calculation of every possible hypothesis. Due to the
exploring of a high-dimensional joint state space, this
method is computational intensive. Another strategy
for multiple target tracking association is the Prob-
ability Data Association Filter (PDAF) (Rasmussen
and Hager, 2001), that assigns an association proba-
bility to each measurement and uses these probabili-
ties to weight the measurements for track update. The
original PDAF formulation has some limitations: it
assumes that all measurements come from the track
being updated, that is not true in case of dense tar-
get conditions. The Joint Probability Data Associa-
tion (JPDA) (Fortmann et al., 1983) uses a weighted
sum of all measurements near the predicted state, each
weight corresponding to the posterior probability for
a measurement to come from a target. JPDAF pro-
vides an optimal data solution in the Bayesian frame-
work. However, the number of possible hypothesis
increases rapidly with the number of targets, requir-
ing prohibitive amount of time calculating.
Generally, an effective data association method is
based on prior information and observation category.
If we have a lack of prior information, that can hap-
pen when the observer has no information concern-
ing the system, the association task becomes difficult.
Such cases can occur when the observed system is de-
formable, moreover, when we observe, with minor in-
formation about the movement, multiple objects that
are quite similar even non distinguishable. It can be
more complicated if we have a considerable interval
of time between observations and if the observer has
no prior information about object’s motion. Likewise,
if we only observe target positions, we can face a mea-
surement that is equidistant from several targets: all
target association probabilities are relatively the same
and it is difficult to associate the good measurement
with the good target. As far as, no association method
can handle all the cases illustrated previously.
In this paper, we propose a novel method for data
association based on the minimization of an energy
magnitude k
Ek and adapted to the circumstances de-
scribed previously. This energy, inspired from tar-
get motion, measures the geometric accuracy between
features and associates the measurement y (given by
sensor) with the target k if k(
k is minimized. The
main advantages of this energy are followed. It does
not require parameters or prior knowledge and is not
a time-consumer. Exclusively one information about
targets is used: positions. Besides, it can handle
the problem of association when a measurement falls
within the validation region for several targets and is
equidistant from them.
The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section 2,
we expose our energy minimization approach, de-
rive its geometrical representation and its mathemat-
ical model. The proposed method is then evaluated
and tested on several sequences in Section 3. Finally,
concluding remarks and perspective are given in Sec-
tion 4.
We first need to define some terms that will be often
used in this paper. We dispose a video sequence de-
scribing a dynamical scene. It is observed by a set
of sensors. Each observation contains at least one
measurement: a position. The number of available
measurements can differ from one observation to an-
other. Each measurement can be associated with a
specific object in the scene (i.e. target), or can be
a false alarm. At a specific time t, observations are
assumed to be available from N
sensors. The set
of observations coming from all sensors is given by
y = (y
), where y
= (y
) is the vector
containing the M
measurements coming from the i
sensor, also called observation. We suppose that each
sensor can generate at most one observation, contain-
ing at least one measurement at a particular time step
and that the number of measurements delivered by
the sensors varies with time. When an observation
is available, our goal is to associate a maximum one
measurement per target. The total number of targets
is K.
2.1 Energy Minimization Modelling
Generally, an effective data association method is
based on measurement category. When the measure-
ment is limited to a position, and falls inside the vali-
dation region of several targets and is equidistant from
them (see Figure 1.a), it will be associated with all
these targets if we use the NNSF or Monte Carlo
JPDAF approaches. As well as, in multiple target
tracking, feature targets can be quite similar. Accord-
ingly, even if information about their color distribu-
tion or shape is available, the association task is diffi-
cult under such assumptions or impossible in case of
complex dynamics.
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for data as-
sociation restricted to one category of measurement:
the position. Furthermore, we affirm the total lack of
prior information concerning targets: exclusively the
two anterior predicted positions are used. We will first
give the concept of our approach before starting its