• Geometric attacks: The geometric attacks consid-
ered are the rotation and translation. The nor-
malization step which was initially utilized en-
sures invariance under this kind of attacks and the
percentage of correct watermark detections was
• Cropping: The low level Krawtchouk moments
capture information mainly for a neighborhood
of the 3D volume located around the point
N, p
M, p
L). The higher the order of the poly-
nomials the greater the area. The watermark has
been embedded in the center of the volume, thus,
any cropping attempt that does not affect the wa-
termarked area, does not affect the watermark de-
tection. If the center area of the 3D volume is
removed, the object is not useful.
Figure 3: Slice of the initial 3D volume (top) and the corre-
sponding watermarked slice (bottom).
The proposed algorithm was also tested for its per-
formance for different lengths of the watermark and
was compared to with a similar watermarking ap-
proach based on the Fourier Transform. The same
watermark is embedded both on the Euclidean norm
of middle frequency Fourier coefficients and the low
order Weighted 3D Krawtchouk moments. Figure 4
depicts the performance of the two methods in terms
of PSNR versus watermark length. The experimen-
tal results prove that the proposed Krawtchouk wa-
termarking scheme can achieve more imperceptible
results than the Fourier Transform for the same wa-
termark bit length.
Figure 4: PSNR values for different watermark length.
In this paper, a novel blind method for 3D volume
watermarking was presented. The 3D volume is nor-
malized in terms of rotation and translation in order
to achieve robustness against these geometric trans-
formations. Then, the Weighted 3D Krawtchouk mo-
ments of the 3D volume are extracted and the water-
mark, which is created by a random number generator
having as seed the user’s private key, is embedded on
low order coefficients which capture local informa-
tion around the 3D volume’s mass center of the vol-
ume. For watermark detection, only the owner’s key
is needed, and a decision is made. The experimen-
tal results proved that the method is imperceptible to
the final user and robust against geometric transfor-
mations and cropping.
This work was supported by the VICTORY and
CATER EC IST projects and by the PENED Greek
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