Table 2: Mean frame rates achieved for the MCT and FPCT
individually, and for our fusion filter updated from one or
the other cue.
frame rate [Hz]
MCT 26.9
FPCT (1000 particles) 19.1
Fusion (update with MC) 23.8
Fusion (update with FPC) 17.9
We have presented a combination of video trackers
within a particle filter framework. The filter uses two
cues provided by a marker-based approach and a fea-
ture point-based one. The motion model is adapted
online according to the distance between past esti-
Experiments show that the proposed combination
produces a synergy. The system tolerates occlusions
and changes of illumination. Independent adaptive
tuning for the model of each DoF demonstrates su-
perior performance in front of manoeuvres.
In our future research, we will focus on extending
the FPC to feature points beyond the four corners of
the marker and enhancing their viewpoint sensibility.
The first author is supported by the Swiss National
Science Foundation (grant number 200021-113827),
and by the European Networks of Excellence K-
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VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications