed method can work efficiently on
low-resolution images and has been tested on the XM2VTS database with very good results.
In recent bibliography, numerous papers have been
published in the area of facial feature localization,
since this task is essential for a number of important
applications like face recognition, human-computer
interaction, facial expression recognition, surveil-
lance, etc.
In (Cristinacce et al., 2004) a multi-stage approach
is used to locate features on a face. First, the face is
detected using the boosted cascaded classifier algo-
rithm by Viola and Jones (Viola and Jones, 2001).
The same classifier is trained using facial feature
patches to detect facial features. A novel shape con-
straint, the Pairwise Reinforcement of Feature Re-
sponses (PRFR) is used to improve the localization
accuracy of the detected features. In (Jesorsky et al.,
2001) a three stage technique is used for eye center lo-
calization. The Hausdorff distance between edges of
the image and an edge model of the face is used to de-
tect the face area. At the second stage, the Hausdorff
distance between the image edges and a more refined
model of the area around the eyes is used for more
accurate localization of the upper area of the head.
Finally, a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) is used for
finding the exact pupil locations. In (Zhou and Geng,
2004) the authors use Generalized Projection Func-
tions (GPF) to locate the eye centers in an eye area
found using the algorithm proposed in (Wu and Zhou,
2003). The type of functions used here are a linear
combination of functions which consider the mean of
intensities and functions which consider the intensity
variance along rows and columns.
A technique for eyes and mouth detection and
eyes center and mouth corners localization is pro-
posed in this paper. After accurate face detection us-
ing an ellipse fitting algorithm (Salerno et al., 2004),
the detected face is normalized to certain dimensions
and a vector field is created by assigning to each
pixel a vector pointing to the closest edge. The eyes
and mouth regions are detected by finding regions in-
side the face, whose vector fields resemble the vector
fields of eye and mouth templates extracted from sam-
ple eye and lip images. Intensity and color informa-
tion is then used within the detected eye and mouth
regions in order to accurately localize the eye cen-
ters and the mouth corners. Our technique has been
tested on the XM2VTS database with very promising
results. Comparisons with other state of the art meth-
ods verify that out method achieves superior perfor-
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section
2 describes the steps followed to detect a face in an
image. In section 3 the method used to locate eye
Asteriadis S., Nikolaidis N., Pitas I. and Pardas M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IU/MTSV, pages 247-252
and mouth areas on a face image is described. Sec-
tion 4 details the steps used to localize the eye centers
and the mouth corners. Section 5 describes the ex-
perimental evaluation procedure (database, distance
metrics, etc). In section 6 results on eye and mouth
detection are presented, and the proposed method is
compared to other approaches in the literature. Con-
clusions follow.
Prior to eye and mouth region detection, face detec-
tion is applied on the face images. The face is de-
tected using the Boosted Cascade method, described
in (Viola and Jones, 2001). The output of this method
is usually the face region with some background. Fur-
thermore, the position of the face is often not centered
in the detected sub-image, as it is shown in the first
row of Figure 1. Since the detection of the eyes and
mouth will be done on detected face regions of a pre-
defined size, it is very important to have a very ac-
curate face detection. Consequently, a technique to
postprocess the results of the face detector is used.
More specifically, a technique that compares the
shape of a face with that of an ellipse is used. This
technique is based on the work reported in (Salerno
et al., 2004). According to this technique, the distance
map of the face area found at the first step is extracted.
Here, the distance map is calculated from the binary
edge map of the area. An ellipsis scans the distance
map and a score that is the average of all distance map
values on the ellipse contour e, is evaluated.
score =
D(x, y) (1)
where D is the distance map of the region found by the
Boosted Cascade algorithm and |e| denotes the num-
ber of the pixels covered by the ellipse contour.
This score is calculated for various scale and
shape transformations of the ellipse. The transforma-
tion which gives the best score is considered as the
one that corresponds to the ellipse that best describes
the exact face contour.
The right and left boundaries of the ellipse are
considered as the new lateral boundaries of the face
region. Examples of the ellipse fitting procedure are
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Face detection refinement procedure.
3.1 Eye Region Detection
The proposed eye region detection method can be out-
lined as follows: The face area found is scaled to
150x105 pixels and the Canny edge detector is ap-
plied. Then, for each pixel, the vector that points to
the closest edge pixel is calculated. The x and y com-
ponents of each vector are assigned to the correspond-
ing pixel. Thus, instead of the intensity values of each
pixel, we generate and use in the proposed algorithm
a vector field whose dimensions are equal to those of
the image, and where each pixel is characterized by
the vector described above. This vector encodes for
each pixel, information regarding its geometric rela-
tion with neighboring edges, and thus is relatively in-
sensitive to intensity variations or poor lighting condi-
tions. The vector field can be represented as two maps
(images) representing the horizontal and vertical vec-
tor components for each pixel. Figure 2(a) depicts the
detected face in an image, Figures 2(b) 2(c), show the
horizontal and vertical component maps of the vector
field of the detected face area, respectively.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: (a) Detected face (b) horizontal coordinates of
vector field (c) vertical coordinates of vector field.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) Mean vertical component map of right eye (b)
mean horizontal component map of right eye.
In order to detect the eye areas, regions R
size NxM within the detected face are examined and
the corresponding vector fields are compared with the
mean vector fields extracted from a set of right or left
eye images (Figure 3).
The similarity between an image region and the
templates is evaluated by using the following distance
k (2)
where k · k denotes the L
norm. Essentially for a
NxM region R
the previous formula is the sum of
the euclidean distances between vectors v
of the can-
didate region and the corresponding m
of the mean
vector field of the eye we are searching for (right or
left). The candidate region on the face that minimizes
is marked as the region of the left or right eye.
3.2 Mouth Region Detection
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4: (a) Sample mouth region image, (b) mean vertical
component map of the mouth region, (c) mean horizontal
component map.
The mouth region was detected using a procedure
similar to the one used for eye detection. The vec-
tor field of various candidate regions was compared
to a mean mouth vector field. For the extraction of
this mean vector map, mouth images, scaled to the
same dimensions N
, were used. An example of
a mouth image, used for the calculation of the mean
vector field and the mean horizontal and vertical com-
ponent maps, can be seen in Figure 4(a). However,
since lip and skin color are, in many cases, similar
and since beard (when existent) might occlude or dis-
tort the lips shape, lips localization is more difficult.
For this reason, an additional factor is included in eq.
2. This factor is the inverse of the number of edge
pixels of the horizontal edge map evaluated within the
candidate mouth area. This term was added because,
due to the elongated shape of the lips, the correspond-
ing area is characterized by a large concentration of
horizontal edges. Thus, this factor helps at discrim-
inating between mouth/non-mouth regions. The ad-
ditional factor is weighted so that its mean value in
the search zone is equal to the mean value of the E
distance of the candidate mouth areas from the mean
vector coordinate maps. Based on the above, the dis-
tance measure used in mouth region detection is the
k +
, (3)
where I
is the horizontal binary edge
value for pixel i of candidate region R
. More specif-
ically, I
is one if pixel i is an edge pixel
and zero otherwise.
After eye and mouth areas detection, the eye centers
and mouth corners are localized within the found ar-
eas using the procedures described in the following
4.1 Eye Center Localization
The eye area found using the procedure described in
section 3 is scaled back to the dimensions N
had in the initial image. Moreover, before eye center
localization, a pre-processing step is applied. Since
reflections (highlights), that affect the results in a neg-
ative way, frequently appear on the eye, a reflection
removal step is implemented. This proceeds as fol-
lows: The eye area is first converted into a binary im-
age through thresholdingusing the threshold selection
method proposed in (Otsu, 1979). Subsequently, all
the small white connected components of the result-
ing binary eye image are considered as highlight areas
and the intensities of the pixels in the grayscale image
that correspond to these areas are substituted by the
average luminance of their surrounding pixels. The
result is an eye area with most highlights removed.
The eye center localization is performed in three
steps, each step refining the results obtained in the
previous one. By inspecting the eye images used for
the extraction of the mean vector maps, one can ob-
serve that the eyes reside at the lower central part of
the detected eye area. Thus, the eye center is searched
within an area that covers the lower 60% of the eye
region and excludes the right and left parts of this re-
gion. The information in this area comes from the eye
itself and not from the eyebrow or the eyeglasses.
Since, at the actual eye center position, there is
significant luminance variation along the horizontal
and vertical axes, the images D
(x, y) and D
(x, y) of
the absolute discrete intensity derivatives along the
horizontal and vertical directions are evaluated:
(x, y) = |I(x,y) I(x 1,y)| (4)
(x, y) = |I(x,y) I(x, y 1)| (5)
The contents of the horizontalderivativeimage are
subsequently projected on the vertical axis and the
contents of the vertical derivative image are projected
on the horizontal axis. The 4 vertical and 4 horizontal
lines, corresponding to the 4 largest vertical and hori-
zontal projections(i.e., the lines crossing the strongest
edges) are selected. The point whose x and y coordi-
nates are the medians of the coordinates of the vertical
and horizontal lines respectively, defines an initial es-
timate of the eye center (Figure 5(a)).
Using the fact that the eye center is in the mid-
dle of the largest dark area in the region, the previous
result can be further refined: The darkest column (de-
fined as the column with the lowest sum of pixel in-
tensities) of a 0.4N
pixels high and 0.15M
wide area around the initial estimate is found and its
position is used to define the horizontal coordinate of
the refined eye center. In a similar way, the darkest
row in a 0.15N
area around the initial esti-
mate is used to locate the vertical position of the eye
center (Figure 5(b)).
For even more refined results, in a 0.4N
area around the point found at the previous step, the
darkest 0.25N
region is searched for, and
the eye center is considered to be located in the middle
of this region. This point gives the final estimate of
the eye center, as can be seen in figure 5(c).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5: (a)Initial estimate of eye center (b) estimate after
first refinement, (c) final eye center localization.
4.2 Mouth Corner Localization
For mouth corner localization, the hue component of
mouth regions can be exploited, since the hue values
of the lips are distinct from those of the surrounding
area. More specifically, the lip color is reddish and,
thus, its hue values are concentrated around 0
. In or-
der to detect the mouth corners, the pixels of the hue
component are classified into two classes through bi-
narization (Otsu, 1979). The class whose mean value
is closer to 0
is declared as the lip class. Small com-
ponents assigned to the lip class (while they are not
lip parts) are discarded using a procedure similar to
the light reflection removal procedure.
Afterwards, the actual mouth corner localization
is performed by scanning the binary image and look-
ing for the rightmost and leftmost pixels belonging to
the lip class.
The proposed method has been tested on the
XM2VTS database (Messer et al., 1999), which has
been used in many facial feature detection papers.
This database contains 1180 face and shoulders im-
ages. All images were taken under controlled lighting
conditions and the background is uniform. The data-
base contains ground truth data for eye centers and
mouth corners.
Out of a total of 1180 images, only 3 faces failed
to be detected. In cases of more than one candidate
face regions in an image, the smallest sum of the dis-
tance metric (eq. 2) for the left and right eye and the
distance metric (eq. 3) for the detected mouth was
retained, in order for false alarms to be rejected.
For eye region detection, success or failure was
declared depending on whether the ground truth for
both eye centers was in the found eye regions. Mouth
region detection was considered successful if both
ground truth mouth corners were inside the region
found. For the eye center and mouth corner local-
ization, the correct detection rates were calculated
through the following criterion, introduced in (Je-
sorsky et al., 2001):
, d
< T (6)
In the previous formula, d
and d
are the dis-
tances between the eye centers or mouth corners
ground truth and the eye centers or mouth corners
found by the algorithm, and s is the distance between
the two ground truth eye centers or the distance be-
tween the mouth corners. A successful detection is
declared whenever m
is lower than threshold T.
Two types of results were obtained on the images de-
scribed above: results regardingeye/lips region detec-
tion and results on eye center/mouth corner localiza-
tion. All the results take into account the results of the
face detection step and are described in the following
6.1 Eye Detection and Eye Center
Correct eye region detection percentages are listed in
the column of Table 1 denoted as ”Eye regions”. It is
obvious that the detection rates are very good both for
people not wearing eyeglasses and those who do.
The column labelled ”Eye Centers” in the same
Table present correct eye center localization results
for threshold value T=0.25.
Furthermore, the success rates for various values
of the threshold T, for the whole database are depicted
in Figure 6. From the figure it can be observed that,
even for very small thresholds T (i.e. for very strict
criteria), success rates remain very high. For exam-
ple, the maximum distance of the detected eye centers
from the real ones does not exceed 5% (T=0.05) of
the inter-ocular distance in 93.5% of the cases, which
means that the algorithm can detect eye centers very
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Threshold T
% success
Figure 6: Eye center localization for various thresholds T.
6.2 Mouth Detection and Mouth Corner
The mouth was correctly detected in 98.05% of the
cases. The mouth corner localization success rates for
T=0.25 is 97.6%. Figure 7 shows the success rates of
mouth corner localization for various T. It is obvious
that the method has very good performance in detect-
ing the mouth and localizing its corners.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Threshold T
% success
Figure 7: Mouth corner localization for various thresholds
T for the entire database.
6.3 Comparison with Other Methods
The method has been compared with other existing
methods, that were tested by the corresponding au-
thors on the same database for the eye center localiza-
tion task. Unfortunately, no mouth corner detection
method tested on the XM2VTS database was found.
For T=0.25 our method achieves an overall detection
rate of 99.3%, while Jesorsky et al in (Jesorsky et al.,
2001) achieve 98.4%. The superiority of the proposed
method is much more prominent for stricter criteria,
i.e. for smaller values of the threshold T: For T=0.1,
both (Jesorsky et al., 2001) and (Cristinacce et al.,
2004) achieve a success rate of 93%, while the pro-
posed method localizes the eye centers successfully
in 98.4% of the cases. Some results of the proposed
method can be seen in Figure 8.
A novel method for facial feature detection and lo-
calization was proposed in this paper. The method
utilizes the vector field that is formed by assigning to
each pixel a vector pointing to the closest edge, en-
coding, in this way, the geometry of such regions,
in order to detect eye and mouth areas. Luminance
and chromatic information were exploited for accu-
rate localization of characteristic points, namely the
eye centers and mouth corners. The method proved
to give very accurate results, failing only at extreme
This work has been partially supported by the FP6
European Union Network of Excellence MUSCLE
Table 1: Results on the XM2VTS database.
Eye Regions Eye Centers for T=0.25
People without glasses 99.2% 99.6%
People with glasses 98.2% 98.7%
Total 98.85% 99.3%
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 8: Some successfully (a)-(d) and some erroneously
(e),(f) detected facial features.
”Multimedia Understanding Through Semantic Com-
putation and Learning” (FP6-507752).
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G. (1999). Xm2vtsdb: The extended m2vts database.
In 2nd International Conference on Audio and Video-
based Biometric Person Authentication, 72-77.
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