Figure 1: Visual example of results; a crop from the LIVER
gel: the segmented image is superimposed over the orig-
inal and annotated image with different degree of blend-
ing: from the original image to 22%. blended image, 46%
blended image and the segmented image.
us such they help the user to focus on important parts
of the gel.
A lot of work is still in front of us: the use of col-
lected information for automatic elimination of spot
hypotheses, for addressing over-segmentation prob-
lems and for establishing the hypotheses for trains of
spots, the use of other shape constraints to redefine
the spot boundaries, addressing the shoulder prob-
lem, identification and regrowing of overlapped spots
(to their actual size) and/or manual editing or interac-
tive refinement (adding, deleting, merging, splitting)
of results etc.
Special thanks go to Victor Segura, Enrique Santa-
mar´ıa and Fernando J. Corrales for valuable discus-
sions about the 2-DE, the spot detector and its appli-
cation. We would also like to express our gratitude to
Christine Hoogland for valuable discussions about the
ExPASy (expert protein analysis system) proteomics
server, SWISS-2DPAGE and Melanie software.
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